

She might not have fallen in love with him at first sight but her feelings for him were strong that even when she wasn't feeling love for him, she wanted to meet him one more time in pretence of thanking him. You were saying that what if he's dangerous...

I will answer that too, but you need to tell me first, why would he save her if he had bad intentions for her." Aurora was trying to hold herself together. She was also shocked by her own actions.

"No, I shouldn't be regretting. I've done the right thing."she convinced herself.

"I'm going home to tell everyone what you've done."Sarah told her.

Though Aurora believed that she did the right thing, telling everyone at home was the last thing she wished to happen.

"I must stop her. She can't go home otherwise I'll be in trouble. I will be done for, and my whole plan -everything will be ruined"she thought.

I'm sure she was going crazy. She still believed she was playing her game. Poor girl!

"Hold on Sarah."she called and luckily her sister stopped. "What do you want now. Do you wanna push me as well. You know what Aurora, I don't trust you anymore. In fact I'm feeling scared being here with you. Your presence scares me to the core! Who knows what you might be planning against me now."

Aurora felt her heart breaking into simplest pieces because of her sister's words. She was always good at lecturing her but this time, she was....!

"She's right though. What have I done. But I'm also right. I hope Trion saves Araxie before she drowns. Lord please... you have to save my friend."she thought.

"Did you stop me so I can enjoy seeing your miserable looks on your face?"

"Why can't you see that I did all this for Araxie's happiness. I wanted her to meet Trion just one. Who knows if the chemistry between them would be enough for Araxie to realize her feelings for him.

I hope you understand what I'm saying."

"I don't understand anything and I don't want to. I'm not willing to listen to you anymore because I've seen how far your mind can reason. I'm going home."she insisted.

"You're going! All right then... But what will you tell them. That I've pushed my best friend off the cliff intentionally but without a reason.

I'm sure everyone is going to demand for the details from you.

And what will you say then, will you be able to say it all?

Will you expose your best friend that she has been receiving love letters from a stranger.

Do you think they'll believe you.

Only Marina would believe you because he's a witch. But have you thought about how she would ruin our lives hereafter!

Mother, you and I, she won't spare anyone.

Please, think about it first and then decide what you want after."she said, which sounded like a threat to Sarah.

Silence reigned between them for some time. Although Sarah wasn't saying anything, the expression on her face said it all that she was both terrified and worried. Her face had fallen and eyes... they were no longer white as how they used to be instead they had turned red since she couldn't stop crying ever since the incident.

"I think we should go home. It's very late and dangerous here."Sarah finally said, breaking the silence.

"No. I won't go anywhere without her. I started this and I.... I will end it."Aurora had made her decision to stay on that Cliff until Araxie comes back.

Wait! Was she really going to come back? She hoped for a miracle.

Elsewhere, after Araxie was pushed off, she couldn't think right because of fear inside of her. Images of her corpse laying in the coffin summoned in her mind because she was sure it was going to be her end.

A lot of possibilities summoned in her mind. "What if I land on the hard rock, what would happen to me. What if the crocodiles and other aquatic fierce animals see me... Oh my God."she would wonder.

As she fell, she waited to fall into the Sea, instead she felt she was in someone's arms.

She tried to open her eyes but couldn't. She seemed lost in thoughts. Maybe she had passed out.. but no! She felt she was paralyzed. "It's over!"she tried to catch her breath.

Soon her body came in contact with the warm evening Waters of the sea.

"Oh my gosh. I've reached eventually." Her heart pounding so hard at the thought. She wasn't feeling like she was in someone's arms anymore.

When she forced her eyes to open, they immediately did.

It was then that she realized she was in the middle of the sea.

"In the middle! How did I reach here. I was supposed to..."

It wasn't time to think.

She needed to swim very fast and get out of the sea before the night comes with its darkness.

Wait! Would she manage? She hoped she would.

After swimming for like thirty minutes, she realized that the sun had already set and before she knew it, darkness had covered up the place.

The warm evening waters had started to feel cold.

It was then that she realized she was freezing. "Why did this has to happen to me. Aurora must be blaming herself. I should've been more careful."

She tried to swim in the darkness till she couldn't swim anymore that she started to drown. She was too tired to save herself. she didn't realize when she started sweating under the water! "I'm dying soon."she breathed.

She didn't realize when her lips parted and now, her mouth was filled with water.

