

As a married woman and a wife to someone, I went back to my husband some days before my coronation.

He was so happy to see me back but that happiness didn't last for so long after hearing the sad news about my parent's demise.

I told him whatever happened over there and the new duties they had left me with.

He was a nice man seriously because I remember he promised me that everything would be fine.

He shared everything that happened in my absence with me.

All was well again till the royal committee members from his side chose the same date for his coronation.

Days elapsed and just like that, the day reached.

The day that became the worst day of my life. The day that I had to choose between my parents and my husband. The day I had to choose between the promise I made to my husband and the one I made to my parents. I had promised my late parents that I would do anything to make their souls proud and there was this promise I made to your father, I said I would be there for him always, to support and love him.

That day became the hardest day in my life... I had to choose between the love of my life and my duties as a queen.

I remember when I failed to make a decision, I locked myself up in a room. Your father was so busy and happy for the new journey he was about to take. And his new servants...they couldn't give him space to think about me.

They were like, "try this one sir, it suits you". Another one would tell him, "you haven't tried this on too."

Everyone was giving him his takes that he almost went crazy.

"Enough guys. I appreciate your love and actually I've liked that outfit. It's the one I'm going to wear."he said at last.

As I sat alone in the room, I remembered the life I once had with my parents. I recalled how mother taught me swimming and diving. My dad taught me how to swim sideways.

I could see how they laughed at me when I was scared of my own tail. I was comparing those sweet moments to the ones I had with my husband.

I remembered how he first saw me when he saved me from his men who wanted to slaughter me to take away the pearls in my tail.

He was very cute and young back then but I was younger than him.

I must say that it was love at first sight for both of us because every day I would swim and reach the surface just to see him. He would come at the Sea every day hoping to see me too and that way our love strengthened.

One day he opened up and told me he was in love with me. I was so happy and my heart jumped with so much joy on hearing him say so. I was about to tell him the same when I saw my dad swimming towards us.

I was in love with him but I was so scared that his people would turn him against me due to the fact that I wasn't human like him.

I thought they'd talk ill about me and he would eventually leave me but he didn't.

The more we met, the stronger our love grew which later turned out to be a worship.

I didn't know what happened that he stopped coming to the Sea. I felt like I had lost him. I wanted to forget about him even my parents were looking for a suitor for me. I was going to get married.

My heart told me to swim and reach the surface for the last time because I had stopped going there since I didn't have a reason to.

I wanted to ignore the idea but then I decided to follow my heart.

I couldn't believe what I saw on reaching there. I thought it was my imagination before I winked several times to make sure I wasn't imagining things and yes, I wasn't!

He was there - he came back and was smiling for me.

I thought of walking away and maybe get lost but then he jumped off his ferry before he grabbed me by my hand.

"You can't do this to me sweetheart. I'm sorry that I went away from you for years. Trust me I had to do it for both of us.

I just went very far away so I could find a solution that will allow you to live outside water

I was so happy when he told me he was ready to marry me.

He never mentioned that he was a prince before but I was able to tell that he was one basing on how his servants addressed him. They always addressed him as 'highness', and I didn't tell him I was a princess either.

I remembered how he swallowed the hot magical bead before he asked me to bite him and suck his blood so I could become half human.

I could easily transfer back into a mermaid whenever I felt like.

My heart couldn't stop spinning as I recalled all those moments.

I knew everyone was waiting for me in my palace and Beryl too was waiting for me outside. He was going to crown me as his only royal queen which would've been my pleasure.

Considering everything, I opened the door, started to walk without knowing where exactly I was heading to.

It was then when I felt and realized that parental love is the strongest no matter what.

It was like someone had removed a cloth from my face.

I ran without thinking and stopped before Beryl, " goodbye dear husband."

He begged and asked me to stay but I had already made my mind. None of his words was going to change that.

"That's how I left him and came over here to take up my duties.

So please, stop being angry with him.

