

"Alright then hand me that letter." It was the reason she came back to her. She didn't know that luck would work on her favor like it just did.

"May I open it."she asked, hoping she would say yes. Of course she didn't want her to say yes. She was just acting like she cared so much at the moment you inside she wished Araxie could refuse. "Say noooo please!"she breathed. She had a feeling that the man must've included some details about himself. She was feeling restless as she waited for Araxie's answer. She couldn't get her eyes off of Araxie's mouth.

"I don't even want to know what he's written."finally Aurora got the answer she wanted. She couldn't control it but heaved a sigh of relief on hearing it. "Yes!!"she rejoiced inwardly before she left the room in blink of an eye.

Running straight to their room, Aurora quickly opened the letter. It was the same handwriting.

"Hey love,

The twinkling of the stars is a temporary beauty that disappears each morning as the sun rises.

In this world, the only thing permanent is my heart that beats for you permanently. Good night darling.

With purest love,


"Trion! I've never heard of this name before. Who's this Trion. Could he be the one who saved Araxie in the Sea. If that's the case, where does he live. I have to find him and speak to him before he can meet Araxie again.

Who knows what Araxie would say to him if.....

No, that won't happen. Oh Lord, what do I do."she was blabbering.

"Anyway it doesn't matter. What if I can't get to meet him, I can write him a letter on Araxie's behalf. Amazing! I'm turning out to be so brilliant. This is going to be fun!

Wow Aurora wow! You're just perfect."she was losing her mind - she was giving her thoughts praises even before she could put them into action to see if they were really superb liked she thought they were.

"You're impossible sister. I can't believe you're practicing madness from our bedroom."


"Relax. I was wondering what happened that you're talking to yourself."

"First get yourself ready."Aurora said ignoring her sister's question. Sarah was from having a shower, that's why.

Silence reigned the room for some quiet time before Aurora spoke, "you know what sister, Araxie didn't read this letter. I must say that Lord heard our players and perhaps He's on our side. He too wants these two to become one." Sarah didn't know why her sister was so happy. It was strange of her surely. She was behaving like she had hit a jackpot.

As for Aurora, she believed and was determined to unite Araxie and Trion no matter how stubborn her friend was.

But why would she find Trion?

Just like she promised to help Araxie, Aurora calmed down and wrote two different letters for one person. They were both for Trion. They showed the were from Araxie.

Guess why!

She was so smart you know. She had to let Araxie read through the letter before giving it out to the bird.

She never wanted to get her friend suspicious of her if Trion continued sending her letters.

Maybe reading through the letters before sending them would satisfy her and make her trust in her friend, Aurora stronger than before.

Since the mission was too hard for one person, Aurora had to seek help from her sister, Sarah who agreed to help her after all the matter concerned their best friend.

Araxie was so happy after reading through the letter that Aurora had written on her behalf. Aurora had written it like how she really wanted it to be. But for some reasons she was feeling nervous and worried as she wondered how it would reach that stranger.

They were still there when the same bird showed up with another letter. He had written down everything about him.

"Trion, the Sea man!"Aurora breathed heavily after reading the letter.

She tried however she could to hide it from her friend as she didn't want her to spoil her plan.

After all she had gotten her doubts cleared - she's been right about him.

For Trion, it was love at first sight and as for Araxie, the poor girl didn't even know what she wanted at the moment!

She was foolishly naive.

Being Aurora's time to execute her plan by exchanging letters before tying it to the bird's leg. She had wrote a love letter and it's what she wanted to send over to Trion when she had made Araxie read through the other negative one.

Sneaking a peek at Sarah, she expected her to hand over that love letter they were supposed to send without their friend's knowledge.

"Damn it! Why did she have to forget it now!"she cursed, staring at her through her narrowed eyes.

Her hands begun to shake. How would she tie this indifferent letter to the bird's leg.

"How would that man feel when he reads it. Oh goodness, please do something."she thought with a frowned face.

"What happened dear?"Araxie asked.

"Well, I don't think this would work. I mean how would this bird be able to fly with it's leg tied up like this."she just wanted an excuse.

"No Aurora. You don't have to worry about anything. I have a feeling that this isn't just a bird, it's special and I'm sure it's going to deliver this letter, right my bird?"she was rubbing her hand on the bird's feathers.

Quickly Araxie grabbed the letter from Aurora's shaky hands and tied it herself on the bird's leg.

Sarah couldn't think of what to do anymore. She knew she had disappointed her sister to the core. She was freezing inside, blaming herself for what was happening. She shouldn't have left the letter at home. But it was too late for her to run back home and bring it.

