
With These Hands

A normal child, ripped from his own reality, is forced to find a way to survive in a world of capes and monsters. Will he survive or will he die trying?

OriginalMaker · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 3

The end of the school day couldn't come any faster. Liam was the first out of the class and one of the quickest to leave the building, a destination and a plan in mind.

It didn't take long before Liam ducked into a flower shop. His eyes darted around, finding it to be empty besides the attendant resting their head on a table.

'Well Gotham isn't the most cheerful city so it isn't surprising that this place doesn't have any customers.' Liam thought as his eyes scanned the flowers around.

"How can I help you?" The man at the desk asked, seemingly impatient as he sized Liam up for a moment.

Liam simply nodded. "Yeah, I came here looking for a few flowers to buy." Why else would he be here?

As if picking up his thoughts, the man frowned. "Which ones?"

Liam dug through his pocket, producing a small piece of paper that had what he wanted written on it. He'd done that earlier in class.

Snatching it from his fingers, the old man grumbled before moving on to fulfil the request.

"Sheesh. Talk about poor service." Liam muttered under his breath as he watched the man leave.

He busied himself with appraising the flowers around him.


-[Rose Flower]

-[A delicate, velvety flower with layers of soft, crimson petals and a golden center. It had calming, soothing and antiseptic properties.]


-[A tall, bright yellow flower with large, daisy-like petals and a dark center. It exudes warmth, energy, and vitality, with anti-depressing properties.]


He noticed a theme to his appraisal, it analysed things in a manner that showed what they could be used for in the aspect of merging them with other things.

'When I merged the protein mix and the weight loss mix, I got a result that was within the scope of my desire but when I tested the merge function with the toothpaste and the toothbrush, it gave me a random result that was still in the scope of the items used.' He analyzed with a small frown.

'The results of merges can be directed by intent so long as the intended result is within the scope of the materials used.' He theorized. 'You can't merge an apple and a mango and expect to get a coconut.'

With his theory, he was even more confident in his plan.

Before long, the man returned, carrying a few wraps of flowers. The ones he requested.

"Chamomile, Calendula, Peppermint, Poppy and Hibiscus." Liam listed as he inspected them carefully.

The man ignored him, ringing up the flowers before turning back to face him. "That'll be $19."

Liam barely stopped his brow from rising. 'That's surprisingly cheap. Could it be because he doesn't get many customers?'

Shaking his head, he quickly paid and carried the wrapped flowers out of the shop and back home.


In a cave beneath an exquisite manor in Gotham, a figure sat behind a large computer, typing swiftly at the keys.

Only the sound of the keys filled the area for a while until an elderly man in formal wear cut through the near silence as he walked up to him.

"Master Bruce, if you're done glaring at your computer, your lunch is ready. As it has been for the past two hours." The elderly butler said with a mix of fondness and exasperation.

"I don't have time to eat, Alfred. Joker escaped from his cell at Arkham. I need to find out where he is and what he's planning?" Bruce said, not looking away from the computer for even a moment.

"Dreadful indeed sir. How did he manage to escape this time?" Alfred asked.

Joker's incarceration was looking more and more like short vacations with how often he broke out of it, each time with different methods that never ceased to amaze.

The frown on Bruce's face could be heard. "He played dead for hours until they came to check up on him. Then he used Joker Venom to incapacitate the guards and escape."

"There's been signs of movement at the Ace Chemical Processing Plant. He frequently uses it as his hideout so it's most likely him. I need to get there and investigate."

Bruce shot to his feet, pulling his cowl over his head as he made his way to the batmobile.

"What about master Dick?" Alfred asked, causing him to pause for a brief moment before shaking his head.

"No need."


Liam sat on the floor of the kitchen, a mortar and pestle beside him and five glass containers holding powdered substances in front of him.

He'd ground each of the flowers to powdered form. It wasn't difficult but it was boring, though he held out for the sake of proving his theory and finding a solution to his financial problem.

"Alright that's done." He muttered, rubbing his palms together in anticipation and slight nervousness.

He picked the powdered Chamomile and Calendula. Holding one in each hand, he triggered the merge. One dull flash of light later and he was holding a single container.


-[Calming Blend]

-[A delicate floral powder that provides a very calming, soothing sensation.]


He almost dropped it as he shot to his feet in triumph. 'I was right!'

His hands shot to grab the two other containers of Peppermint and Poppy, merging them instantly. Without appraising the result, he merged it with the hibiscus.

Now left with two containers in his hands, he once again triggered the merge.



-[A powerful floral concoction which triggers an intense calming and sedative effect when used. It is moderately addictive. The duration of its effects are dependent on the amount taken.]


In a city like Gotham where you can't make a good living unless you're related to some rich family, how do you make money?

Obviously not the legal way.

Drugs were hardly the most irredeemable thing in Gotham and it wasn't uncommon to see teenagers having fun with them at parties and even school.

He obviously wasn't going to use it himself but if he could find a constant supply of ready buyers then he'd have a good supply of income for the meantime until he could get some legal form of income.

'I just need to-' his thoughts were broken up as his phone rang in his pocket.

He answered the call on instinct. "Hello?"

"Liam, where are you buddy? You disappeared right after the bell." The person on the other end asked.

It was his 'childhood friend', Vincent Jones. They had an…interesting dynamic. Vincent was the cool kid people wanted to be around while Liam was the fat loner who had no friends.


Storing the addictive drug in his inventory, he got off the floor. "I went home. I had to check on a few things here. Did you need something?"

"Me and some guys want to hit up the arcade, wanna come with?" The person asked.

Just as he was about to decline, he paused for a moment. 'This could be an opportunity.' He thought.

"Sure. What time?" Liam asked.

"Really? You're not pulling my leg, right?" Vincent asked, surprise evident in his tone.

"What's with the surprise?" He retorted despite knowing the answer.

"Well you almost never say yes. Are you feeling alright?" Vincent asked, almost making Liam roll his eyes as he cleared up the mess in the kitchen.

"Yes, just tell me when before I change my mind." He threatened good-naturedly.

"We'll be there in an hour. Don't be late." With that the call ended.

'An hour. I have some time for a short workout before I go.' He thought, pocketing the phone.

His predecessor had an image and reputation that he was going to change. The first step was to show a higher self esteem. That part wouldn't be hard seeing as how his memories showed a boy with ridiculously low esteem.

Step two was to change his appearance; that was already underway and he was expecting a lot of questions about his drastic change in stature but honestly…he didn't care.

The fitness mix had essentially helped him cram months of workouts and exercise into a few days. He had lost the fat and it was quickly being replaced with tight muscles on his now leaner frame.

He was vain enough that his appearance mattered a lot to him. Along with the aesthetics of his new appearance, came the body strength that he was building up.

Slowly but surely, the image of helplessness he felt when he first awakened here subsided, being replaced with newfound confidence.