
Within Two Souls and Memories

He had his first love... Not knowing in his entire existence that this thing called love would come by his days. Now it's happening again and he's afraid of losing his beloved for good... Ivihish is new in the city of Vehraj and after meeting some people and enjoying the difference in culture, he finds Anubis, an Aox, whose path is connected and entangled to Ivihish's life.

NiliumVeil · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - Tyranny

Age Figzulan, 428; Rem - 04


This continent, with the name recently given, trough much thought and discussion among the nobles. Nobles whose thoughts were of immeasurable fortune and a new beginning, their pleasure in ruling and being superior brought them here, but... Those thoughts were mere child's fantasies.

When coming at first, they immediately brought everything to suit themselves inside the territory, tents well built to their warmth and well being, also weapons and guards their safety.

Lots of food and water so they would not thirst and starve, with this and their own presences they came.

What about work...? Bringing only themselves would be tiresome for one or two to built structures for living, so... They brought slaves, be them their people, their citizens whose lives were connected to the owners of their lands, or simply, mere slaves that had no money and perspectives for live, being capable of only surviving.

They would have little to drink and to eat, as all the food was in the hands of the powerful nobles. Their tents would also be the worst possible, big ones that would fit a huge amount of people squeezed inside, with only a cover under them, because of the sand, and above them, because of the rain.

Although this seems like a conquer and accomplishment to these nobles, their dreams were shattered as they brought one more person...

They brought...?


They thought this person had come with them.

. . .

"Keep up the work otherwise there will be no water"

As this person walked trough the desert, people lowered their heads, in respect you may think, but it was actually in fear.

This person, with blonde long hair with brown roots and some highlights, also in the same color. With white clothes and her skin slightly tanned, walking barefoot even though the sand is burning underneath and the sun is excruciating for both the people and the animals living in there.

But that person did not sweat, not even a little bit. It wasn't tired either, but rather angry and full of live.

"Y-yes, dear goddess"

As everyone said that, she glanced at them, a sharp and menacing glance which made them shiver.

"Y-yes, dear Aox"

"That's better, now work"

They all returned to their functions, though lots of them did not like doing it, they had no choice but obay.

The ones whose disgust was felt trough their skins and looks at the Aox, were felt and they received another glance.

Those, were the previous nobles, and now are mere slaves commanded and under a grater being, that can crush then just in sight.

The burning sun, burning even more as she kept staring at them. As time passes, they could feel their insides burning and melting, their grunting sounds of pain did not affect her at all. Thus, they almost burned to death.

"Keep glancing at the one who owns your lives, food and freedom this way... — she smirks — and you will have no life ahead of you"

She keeps walking through the desert supervising their work as she finishes punishing those men. They, on the other side, faint because of how dehydrated they are, just those few seconds under an agonizing sun made them feel more dispair than ever.

As she walked through the structures of the recently built and the ones in construction, the pyramids, she felt an immeasurable accomplishment, of being able to control those powerful workers.

There were at least four that had been built, but no houses for the workers nor it seemed it will have in the near future.

As she walked lost in this beautiful sight, one of the workers approach her direction, with his daughter in arms.

"Oh sun Aox, I beg your pardon for interrupting your walk... But please... please..."

The worker turns his head to the side as he coughs twice, coughing blood in the middle of his catching of breath.

"Yes.. I'm waiting, as patient as I can be"

She crosses her arms and looks to the sky.

The sun starts to burn less and less, till it seems like plain light.

"Bless my daughter please... She has much to live for... Just a mere child that was unfortunate to exist... under my care..."

He coughs again.

More and more blood dripping from his mouth, he places her down in the sand as he looses balance and falls on his knees, supporting her back with his arm.


She sighs.

"I suppose I can do this much for one of my citizens, also — a smile takes place in her expression, a smile that would be innocent if it wasn't for the look on the Aox's eyes — she can be very useful in the near future"

The man just stares at her, without expressing anything but relief, thanking her down in his thoughts for at least allow his daughter to live.

She grabs her clothes and adjust them, sitting down in the sand to be closer and heal the girl.

When she looks at her condition, she sees that despite being dehydrated, the young kid had purple spots through her skin.

This made the Aox confused a little, she hadn't seen anything of the likes, so she decided to ask the man some questions.

Which wasn't the best decision, at a glance she stopped herself from talking and stared at a bandage.

A tattoo of a scorpion almost not seen underneath. The bandage was there probably to cover it.

To hide it.

Because a scorpion tattoo... Is the symbol of another Aox, which she wasn't in good terms with.

"Where did you receive that"

She looked at the man, a fierce stare that surpassed everything, direct in his soul.

He looked confused and looked into the direction of her staring.

"Dear... Dear Aox, I beg you... — He places his hand in front of his mouth and coughs again — This... This is to cover a mere scar..."