"Oh no! Everything is ruined because of me"Sarah thought, looking down at her feet.

Just like that the bird flew away. Aurora felt like her heart was fluttering along with the bird. "How I wish that bird could drop it!"that was all she could think about. She couldn't get over it that the plan she's worked on for the whole day had just failed.

She couldn't bring herself to imagine what would happen next.

"Lord, why did you allow all this to happen. Everything's ruined now."she was thinking that she didn't realize she was already home.

Running to her room, she closed the door. She just wanted to be alone but Sarah couldn't let it happen.

Before Aurora knew it, her sister was already in the room. She had entered through the window.

"What do you want now. You've ruined Araxie's life with this mistake of yours. How could you forget... I'm even wasting my breath talking to you when nothing's going to change what has already happened!"

"I'm very sorry sister. I promise I didn't do it on purpose. I don't know how it happened."Sarah apologized but it looked like Aurora wasn't ready to accept her apology even after she had looked apologetic.

"I don't want to talk to you... so please leave. I need to be alone."she was yelling at her.

"Leaving you alone won't change anything. I know you're angry with me right now. You're holding me responsible for what happened, aren't you? Won't you give me a chance to rectify my mistake. I beg you to give me only two minutes of your time and just listen to me. I promise I won't show my face to you afterwards especially if it's about this matter ever again. Please sister."Sarah was on her knees, holding her sister's legs.

The situation was still like that when they heard a knock on the door.

"It must be Araxie. If it's really her, we're done for. I hope she didn't hear anything. Do you think she heard us?"Aurora quickly wiped the tears off her face. Sarah was doing the same, "How would I even know. But I know Araxie doesn't like eavesdropping on people. She knows it's a bad habit." Was she trying to convince herself, because deep inside she was also shivering hoping that this girl wasn't the one at the door.

They both waited impatiently for the person to speak up first. They hoped it wasn't Araxie.

"Are you in there?"it was their Mother's voice.

"Mom!"they felt relieved.

"Why did you lock yourselves inside. Anyway, your friend is here to see you both."

"She's here!"the expression on their faces wad enough for their mother to tell that something was wrong. "I'm sure they're planning something behind her back."she sensed. "She waiting outside."she added.

"Let's go."

"You may go. I will join you later. I need to do something first."Sarah said smiling.

Leaving the room wondering what could have stopped Sarah from coming with them for a walk, she found Araxie waiting outside.

"Where's Sarah."Araxie asked the moment Aurora approached her.

"She's having a headache. But don't worry because she has fallen asleep."she lied.

Deep down she was wondering if Sarah was still angry with her for scolding her earlier.

She remembered that she wanted to talk to her. "Could it be that she has an idea on how to make things better again? I should go and ask her."she breathed.

"Excuse me."she ran back inside.

"Catch you! What are you writing?"she asked when she found Sarah busy writing.

"A letter."was all she replied.

"A letter. I don't understand."

"I'm writing to Trion. I've found out that he's a Sea man which means he's always at the Sea."she started.

"It doesn't make sense anymore. I mean he's only in love with Araxie and not you. But I don't think he's still in love with her after what we've sent to him."she was shouting at her. Every time she recalled about what happened, she would feel disappointed with her sister. Silence covered the room as Sarah wrote the letter quietly whilst Aurora seemed to be lost in thoughts.

"Everything's making sense now. You left the letter behind on purpose because you need Trion for yourself. I didn't expect this from you sister. How could you betray your best friend like that. Answer me Sarah."

Without saying a word, Sarah placed the letter she just wrote in her sister's hands and quietly walked out of the room. "It seems you don't trust your own sister."she threw words at her before closing the door behind her.

Aurora who was both confused and troubled, felt the need to open the letter. Did she write it for me. Why did she say that I don't trust her. Could it be that she was going to tell Trion about what really happened."she thought.

"Hello sweetheart,

I know that right now you're angry with me, are you not? You're wondering why I rejected your feelings. Perhaps you're blaming yourself for everything. Well, the truth is I love you so much but I had to send you a negative reply because I couldn't bring myself to write a love letter in my mom's presence.

You don't know how my mom is like.

I'm very sorry that you've felt heartbroken and rejected after reading that letter.

I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.

I love you.

Your eternal soulmate,


"What. S.. she's trying her best to make things right again but I..... I've been blaming her!

T-this means she didn't leave it behind deliberately as I thought. I'm sorry sister. I shouldn't have held you responsible."she said before she realized she was running out of the house, that too, with a letter in her hands.

With her eyes wandering around the compound, she saw Sarah and Araxie walk out of the gate.

"Are they leaving me behind?"she asked herself.