

Diyalekshmi_Pn · Fantasy
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26 Chs


Trigger: Mentions of corpses

" How do you manage all the kids ? I mean , not all of them listen , do they ? "

She asked Tayden who was busy sipping tea .

" Most of them always listen to me it's just one or two who are a bit , you know , not so obedient , but they also end up listening to me , when they hear a difference in my tone . I spook them out a bit ."

" That's good . I at times go to babysit my cousins and the truth is they are devil incarnations . "

She spoke remembering how one of her cousins pulled her hair when she didn't give her , her phone to play . She always found kids to be a menace , menace that are seventy five percentage snot .

" How did you get into painting ? The first time I met you , I could imagine you doing many other jobs , but painting was none of them ."

She spoke intrigued as Tayden pulled back a chair for her to sit .

" My mother . She sent me to learn painting since I was small . Then it slowly grew on me . "

He answered as he kept his glass down .

The head quarters seemed quiet calm , excluding the officers who would walk up to her to comfort her , about how what ever happens , all of them would be there to keep her safe .

Maybe it's because she is still a junior compared to the rest .

Only five months of senior work made them atleast talk to her lovingly . She was sure about the fact that if she had been working in the senior section for one or two years , they would most probably be like :

"It's nothing you can't handle . " Or maybe the mean ones would be like ,

" If you die , that shows your incapability . Don't even imagine one of us to be at your funeral, that is if your body is found to be all like , ' She was such a great soul . This should not have happened to her or shit , maybe if you have any sole looser friends they might waste their tears over you .'

Even though they would seem a bit harsh and half the time we would be sharing weird looks with each other , everyone knows that the only reason they sound so harsh is because they have went through a lot and just want others to be tough . They personally have had many people who they lost due to their line of work and they know their struggles .

Maybe it's their way of trying to make others stronger so that the rest won't lose themselves or others in non peaceful ways.

They probably see corpses everyday and that would take tolls on their mind , slowly , slowly.

As long as the body is not teared apart or tortured brutally , half the time she is able to handle them .

Mrs.Hayes's murder affected her more that her husband's . The fact that at one look , no one would be even able to identify her body and on top of that , she indeed was partly the reason for her death was disturbing at a major level .

All these different bodies that we see never really leave us and would occasionally flash minds , along with usually getting rid of sleep and evoking nightmares . That is , the very few , continuous free hours that are recieved once in a while go un-utilised .

Also the reason why she has always respected people working in the medical field .

" How far have you reached on this case ? "

" Hmm ? " Anika asked coming back to reality .

" How far have you reached on this case ?" Tayden repeated , observing the lady , how her eyes paced around as she thought of a definite answer to give .

Finally deciding on one she spoke , " I am not sure if I can say much . I have reached somewhere and I am sure that we will reach somewhere more clear . "

' Can't give you all the details there hun .' She thought as she locked eyes with the man , who was now seated near the window of the laundry room , moonlight slowly peering inside . She may have accepted his hand in friendship , but hand in complete trust , not so much .

" I think you should leave . It's almost nine . " She spoke , standing up from her chair , extending her arm towards the man , who gladly accepted it .

" Good to know more about you ." She spoke taking back her hand .

" My pleasure , darling . I have folded all the clothes , so if anyone asks , I get credit remember that ." He chuckled as he spoke , his index finger pointed at the folded clothes that sat in a corner .

" Sure ." She replied , walking outside the room . Giving him a bit of acknowledgement was not going to hurt .

" See you tomorrow , " she spoke , her lips curving as she watched the man walk away .

Wiping away the smile , she turned around.

" I can see you there , you know . " She spoke staring at the corner of the hall , as a head popped out of the corner .

" What were you doing there ? " She asked Johnathan who was walking upto her , his hair messy and a floppy smile on his face as he rubbed the nook of his neck .

" I was just looking out . " He spoke , looking confused of his own answer .

" Are you sure about that ? " She asked , her arms folded and her eyebrows raised .

" Yeah . " He spoke a few seconds after her question . Making sure that he won't say anything wrong .

He had told her that he would watch her from the camera room , not snoop around the laundry room , but here he was , caught red handed . He was in stealth mode and still she caught him . He needed to work harder on his skills .

Immediately remembering what he had seen happening in the camera room , he blurted out .

" What the fvck was all of that ? "

The sudden question startling Anika out of her position .

" What the fvck was all of what ? " She asked doubtful of what he had meant .

"All of that . " He spoke swinging around his arms .

" All of what? Be more specific. "

" The whole friendship thing . Why did you accept that ? "

" Because that's the best way to get close to him . We can finally get something as proof against him ."

" Being ' that ' close to him is not just going to get you information, it's also going to get you murdered ."

" And that is why I hope you have my back . "

" I do , I just don't want you to be too close to him . I dont like him ."

" And you think I like him . I don't like him any - more than you . "

" Well you seem like you are interested in getting closer . "

" And now it seems like this talk is you getting personal with me . "

" Ok , I am sorry . Just ... keep a bit of distance . " Johnathan ended his words , his hands on her shoulders .

' I would hate to see you hurt .' He thought , gently patting Anika's shoulders .

" Thank you for your concern . " She replied , nodding at him , a fight was not something she needed to have on her back right now and that too with one of her team mates .

Anika knew Johnathan was only looking after her , but was he crossing a limit ? She was not sure .

" Well then , should we head back to your office . Me and Syl have found some really interesting stuff . " Johnathan replied easing the tension .

" Something from Syl ? " Anika spoke out loud , surprised . She was definitely happy to know that Syl was actually making contributions towards the case.

" You know , you just got me hooked , " said Anika as she stared at Johnathan's brown eyes .

" Well , I don't want us to waste time . So .... " Johnathan spoke , extending his hand out for Anika , which she took happily .


" A scare won't hurt , now would it ? " He muttered looking at Johnathan and Anika who walked through the hall , hand in hand .