He looked scared, but not because of a lie, but because of who had asked about this tattoo.

She saw the truth in his soul and began to calm herself "If I see this tattoo not well covered again, I'm going to rip your skin out, for it to never be seen"

He lowered his head "Thank... Thank you dear Aox, I shall... do as.. you command"

She looked at the daughter again, more carefully, not only to her disease, but to her as a whole being.

She saw she had tanned skin and some burns, but she seemed quite beautiful, her hair was dark brown, with eyelashes slightly longer than most, if she has proper care maybe she can become a beauty in the future.

"You said that she was unfortunate to be under your care, correct?" She looks at him, and he seems not to understand what she's asking him.

"Y-yes Aox, it is what I said to you"

She grabs the child in her arms, with somewhat of a caring touch and her voice lighten a bit "Then I suppose... I should be the one taking care of this little kid"

The man looks at the Aox with disbelief - but how can this be...? The tyranny of this ruthless Aox ceased? No... -

"Ruler of this ignorant one... please enlighten me, why do you wish to take this child?"

Looking down at the girl and then back at the father "Are you doubting my decision?"

In fear of angering the strong, he lowers his head into the sand "I would never... It was mere curiosity of a slave"

"Then a slave should be capable of keeping his mouth shut and his curiosity only in mind" As she finish talking, she walks away, with this child in her arms, embracing this little body that may be on the verge of death.

. . .

Age Ilura, 1763; Xi - 12.

Vehraj city.

Morning came, the sun burning in the sky and its light entering the hotel room.

As it reached his eyes, Ivihish started waking up and getting ready to go straight to the streets.

While washing himself, his thoughts were filled with joy, of going again into those busy streets, that are filled with colors and emotion.

But... When getting there, rumors filled every corner, with fear and panic in the eyes of most, of the ones whose lives were stagnant in this place.

- Just what happened... Yesterday was so full of people, and now... Fear.. - He circled the street to hear and figure it out what happened.

"Have you heard? Somebody died yesterday"

"A death? Where? How?"

"Somebody? Yesterday at the back city? How vile"

"The back city is no place to walk alone, the woman should have known better"

After hearing the whispers, he collected his person to a restaurant, which was open due to the foreigners that still were in town.

He entered and sat at a table close to the window, looking outside and hoping to see color fill this place again with happiness.

"May I take your order?"

He heard a familiar voice and in a language he could understand, looking to the person, he saw a familiar face.

The lady from yesterday, looking the same and not shaken with the occurrence.

"Anything to order? Or are you gonna' keep staring?" She raises an eyebrow, the same sharp look in her eyes.

"Sorry, but we met yesterday.. so I couldn't avoid but stare at a familiar face" He raises his hand, palm open directly to her and smile briefly in embarrassment.

"Oh! The new face!" She looks at him more carefully.

"I remember you, the scared bunny walking through the city streets"

"Please refrain from saying this... I am no bunny" He looks at her as if extremely offended.

"Anyway, want something to drink? I have to do my job"

He select something from the menu and then stares at her again.

She gives the order to the man at the balcony and not long after, comes back and sit in front of him.

"You're staring again, people may think I have left you standing or something"

"I am thinking again, didn't you worked with the older that sold me those sweets?"

"That candy is just change for me, the real deal is this place, my family's dinner" she lookes around as she says this, looking at the walls, at the pictures in frames that have been well preserved. Probably with preservation magic.

He looks at the same places and sees the pictures, not totally because they are too far to actually see what the content is. But he feels the sensation of this environment, and it feels like home.

"This place... It sure gives the vibes of a cozy and comfortable place"

She looks at Ivihish "You're right, at least your senses don't fool you. Some, in other hand, want to close this place..." She stares down at her hands and the rings in it, shining gracefully, but not engulfing her beauty.

"Well,now that someone died, this will be the last thing in their minds"

She looks at him again and starts laughing, restraining herself to not call too much attention "yeah... maybe you're right"

A group, in another table turns their attention to the two, probably hearing their conversation with no shame od being figured out.

"Joking with the death, you have guts boy"

"Yeah, not that you're wrong, who would pay attention to this shabby old place?!"

The others at their table start to laugh, laughing as hard and as loud as they can, filling the entire environment with their voices, hoarse because of the drink. The two that talked were quiet, staring if the girl and Ivihish will actually say something against their claims.

"This place isn't as shabby as your old body, you know how to talk but I bet you're a scared cat in a fight" She says staring at the first man to talk.

Ivihish starts to get worried, it wouldn't be a problem to offend them back, if the man she had offended was the second one. This first man has such sturdy body, with a defined body and a characteristic that few know of.


He has five of them in two braids in his long hair, this beads represent the strength of one of the "Ferh' Nusam" or Ferrusam tribe.