

"Oh no! I will say it again."

"Ahaa..."Trion looked like someone waiting to hear something interesting, with his right brow raised.

"Don't give me that look."

"Oh my God! She's shy again."he sighed through clenched teeth.

Due to shyness, Araxie began holding her dress, looking at her feet like she was discovering something new about them. "I like playing with water. It feels cool."she wanted to divert.

"Sure. I love it too especially using my tail, but I don't think it's the same story with you cos so far you've drowned twice and froze once. I don't think you love playing with water."

"I said playing with water and not playing in water. These two are different. One can play with water on a dry land."

"You've won ma'am but something is still pending."

Araxie was praising herself that she managed to change the topic little did she know that Trion was still on it. Reminding her wouldn't cost him anything.

"So difficult to convince! What will you gain from taunting me?"

"Everything. You want to fall in love with whichever name you'll give me. Don't ruin my good mood please."

What was happening with him? She hoped he didn't lose it.

"How about if I call you my world?"

"Are you asking me now. I promise I won't question your choice. Just choose one for me."

"Then I'll give you....hero cos you always save the day. You always get me out of sticky situations and keep me safe. You're my hero Trion."

"Wow! You know what, you've really sounded like my queen. I like it. And....(laughing a little bit)... I'm giving you a new nickname as well. I'm sure you'll love it cos it suits you so well."

"My love?"she hurried to ask since it was what he had been calling her.

"No. You won't guess it for it's very special."

"You're getting me curious..."

"It's.....l... little monkey!"his lips had curved with a broad smile.


"Haha... yes. Do you know why?"


"You've called me hero cos I saved you so, I'm calling you little monkey because you always tease me and make my tummy ache with laughter. I think this name is perfect, isn't it?"

"I don't like it and I never will. I won't take it either."

"Then I won't tell you what I meant earlier."

"You're blackmailing me emotionally. Okay, choose another one but not a monkey. Do I look like one to you anyway?"

"You don't, and moreso you shouldn't take it personal cos I was only kidding with you."

"Really. So, what am I to you?"

"Since you said I'm your hero, you're my heroine. I hope you like it otherwise I'll change my mind and you know what I mean."he chuckled softly and all this left Araxie smiling and blushing like never before.

"Tell me then."

"It's very simple actually. Like I said, your bead your commands, you can ask it to show you around the palace and everything that's taking place in there."



Araxie fell amazed at how the bead just turned into a projector that she was now watching everything in the palace like one watching his favorite movie. "So beautiful."she was impressed. She didn't feel like blinking as she didn't want to miss anything.

"Ask someone to bring us food. I'm really hungry."Trion said.

"With this. Will they hear me?"

"Turn it down. They're hearing you already."

"Really. But they don't know me, do they?"

"Stop talking and hear me out first.

Oh no! I'm sure everyone is looking for you now. They must be thinking they've got a new queen cos it's been so long since they heard a message through the Queen's bead. Now everyone will ask me about this. They would think I'm hiding my wife from them which is bad. They're going to get angry with me. I'm finished!"

Looking at how troubled Trion seemed, she was wise to tell that the matter was really serious.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know about this. It's not my fault though, cos you didn't tell me it's consequences in the first place."

Seeing at how his gleaming his locket was, Trion could sense danger approaching. He might lose Araxie in the process. "Look, it's twinkling!"Araxie pointed with excitement.


Yes, I can hear you. Don't open for them please. Tell them I'm coming there instead."

"Wow, he's communicating through a locket!"she breathed.

"Did you hear that. They all want to come over cos they have managed to find where the Queen's bead is. They want to meet their new queen. What do I do now. I have no way out."he looked unsettled.

"Let them come and see me." Maybe Araxie thought it was as easy as drinking water.

"Are you out of your mind? You must be under the impression that only merpeople are coming which is not true. Every creature in the this Sea now wants to meet you. And yet many of them like snakes, crocodiles to mention but a few, would like to feed on you after finding that you're human."

"Oh no! What are we going to do?"

"There's only one option."

"And that's....?"she was shaking terribly in fear.

"I'm going to devour you."he was looking straight into her eyes.


"It's the only way. Give it back first."he was asking for the bead.

Araxie was still hestant when they heard strange noises coming through the walls of the cave.

"I guess they're here. Don't act stubborn this time my dear. You might end up putting yourself in grave danger and you know I won't be able to live without you.. I know all this is sounding strange to you but don't worry, you'll be safe in my tummy..

"Did he just say tummy! Is he really going to swallow me up?". She hoped he was joking only to realize that he really meant it after she found herself covered with so many warm pearls. "Pearls!"she breathed on remembering what Trion told her about pearls.

"Am I really in his tummy now?"that was all she said before passing out.

