They stood in front of the marriage magistrate, signing document after document, completing their marriage certificate. As soon as the process was done, Alexander got up after than anything and made his way out of the magistrate.
Astounded by his already known behaviour, Felicia let out a sigh. She was to spend the rest of her life with a person that didn't even look at her twice. There was a little hope in her that maybe, just maybe, their marriage would make her happy. She knew not to hold on to that hope but she couldn't help it. The little inner dreamer in her just kept sparkling.
She new Alexander wasn't the type to play at her tunes, but she just wished they could at least have a decent conversation. Pitiful looks we're thrown her way in the magistrate, as she put on a smile masking her small shame. She couldn't afford to let this go downhill. She was going to become someone great.
Walking out of the office, Alana sat on a chair waiting for Felicia. As soon as their eyes met the two women smiled at each other.
"Well, shall we go dress fitting? I'm sorry we're rushing all of this. It's just if we don't get done, Alexander will find reasons to get out of this marriage and we don't want that."
She said making Felicia simply nod. Their son didn't want any entanglement, yet here they were, tying him to her. She knew how he felt, there was nothing he could gain in being with her, but he had no choice but to follow the path laid out for him. Alana sensing Felicia's slight sadness pulled her close to her and rubbed her shoulders giving her comfort.
"Just give him some time. He will open up to you." Alana spoke words that were nothing but poisonous lies. But Felicia couldn't make the poor woman feel any more pitiable because of her son.
The two women made their way to the wedding boutique choosing between wedding gowns and jewellery. The prices seemed to shock Felicia. She didn't even get to live in such luxury, but now, she was going to wear it. Unable to dispute the excited Alana, she allowed things to flow as they were.
After a tiring day, Alana had brought Felicia home allowing her to retire. Felicia felt a slight excitement. She was going to get married. Though the circumstances could have been better, she couldn't forget that her big day was slowly arriving.
"Well, I'll see you in a week. Rest well." Alana said as the driver drove out the driveway onto the road.
Entering the house she sighed as she came face to face with her uncle. She was too tired to deal with her family at the moment. But what could she do? They were the owners of the house and she simply had to follow their every wish.
"Fel dear, make sure you pull this marriage through. Who knows what will happen if we manage to upset the Stills family? You cannot allow this to go wrong." He said sternly.
A fire sparked in Felicia's heart as she stared her uncle straight into his eyes.
"Why should I shoulder this burden by myself? Why must I fall so low to kiss their feet just to allow you and your family to thrive? IT'S NOT AS THOUGH IMM GOING TO BENEFIT FROM ANYTHING LIKE YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED!" she questioned in anger.
A stinging fell on her face as her head had turned from the sudden impact of her uncle's slap. She couldn't cry. She was not going to cry. If she could go through this pain for this long, she could hold out a little more.
"It seems you have lost your mind to raise your voice at me like this. Let me tell you, Felicia, if it was not for me, you would be living in an orphanage, on your own with nothing to live with. Don't temper with me." He said threateningly.
Yes. If it wasn't for him she wouldn't have been an orphan. But what's different from being an orphan and tolerating the life she's had till now? Annoyed by his words she was ready to lash out yet again. But a laugh caught her attention upsetting her further.
"Father, there is no use trying to reason with an ungrateful person. You just continue to receive their anger instead of their thanks." Ibelina mocked, glaring at Felicia.
This is how it's always been. Oh, how she wished her parents were still alive then she wouldn't have to go through all of this. How she wished they didn't leave her to fend for herself in this world. If only… she thought to herself.
Feeling helpless in the situation, she simply walked past them towards her room. She shut the door locking it. Why did she have to suffer so? She didn't deserve it, at least she couldn't remember what she did to deserve this.
'I, must have sinned in my past life to be living in such a treacherous way.'
She sighed, heading to the bathroom, and soaking a cloth in cold water, placing it on her cheek to decrease the stinging and redness. Even if Alexander was someone who did not give her the time of day, at least it felt better than living in a house like this.
Or so she hoped.
She just hoped things would get better from here on.
Time had flown by and it was already her wedding.
Felicia sat in front of the mirror as the dress, makeup and hair artisans worked on her. As soon as she was done, she stood in front of a tall mirror surprised by the person in front of her. It didn't feel like her at all. The person in front of her was beautiful. A small smile appeared on her face.
