
With You: The Imperfectly Perfect Love

'Her smile was the cure for his pain His happiness was her Dua' (Dua means prayer) __________ "I am mad at everyone else." (Aalia)   "Why?" (Adnaan) "They all are busy talking about your marriage." Aalia rolled her eyes.    "And If you have a Girlfriend, let me know, I will tell aunty. So that you can marry the girl you want." (Aalia)   The next thing that happened was the least expected. She realized that he was holding her hands with his one hand and his face was close enough that she could feel his breath across her face, his other hand around her waist. Aalia blinked her eyes.    "Do you want to know who my girlfriend is?" Adnaan asked raising his eyebrow.   She felt something that she have never felt through out her life time. "I was just kidding." (Aalia) __________   "It's okay to feel down. Don't be hard on yourself." Aalia said. His eyes were teary. He looked away in order to hide his tears.    "I think you should leave." Adnaan said.   "I won't. Stop trying to isolate yourself. " Aalia said. __________ "Aalia"   She looked at him with astonishment. He took her hands softly and looked at her eyes.   "Being with you. That's all I want." Adnaan said. __________ Aalia and Adnaan were the popular fighting cousins in the family. He shared his sorrows and happiness with her. He considered her special. They were together since childhood.They looked at each other as best companions until he realized that he loved her.But the wall of misunderstanding makes their bond weaker.     Will he confess his feelings? Does Aalia feel the same way? What will happen when he faces alot of obstacles inorder to confess what he feels? Will he overcome the obstacles? Will he end up getting hurt? Or will they be having a happy ending? To know more let's dig into their life and see how they make their Imperfectly perfect love. It's my first story in wattpad, so please do support my work.                         _rs

rWhSaFiA · Fantasy
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23 Chs


After the long day, Aalia got into the room.

"I have been waiting for this moment, the whole day, to get rid of these heavy dresses." Aalia complained.

"Feel free. I won't disturb. " She heard a voice from behind.

"Dirty mind." Aalia said.

Adnaan smirked and sat on the bed.

"Aalia come and sit next to me." He said.

"Why?" She asked, sitting next to him.

"It's for you." He said, showing a ring.

It had a diamond at the center.

"For me?" Aalia asked.

"Show me your hand." Adnaan said.

She gave her hand and he slid the ring on her ring finger.

"It's too pretty." Aalia said. Adnaan smiled and side hugged her.

"Actually I have something for you too. But it's not too costly. " Aalia said.

"What's it?" Adnaan asked.

Aalia took the box from her wardrobe.

"Here you go." Aalia said, giving him the gift box.

She waited for him to open it. He opened the box and took the customized wallet from it.

"A and A"