The next time she opened her eyes, she was on the sea showers. "How... how did I get here?" She was wandering her eyes around, hoping to see Trion before she heard him spoke from behind, "looking for me? I'm right here." He was in the Sea but a little bit closer to the shower where she sat.

"I've tied the bead on to your dress. Take care of it and yourself as well. You don't need to worry about me and my subjects, I'll handle them. Never fail to write to me in case you need my help. You can even ask your bead to summon Tia for you to deliver your letter to me. I will miss you my love." Araxie could sense a mixture of different emotions in Trion's voice.

"How can I tell you that I don't feel like going home anymore. I want to stay right here with you for the rest of my life."

"I know but you have to go. I need to handle my subjects first. And I'm sure you know why you can't stay or meet them, don't you?"

"Don't worry cos we'll be together very soon and you'll proudly introduce me as your beloved wife in front of every creature in this Sea. I promise."she rubbed off her tears before she screamed , "watch out!", when she saw men shooting arrows towards Trion.

"Run away from here Araxie, otherwise these people might use you to get to me if they get to know that we know each other. They'll surely realize that your love is my weakness."Trion said, ignoring the arrows heading towards him.

"I can't leave you alone. I'm coming."

"There's nothing you can do to stop them. The only way to help me is you running from here. Don't worry, I've been dealing with such issues all my life so far. "He explained and his words hit straight to Araxie's heart. "I wish I could meet his father and put an end to l his suffering for once and for all!"she breathed before she realized that he was gone.

Feeling deeply hurt by his situation, Araxie got up and teleported straight to the city. She was going to step inside their gate when someone grabbed her hand and pulled her aside.

It was Mrs Judith. "Ma'am!"

"Let's go from here first."

Judith couldn't hold her happiness any longer. "Thank God you're alive!"she breathed with relief while she hugged her.

"How are you ma'am. I'm happy to see you again."

"If anyone is happy here, then it's most definitely me."

"Where are....."

"They have gone to wait for you on the cliff. They have been acting crazy since yesterday."

"I'm sorry about that. What's happening at home. It's like I've heard so many people and much noise. I hope they aren't celebrating my demise."

"What can I say to you my child. All you need to know is that Marina isn't a good person. You can stay here with us if you want to but please don't go back home. She's a bad woman who's planning to ruin your life just for a jewelry store."

"What are you saying ma'am?"

"Believe me dear. Marina is a witch. I saw it with my own eyes. She even talked with the invisible Man as she requested for his help in ruining your life but luckily the man refused.

Do you even know how I managed to find your friends last night, that invisible Man told me.

Your precious stepmom was cursing you for ruining her entire plan. She was like, how could you do this to me. How dare you ruin my plans like this."

Judith wasn't giving her time to digest what she was telling her.

"Are you telling the truth?" Of course she knew that Marina was a witch but still, she couldn't fell for Judith's words so easily.

"Yes Araxie, mother is telling the truth."it was Sara's voice this time.

"Sara and Aurora."Araxie called looking so delighted.

"Thank God you're alive. I knew he would save you once again. Thank you Almighty."Sara said.

"I killed her.... I pushed her..."that was all Aurora said.

"What is she saying?"

"Actually dear, sister pushed you off the cliff on purpose. She thought she would bring you close to your boyfriend by doing that. She thought this would make the two of you realize your feelings for each other. Honestly the two of us never liked Marina's choice. Now my sister is terrified, she thinks that you didn't survive the fall."

"You mean to say that she didn't recognize me?"

"I think so."

"Goodness! We should take her to the hospital. She can't stay like this."Araxie was so caring and concerned about everyone around her.

"No! We can't do that especially not when she's still saying these things. What if Marina or anyone close to her finds out about this. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm helpless."Judith was crying the thing that Araxie never liked.

Seeing her cry, Araxie wondered if her bead could listen to her while on the dry land and then she remembered Trion's last words that she should use the bead to summon Tia. " This means it works on the land too."she breathed in realization.

Whispering something to the bead, Aurora came back to normal in no time at all.

"Araxie! When did you come back?"she was happy to see her friend back.

"I'm very sorry dear. I hope you'll forgive me one day."she added with a fallen face.

"Why are you apologising when you should be asking how your plan did it's magic and everything that happened down there."

"It sounds interesting."Sara sighed.

"Close the door and windows first. I'm afraid someone might see her here and you know what it means."Judith told Sara.

"Don't worry ma'am. I'll change my looks and no one would recognize me."

"Really. How?"Aurora sounded curious.

"What! Don't tell me that staying with witches has turned you into one as well."Sara who was good at jokes couldn't miss a chance to chuckle.

"I'm not a witch but I can easily change my appearance with this."she saw showing the bead to them