
Chapter 4

After leaving Nellia, both men entered deeper into the banquet. Whispers can all be heard as they both walked through those people. Reigo noticed Arcane's awkwardness but didn't mind it

'my grandson is really cute. I wonder if he'll like her and have a happy ever after with her' suddenly his eyes twinkled as he thought that it'll go as he planned.

************ on the other hand *************

A woman wearing a red delicate dress stayed inside her room waiting for the party to end.

' I wish it'll be over soon. I still need to meet my friends after this. '

Suddenly, the door opened and a middle-aged woman enter, " Why aren't you ready yet? Don't you know that you're supposed to be the star of the night and not that so called grandson of that old fool Reigo! Get up and put your makeup on" before she could rebuke, "but..." got cut off, " Op! no more buts and get ready. Change your dress to an eye catching one then use this shoes[pertaining to a 6 inch killer heels] and this pair of earrings then this necklace and oh! don't forget your makeup."

Sighing, she did what was ordered to her and prepared again. Sighing seeing her get up, her thoughts took her again ' How am I suppose to meet them? I need a concrete plan to leave this place by not getting caught by her'.

After a moment, she seemed to have an idea. She called someone and ask...

*** back to Arcane and Reigo's side***

"Where is she?" Reigo said eagerly looking for someone.

"Grandpa why are you so eager to see this certain person hmm? Are you perhaps planning something?" and that makes Reigo shut up.

Seeing that his Gramps shut up, he guessed that what he had said was right.

"oh come on grandpa I'm just joking or maybe you really are planning something." this remark made the Old man turned paler.

"of course not Arc. I'm not planning anything and... and... um... I'm only eager to see her. That's right I'm only eager to see her." with that answer, Arcane seemed to be suspicious on his new family, his grandpa.

I'm really sorry for the slow update and short cuapters. It is just that I'm busy for exams and requirements at school. I'm really really sorry and umm you guys can suggest something for the story. That's all. Thank you for reading.

kae17creators' thoughts