

Settling their differences, Araxie and her mother in-law Tia became best friends again but unfortunately when they decided to go back on land, Araxie's whole body turned sea blue the moment she placed her hand on the egg.

Checking through the book, Tia found out that no one was supposed to lay hands on that egg as it was magically protected in there and anyone touching it would be poisoned as she or he would be considered as a thief.

The only antidote for that dangerous venom was death and rebirth and nothing else.

Would Trion accept to send his wife to death?

"No. I won't let that happen. My wife won't die."

"Do you want to keep seeing her in this pain? Are you blind that you can't see the condition she's in right now.

How will you heal her then. I also wish we had another option but we don't.

We have to stab her to death."Tia said as tears streamed down her pretty teenage-like face.

Sitting besides Araxie, Trion extended his hand and touched his wife on the forehead, then caressed her hair while he cursed himself for bringing her back on land.

Had he not done that, things would've been different and Araxie...she wouldn't be laying in bed unconsciously!

Why's the world testing us like this. Why's life being unfair to us, love? I thought that life would be nice to us once we're married. I thought I'd give you the best life you could ever ask for but it seems I'm becoming the root cause of your every problem. I'm starting to feel like I snatched all your happiness the day I came in your life. I have fear within me that you'll abandon me the day you'll feel this way too.

Don't ever leave me baby. I know you're going through a lot but you have no idea how seeing you like this does to me. It shatters me whenever something bad happens to you.

I used to think that I'd do anything for you but I'm afraid this is becoming impossible to fulfill. Do you know why, - It's because the only option we have is killing you. They're asking me to kill you that you'll come back after seven days. Do you also want me to do this? Do you think I'll be able to live without you. You know that a second without you feels like a day so...how will I spend a whole week without you my love.

Everyone is pressuring me to stab you. They're saying that they're concerned about you but I don't think they know what they're saying.-

He was still talking when he saw tears coming out of Araxie's eyes which clearly meant that she was listening to him though she couldn't respond.

"Baby, yo- you're crying! I won't say anything please. My mouth is shut hunny."Trion said as he wiped off tears from his wife's face.

A few minutes later Araxie managed to reach for Trion's hand and slowly, she placed it on her stomach. She could've said something but she wasn't able to that's why she communicated through her bead.

"Trion dear. I don't like it hearing you blame yourself for whatever is going on in my life. I will be okay. I'm not scared of anything as long as I have you by my side. You've held my hand and helped me through lots of difficulties and I know that even this time, you'll do the needful to help me.

And as far as killing me is concerned, I'm ready for it. I can understand that you're scared of losing me but, have you thought about our babies? Would you let our baby die just to save me? Do you think I'll ever forgive you if that happens.

How about our son. Will you be able to look him in the eyes and tell him that you lost us due to your selfishness.

Will he forgive you anyway? Have you thought about how he'd feel the day he'd find out that his sister and I died after touching the egg in which he was. Don't you think he'd feel guilty for all this.

So, in order to stop all this, grab the sword and kill me. I promise I'll fight death for you and our babies. I will surely come back after seven days- that's a mother's promise.

I would've promised as a wife but wives can disappoint but a mother, she will never disappoint when it comes to her children."

"You too are supporting them? Look baby...I can't do this.

I mean, how do you expect me to kill the love of my life?"

Without saying anything Tia presented a sword before Trion while Marina reread the message that Araxie had sent for Trion.

"If it's not for my sake at least do it for both our babies. Kill me please.

Just pick up that sword and kill me."

Without considering anything else Trion picked up the sword and stabbed his wife right on the chest that she died on spot.

Everyone was crying and shockingly,the baby inside the egg cried too.

"Tia had stretched her arm and was about to touch on the egg but thankfully Marina saw her before she could place it on to it.

"What on earth is wrong with you? I can't believe you want to touch this egg after what happened to your daughter in-law. Didn't you see the pain she was in. I even wonder if she'd come back. Oh heavens, please bring my daughter back as soon as possible."

Wait! Was Marina praying? Aurora couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Do witches pray to God also?"she sighed not knowing that Andie was standing very close next to her.

"We do dear. The only difference is that we believe we were not created. We just existed magically but God remains the creator of everything else."Andie said from her back.

"Oh that's amazing."she replied before walking away.

Three days elapsed and Trion had not got any sign of coming back from Araxie whose wound had healed but she still laid unconsciously on the bed.

Meanwhile, Andie was planning on taking his love story with Aurora to another level but he still didn't know how she felt about him.

Aurora who used to be a brave girl couldn't bring herself to be around this man because his presence always did things to her.

She could feel butterflies in her tummy whenever he smiled at her.

And now that she knew he was interested in her after sending her a few letters expressing his feelings for her, it was becoming more like a test to her heart and mind.

"Where are you going. You can't turn your back on me like this Aurora.

I thought you'd give me a reply today but it's like you are still not willing to.

Should I take your silence as a yes or no.

Don't tell me you want to let me down baby cos I swear I won't live after that.

I will die if you refuse my love and everyone would blame you for my death. Yes Aurora, you'll be responsible for my death..And please don't give me that look."

He was still talking when Aurora romantically place her hand over his lips.

"Shuhhh! Please don't say such things. You know I can't live without you either."

"Really? Are you sure Aurora? I mean.... do you really love me too?"Andie asked with so much excitement.

"No. Hahaha see his face now."she teased before she spoke again, "I don't only love you, I need you in my life too, Andie.

I really love you."

"That's it! I can't believe this. Wow, This is awesome."Andie was losing his mind seriously.

"I love you too Aurora. I want to make you my life partner, would you accept?" Andie was already on his knees with his hands folded and eyes closed that he didn't even noticed when Aurora went back to the house when she noticed that Neel was coming over.

"What's wrong with you brother. Aurora isn't here. I guess you're daydreaming about her.

If you do love her this much, why don't you go and confess your love. I wonder what's stopping you from meeting with her and tell her in person."Neel advised.

"She knows that I love her. Do you know what, she said she loves me too. I'm so happy brother."

"I see...

You're dreams are deceiving you brother.

I'm sure she said she loves you only in your dreams, isn't it?

You're losing your mind brother." Of course Neel was worried about his brother. He wished he could also find true love but was afraid that he'd fail to propose to Aurora due to his shyness.

"It wasn't a dream brother. I'm telling you the truth that Aurora herself told me so."

"I'm so happy for you brother but I think it's time for you to confess your love in person and I'm sure after that, you'll be able to take her on romantic lunch and dinner dates."