

Sofi's POV

Wait .....! Did he.....LAUGH AT ME??????WTH?

I should be angry ....but why am I happy....?



The hell! Am I really a masochist?????

I started crying internally. And my face couldn't stop showing different kinds of expressions, like smiling stupidly at him and the enraged and the shock by realising that I'm a masochist and even the disgusted feeling on myself! DAMN!

When I looked back again, he just kept staring at me. I felt my face flushing red with embarrasement. Hell! I have just embarrased myself in front of someone that is looking too awesome to be true. He's gonna tease me till death. This is what I thought. But I don't know what happened to the original story plot, because everything that seemed to happen after that incident have changed to another level.

Yeah.....the most unexpected moment of the class. He came to me and politely introduced himself as this class's student and as my fellow classmate named Shine. And gave his hand for me to shake.

The looks on everyone's face was just blank. I couldn't read them. I was nervoused even more. Suddenly I heard a loud gasp from one of the girls who can be called as campus belle. She seemed enraged somehow. I don't know what's happening over there. So just I shaked his hand and smiled at him. And sat down.

Even after half an hour, the class is too quiet. My guts are telling that something's different here. So I asked the girl next to me, " Hey, Ummmm....Ann what's happening with our class....everyone seems too quiet.....?" And here it goes.....I got no reply from her either.It was damn awkward. It's like everyone is ignoring me.....UGHHH.....I hate this!

After passing what it felt like an hour, a middle aged woman in a proper and decent attire entered our class. The old students stood up and bowed down in respect. Seeing this all the transfers stood up and greeted her. She introduced herself as Shelly, our homeroom teacher and our language professor. She's so cool. I started admiring her on the first sight.

And one by one our subject classes got over with only the intro of teachers and ourselves. It's already past noon. It's lunch time. We were given an hour for that. So everyone had already made their friendcircle and sat in the places they wished and started eating. I felt more awkward. Cause I couldn't even befriend one person in my class. TERRIBLE!

Thinking this I slowly packed my books inside the bag and took my lunch box out. I've only opened it to see that it was my favourite pasta. My mood brightened. As soon as I smelled it, my mouth started watering. So I dug into my food as fast as I could. And as I was eating I heard a mocking laugh sounding in front of me.

I looked up rising my head from the lunch box. All I could see are the pearly white teeth that are flashing in front of my eyes. Suddenly I felt someone touching me. WHAT????? A PERV?!!?I looked down only to see a fair and slender finger caressing my cheeks. My cheeks flushed red.

What flushing red....crap! It's because I'm angry, and nothing else.

I thought of grabbing that handsome hand(how come a hand be said as handsome *facepalm*). Before I could do that, the hand (handsome hand) withdrew itself, leaving my raised hand hanging halfway. Then I heard a small soft and gentle chuckle near my ears saying "Idiot".