

Matilda_Ofori_0632 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The gangsters

Neil stepped into the school campus with a smug face. His neatly ironed colourful T-shirt with blue straps in comparison with his green shorts added to him a lively and cool vibe. The girls around the campus turned to watch the beauty who had just stepped into the campus and couldn't tear away their gazes from him. His perfectly long black hair was combed to the sides exposing his hazel blue eyes which captivated the sun's ray. His broad shoulders flat stomach with abs left traces on his t-shirt causing the college girls to drool all over him. His pearly white teeth reflected the rays of the sun when smiled to one of the college girls. The girl hyperventilated and froze for minutes for she was in no league to be paired up with this cute guy. Out of the blue, he tripped on the staircase and fell. A roar of laughter erupted from behind causing the students to look in that direction. Jack and his gang walked towards Neil's direction and stretched his arms to help him stand to his feet, Neil swatted Jack's hands away and stood by his feet, He gave Jack a cold side glance and strutted away.