The force was too much that she didn't stop herself from swallowing it.

After a while, all was quiet for her. She wasn't feeling or hearing anything - she was unconscious.

Like they say, the hero always comes at the last moment to save his heroine, Trion showed up from nowhere and found someone trapped between two big rocks at the seafloor.

Without realizing who it was, he rescued her, carried her in his arms before taking her to his home, a cave, in the side of a seamount.

Laying her down in the corner which was out of reach of water! Slowly and hestantily he reached for the scarf on her face. He wanted to remove it so she could breathe fine and freely .

He didn't understand why his hands were trembling as if he was about to unveil something unique.

Who was she? He hoped to find her alive.

Of course Araxie was unique and special to him. Perhaps it's why he trembled.

For some reason he felt he should just let it be before he noticed that the girl had become breathless!

"The scarf. I think it's because of it."he thought and instantaneously removed it from the girl's face.

Oh God! He saw her.

"M-my lo-ve! It's your dear. I won't let anything happen to you. You have to be fine for my sake and our new found love."

He had to do anything to save her but what when she was already laying breathless.

Trion always wanted to meet her in person again but it never crossed his mind that it would be like that.

What could've been the happiest moment for him seemed like a bittersweet reality of his life.

"Why did I have to see you in this condition. O-open your eyes baby. Look at how helpless I'm because of your state." He couldn't hold his manly tears any longer.

Looking at Araxie's condition, Trion's mind went blank for some time. He was out of ideas.

But no matter what he'd save her. He couldn't afford to lose her.

Hitting his forehead on the wall, he still couldn't come up with something.

"You'll be fine don't worry."he assured.

Was he making fake promises? He hoped he could do something.

After trying everything including chest compressions but in vain, Trion remembered he forgot one thing.

Slowly but determined he sealed his lips over Araxie's before he gave her five rescue breaths.

Happiness filled his heart when Araxie moved her hand.

It was an indication for him that she will be fine after responding to his aid.

He felt like he was getting his second half back the moment her eyes fell open.

"Thank you Lord."he breathed with relief

Trion's mouth was still over Araxie's when she regained consciousness.

She immediately pushed him off herself before she spoke, "w-what do you think you're doing? Who are...." She was going to ask who he was when she remembered she knew him - they ever met.

"You!"she said in realization.

"Yes, it's me again. How are you feeling. Are you fine?"he was so concerned about her.

"Don't pretend to be nice to me. I know you're not as innocent as you seem to be. I mean... I've caught you trying to force yourself on me. You were going to take advantage of my helplessness."she said to him coldly.

"You're misunderstanding me dear. I would never do something like that. I was only trying to help you, that's all."

"You call that help? And who asked you to.."she was about to say something she would regret, -hurting him.

She wished she could swallow them back when she recalled how he saved her last time.

"Don't get hyper Araxie. This man has saved you even today. You should thank him instead of shouting at him. Control your anger, he was only trying to save you."she mumbled to herself.

"Did you say something?"

"Yes. I said thank you.. for saving me not just once but twice."

"Weird! Anyway it's good that you've eventually appreciated my efforts."he spoke with a fallen voice.

"I'm sorry. You know I couldn't take it when I found your lips on mine. I thought you were kissing me. I shouldn't have shouted at you."

"Good girl. It's okay now that you've learnt your mistake."

"Thank you sir."

"My name is Trion, and you're...?" He knew her name already but he only wanted to hear her say it.

"I'm Araxie Rodrigo."

"Nice name. Welcome to my world sweet Araxie."

Araxie's heart skipped a beat on hearing his words.

She found it strange when she couldn't see the whole of the man's body. His lower part was in the water like last time.

"Where are we?"

"Under the sea "he smiled after noticing a sudden worried expression on her face. He was sure that she would be terrified at his statement.

"Under the Sea yet it's dry in here!"

"You're lucky that I've brought you to my house."

"House! Is this your home?"

"Yes. It's my lovely home."

"Are you being serious?"

"You're finding it hard to believe because you're a human and I can't blame you for it. I wish I could find a way to get out here too." His eyes were filled with tears. It was enough for Araxie to tell that she's hurt him. "I'm sorry."she quickly apologized.

Meanwhile Trion felt like going and crying from somewhere else. He didn't want this girl to watch him cry like a little kid. "So he's not human. What is he?"