
With or Without You

Overview: Kennedy Cordell is a 18 year old senior. She is best friends with Harry Styles. After her father passed away from cancer, she started feeling really depressed and suicidal. Some things lead to another, and well, you can probably figure the rest out for yourselves. (Short story) Disclaimer: I'm not a professional writer, so please excuse the terrible grammar :) Warning! Mature language Suicide

victoriav9032 · Celebrities
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14 Chs

Part 7

I finally put my phone down, after arguing with Harry. Sometimes, I just can't believe that kid. Ugh, I feel so sick to my stomach. Maybe Harry was right. When is he never?

A sudden pulsing feeling struck me. Here we go again.. I walked over to the bathroom, and locked the door behind me. I opened the drawer, so my mom couldn't open the door.

I dug around in the medicine cabinet, until I found a small razor I had pulled from a sharpener. I put the sharp blade right up to my wrist, and held my breath. Quickly, I slit my wrist just enough so it wouldn't bleed like crazy. I held my breath until I hid the blade, and dug around for bandaids.

The pulsing in my wrist got worse within every second. I pulled off the wrapping, and stuck the bandaid to my pulsing wrist. I let my sleeve down, and walked out like nothing ever happened.