
With The Diablo Gacha System In DXD!

" So you're a Devil." Diablo's face twitched," I am - Diablo." " So you're a... Devil." Diablo knew she shouldn't have talked with this annoying bag of meat... " Oi, y'know I hear you, right?" Diablo did something she never was possible... She prayed with all her might to be killed or taken away from this crazy Human! " Okay, I agree with that. I am a bit crazy. Just a wee bit though." If Diablo could turn any more red, she would have. Just a wee bit? Just a wee bit? Did she hear right? He is crazy and that's saying something from her! He tried to fuck the concept of Infinity and Dreams! " Well..." " Shut it!" Thus starts the story of a 'slightly' unhinged young German man from Earth, sent into DXD with - The Diablo System. DXD, we pray for your safety. Your gonna need it~! //////////// [>∆ Disclaimer: I own nothing In this Fanfic, except for the things I have created myself, so please don't sue me, I'm broke... Also, this is my first time writing, other than for school, so don't expect much from me, I ain't no genius, I only get C's In school~>∆]

RealitySenpaiEro · Anime & Comics
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Chapter - 3: The Diablo Gacha System

[ Quote of the day: The last woman I was in, was the Statue of Liberty ]


After two cups of drip-filtered black coffee, Klaus was ready to go.

If not for Coffee, who knows what will happen?

Without a cup of Coffee in him, he will be gloomy and grumpy all day. So yes, he needs his Coffee. Homemade German Coffee. Not the crazy stuff those Americans cook up in their mothers basements. Just thinking about those Abominations they call Coffee made him shiver.

Just leave it to the damn Americans to fuck up everything, huh?

No wonder Hilter was so ready to kill them. They touched the Holy Land Of Coffee and tainted it with their filthy thoughts and hands!

Onwards! For Coffee, he says!

Coughing lightly at his thoughts, Klaus pulled up his System.


Status | Mission Hall | Inventory | Dungeon Hall | Gacha.


Klaus's eyes flickered upon seeing the fourth option.

[ Dungeon Hall: The Dungeon Hall is a place where Meister can gain fighting experience and Gold in a protected space. As of now, only one opinion is Unlocked.

The Zombie Dungeon: A neverending cave system of swarming Zombies who want nothing more, but to eat and infect you ]

Zombies? Why Zombies?

Klaus rather not fight zombies. Especially in a cave. Tight places and a dead body are never a good thing.

Well... That's a lie. It's only a good thing if you're sacrificing them to the Outer Gods or their children. Or so says his Mother.

Plus, he has to get powerful. He's in bloody DXD, the land of oversized boobs and women straight out of a horny teen's wet dream. And a Land of Death at every corner.

The vast majority only see big boobs and they are all in. Not him. He sees Devils, Fallen Angles, Vampires, and false Gods who he rather not get the attention of.

It's a damn Death trap he tells you.

Do you want a Harem?

You do? He for sure doesn't. Especially in a place where he can die at every moment.

Call him paranoid, but he's bloody not in the mood to get a Harem.

Maybe when he gets more powerful. And even then, a big maybe.

Sighing at his thoughts, Klaus needs something to take his mind off his impending Doom. Luckily, he has the right thing. Or rather, the System does...hopefully.

' System, do you have a Starter Pack?'

[ Ding! Answer: Affirmative! Would Meister like to open it? ]

Klaus let out a breath of relief, he didn't know he was holding, and smiled.

' Yes.'

Now he can only hope his E-Rank Luck doesn't come back to haunt him again like when he was trying to get Jalter.

[ Ding! You gained the following!

-Random Skill Token: By crushing this Token, you will get a Random Skill.

-Random Item Token: By crushing this Token, you will get a Random Item.

-Random Weapon Token: By crushing this Token, you will get a Random Weapon.

Random Summoning Token: By crushing this Token, you will get a Random Summoning ]

Klaus's whole face twitched.


Isn't Random just another world for Gacha?

He withheld a sigh that wanted to leave his mouth.

' Fine. Fine, Void, I will play your game.'

The Void wants him to play Gacha?

He will play some bloody Gacha then!

Thinking of the Tokens, four wooden different colored small Tokens appeared in his hand. The Tokens themselves glowed amd were small as his pinky finger.

' Huh, so thinking about them works like in those fanfics.'

He snorted and crushed all four Tokens.

Four notifications soon flooded his vision, as the Tokens disappeared into colorless particles.

[ Ding! You gained the Skill: Judgment.

Required Level: 22.

Judgment: You Pass Judgment on all enemies within  20  yards of the targeted location,   Immobilizing them in place for  6  seconds. When invoked, blasts the targeted area (up to 60 yards away). It has a momentary action, having no effect on enemies that come into that area after the cast. Secondary effects trigger even if targets are immune to Immobilize ]

[ Ding! You gained the Item: Empyrean Band.

Required Level: N/A.

Empyrean Band: +2 to all Attributes(Stats), Faster Hit Recovery, Absorbs half of Trap Damage ]

[ Ding! You gained the Weapon: Black Razor Sharp Dagger.

Required Level: 1.

Black Razor Sharp Dagger: +2 Strength, +2  Vitality ]

[ Ding! You gained the Summoning: Hellion.

Hellion: The bestial hellions are demons that can be summoned from the Burning Hells with the aid of foul Magic. They are given to chasing down their foes and attacking them with savage fangs. This usually allows some spare time for their Masters to craft their dark spell work and finish off the victim. Swift and tireless, Hellions can outrun almost any creature. Hellions are not especially intelligent, but it's this simple-mindedness that makes them so easy to summon ]

Information immediately flooded Klaus's mind after the notifications disappeared. It felt like someone was pushing knowledge down his throat while forcing him to learn every single detail about it.

He wanted to hate how he knows everything about the Defensive Crusader's skill; Judgment and the history behind the Empyrean Band, Black Razor Sharp Dagger, and the Demon Hound Hellion. But, knowledge is power. Especially from a world like Diablo.

So even if he has the world's worst headache, he smiled.

Klaus's lips rose even higher, seeing the Demon Hound in front of him. Its body glowing hellish red and it's tongue out, looking at him in devotion.

Seeing its Master look at it, the Hellion's body laid down before him, seemingly bowing to him.

He wanted to scream and run away like a normal person upon seeing an actual Demon. But.. He couldn't. The damn thing is too bloody adorable, especially the way it's looking at him.

' Man... I knew that Void fucked with my mind.'

If it was the old him, he would have run without looking back or fainted outright in either shock or fear.

However now?

He just finds the Demon Hound too cute. It's probably because he had a dog in his past life. He loves Dogs.

" Who's a good murderer Demon Dog~?"

*Happy Hellion Noises!*

" Oh yes you are, yes you are~!"

*Very Happy Hellion Noises!*

Patting the Demon Hound, Klaus knew something changed in him.

Here's hoping it's a good change...






[ Ending of Chapter. Please wait for the next chapter~! Have a great day to whoever is reading this~ ]