And if at all you ever miss him, go to the top, I'm sure you'll find someone to deliver your message to him. If it happens and you fall in love with a human and maybe feel like living a life with her out of this Sea, he's the only one who could help you.

I'm going but my soul will stay waiting for that day when the little love you have for your father would grow stronger than your hatred for him." She stopped breathing the very moment she stopped talking. I saw her sea blue eyes turn icy. I cried at the top of my lungs before I saw her corpse turn into pearls.

There was nothing I could do than crying while collecting the pearls together.

Before I knew it, everyone was around me.

They were mourning. "No!"I didn't want to believe that she was no more.

I expected them to get shocked by what was happening but it seemed usual to them. "Maybe all merpeople turn into pearls after they die."I wondered.

I guess I was the only one shocked by the situation.

I didn't know what to do with the pearls after putting them in a small creel.

I was going to keep them very safe since they were my mom's remains.

I was about to walk out of the room with a creel in my hands when an old mermaid spoke, "what are you doing my king?" Since I needed someone to advise me at the moment, I couldn't ignore her question.

On looking back, I saw it was Mrs Vina. She was my mom's best friend.

Mom once told me that it was Mrs Vina who always advised her and she would consult her before taking a decision.

When I remembered all that, I felt I should trust her and listen to what she was going to tell me.

Moving my gaze, I looked her in the eyes before I spoke, "yes grandma."she considered mom as her daughter and I used to call her my grandma.

On hearing my response, the old lady cried again.

I felt that maybe I should turn back and leave her for a moment but she stopped me as if she knew what I was thinking.

"Don't go please."she said to me. "Excuse us guys."she added.

"They can stay. I think we should go to my room."I suggested and Vina followed me up to the room.

"Actually, I've called you because I need to tell you something important..."

"You're making me nervous grandma."

"Well, the thing is that you can still talk to your mom and she can hear you since she's turned into pearls. It's a miracle dear. Your mother loved you so much. She hasn't left you for good you know."she was wiping his tears with a simple smile on her face. I was confused. I couldn't figure out what she was saying to me.

"W-what are you saying grandma. How can she hear me."

"Good question. She can't hear you now that she's still in this state that's why you need to do something before her soul reaches the skies otherwise her sacrifice would go to waste".

"Tell me what I have to do."I was panicking even when I didn't know what exactly was happening - I had just lost my mother.

"The only way is to let someone swallow these pearls. Once it's done, that woman's body and heart would be replaced with your mom's. And she will start taking care of you again though she'll be having a new look and dump too. She won't be talking to you though she would surely listen to you."



"So it means..... I will have to sacrifice someone's life for my happiness?"

"It's not just about your happiness, it's about bringing your mother back to life. Only you can grant her another life. Try to understand my point son."

Maybe I felt like doing it for some reasons before I remembered mom's words. She always told me that no matter what I should never put someone's life at stake, even if it would cost my life or hers.

All my hope was gone when I accidentally dropped the creel. I didn't know why but I just saw it break.

I was crying hopelessly when Vina left me in the room with a disappointed face without saying a word to me.

It was then when a great egret showed up and began swallowing them one by one till they were over.

What surprised me was that it wasn't scared of my presence.

I had tried to scare it away and strangely I felt like I was paralyzed.

I didn't know why but I just dozed off suddenly. The next time I opened my eyes, the bird was struggling hard to swallow something which was glittering more than gold. It was so dazzling that when I looked at it, my eyes became overstimulated.

Rushing out of my room, I was calling out for Mrs Vina before I saw her chatting with other merpeople.

"What is it now?"she was still angry with me for breaking the creel. She had no idea that something else just happened.

"Come with me."I grabbed her hand, ignoring her question.

"Goodness, where did this bird come from."The expression on her face was difficult to tell at the moment.

"I don't know. I just saw it swallowing the pearls. I dozed off for some time and when I woke up... I found this. Tell me grandma, what's that?"

"It's your mom's soul. It means your mom has chosen to take up this form. "she said.