"mother, father, your daughter is getting married." She whispered.
"Fel, it's time." Alana Sai with a warm voice. Felicia smiled nodding.
"I have I request Mrs Stills."
"don't be like that Fel, we're family now, call me mom. And what is it?" Alana questioned.
"I'd like for your husband to walk me down the aisle. I don't want my uncle walking me."
Alana seemed surprised by her sudden request. Did something happen between them? She thought to herself. It didn't seem like the Francis family had anything to hide, but anything could be kept secret.
'What could have happened t make her request such a proposal?'
"It's no problem at all, I'm sure your family will be fine with it. If that is what you wish it is the least we can grant you."
Alana said making Felicia grin from ear to ear. At least she could decide how she would be received by her husband.
"Well, it's time. Come, my dear."
Alexander stood annoyed by the time this was taking. He was planning on just slipping the ring on her finger and walking out of this place, But his mother would hunt him down if he even dared. Sighing he looked at the watch on his wrist. He stood as perfect as could be. With his black hair slicked back and his blueish grey eyes sparkling a winters storm. The doors opened revealing his bride.
He let out a sigh of frustration that soon got caught in his throat as he laid eyes o her. There she was walking towards him. Her dark brown hair in curls, her eyes as bright as ever. She wasn't gorgeous at all, but she had her charm that seemed to catch Alexander in a trance.
Felicia felt as though her heart was going to pop out of her chest. She felt absolutely nervous. This was actually happening. She was about to tie a red string of fate with the person destined to be her husband. She could feel the glares of her so-called family. Her request seemed to put them into a bad mood. But she didn't have to worry, because she did not have to deal with them anymore. Reaching the stand, Edgar passed Felicia onto Alexander who took her hands in his. Her heart slightly fluttered at the action.
Pulling her mind out of the clouds she had to remind herself, that this was a marriage that both parties were not willing to agree to so readily. She took a quick glance at her soon to be husband, but like always his face was expressionless and she could not make out what he was thinking.
'Did he at least find me attractive today?' she thought, but she could not tell.
Once they had exchanged vows and slipped on their rings, they turned to the crowd awkwardly. He was not going to kiss her, that she knew. She couldn't help but let a tiny ache make its way into her heart.
'Do not expect anything from this marriage.' She made it clear to herself.
The ceremony continued as planned, no one questioning their non-existent kiss. Time flew by as Felicia slowly began to grow tired through all the fun she was having. She looked at Alexander who had already pulled out his tablet under the table, doing work. It was funny how no one noticed that his attention was elsewhere.
A yawn left her mouth as she blinked trying to rub the tiredness away.
"Are you tired?" Alexander questioned his eyes still focused on his work.
"Okay, wait here, I'll excuse us then."
The ceremony continued as Felicia followed Alexander out of the hall and into his car. She was finally free from that home that imprisoned her. Sighing, she relaxed in the seat as he pulled out of the driveway of the wedding hall. The music of the party faded as they drove onto the silent road. The silence of the night gave her comfort as she looked out of the window, allowing her mind to wander.
They had reached a villa before she could even realize where she was. She looked at the beautiful house with a dashing garden.
"get off" Alexander spoke, catching her attention.
Feeling flushed she quickly opened the door, following after his fast footsteps. When they had reached the entrance, Felicia could help but let her mouth gape in awe. It was a stunning house.
"I need to set some ground rules. So listen carefully. I'll show you around the house and where you are allowed to enter and where you are not." He said.
Felicia nodded as she followed him up the stairs. The floor she was wide with almost 6? 7? Doors.
"This is your bedroom, my room is down the hall." He made clear. "you are not allowed anywhere near my bedroom."
He continued showing the different rooms. Then near the very end of the hall was a locked door.
"You are not allowed to even breathe near this door. If I catch you anywhere near it, don't expect me to have any mercy on you." His eyes shone an almost angry glimmer.
As though any person would die at his hands the moment the door was even looked at. What was he hiding? He gave her one last warning glance as he escorted her back to her bedroom. She shut the door. Her belongings were already placed in the room. It felt cold where she stood. No, the whole room felt cold. This was the life she was going to lead now.
Sadly this life didn't seem to even have a little bit of warmth.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
I hope this chapter was up to standard!
Have some idea's about my story? Comment it and let me know.