
With him( Book 1 of demons, realms and empire)

'Just get over it. Kill me already'. It was silent. Very silent. Eerie silent. He took a few steps towards and I don't back out. 'He's finally going to kill me. I'm coming mom'. I close my eyes for the impact to come but nothing came. Not a gunshot, not a knife stab, slit of throat. Nothing. "What's your name?" He demanded. 'My name?'. At least I could answer that. But it seems my body had another idea. I was falling, dropping to the cold, hard wet ground, maybe this is a good way to die. I braced myself for the fall but I was caught before I could even hit the ground. I wanted to move, to open my eyes at least but my body wouldn't budge. Whatever caught me was strong, very big and hot! Yes very hot. I snuggled close to the heat. I was been lifted and my head was touching a hard chest, I try opening my eyes once again and I succeed but it's half open. I stare up at what was carrying me. As I looked up, I was met with an icy blue orbs. They were staring right back at me, and it was a he. A guy or man. He said something but I didn't hear it. Darkness was calling upon me and I don't fight it. I closed my eyes, drifting into the darkness. I don't know but I can't seem to shake this feeling away. This strange happiness of being in this man's arms. Who is he and why do I feel a pull towards him? He's a ruthless mafia king, arrogant, a demon prince, selfish, and a billionaire. He cares about no one but himself. Ashley Wilson is a 20years old girl whose family kept running away from someone or something. She knew nothing about her family secrets but she's suffering from them WARNING: THIS ARE MY IMAGINATIONS EVERYTHING HERE ARE ALL FICTION

Okeke_Ozioma_5953 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 4: Reunion??

I woke up after sleeping for like 2hours or so, I checked the time to see 1:30am. I groan holding my head, all those crying are now taking effect on me. I sighed while wearing my floppy slippers heading down to get water.

As I got close I could hear an unfamiliar voice, I wondered who could have visit us at an ungodly hour. I tried to listen to what they were saying but it seems like they speaking in another language, it sounded like Spanish or so.

After trying hard to listen to what they were talking about, I gave up. Climbing down the stairs I bursted out to the living room with everyone's eyes on me, I didn't seem to care. I walked to the fridge took a bottle of water, gulping half of it, I placed it back inside the fridge.

Making my way back to the living room.

When I got there I felt my breath hitch, there were men in suits,all in black suits, expensive one's. 'Not that I know anything about suits but with the materials I could tell'. There's a guy or man whichever seated on one of our sofa, leg crossed, smirking sinisterly. I shuddered inwardly, mom and dad were sitting on the couch. Mom looked scared while dad was looking really really furious, his breaths were shallow as if he'd just ran a marathon. Strange

I started my journey to go back to my room when I heard the smirking man say something catchy. "Won't you say hi to your uncle?". 'Uncle'

"Um... Uncle??" I asked looking at mom who was almost shaking.

Okay? What's going on here. Why are my parents acting odd? And who's this man that claims his my uncle??.

"Ashley go back upstairs". Dad said through gritted teeth. I wanted to ask a question but mom cuts me off. "Now!" She whispered. I turned to to march to my room, only to be stopped again by Mr. Smirking only this time they were his guards. 'I assumed'.

"Let her go" Mom said with venom laced in her voice. Wow is that mom?

"Fernando" Dad called. 'Fernando? Is that Spanish?'.

"What do you want?". He asked through clenched jaw. The Fernando guy laughed like a maniac saying. "Where's the other kid?" The fell silence after that question.

"I asked a question", He said obviously pissed with our silence but it seems no one wants to answer, so I did the necessary. "Dad". I called making him snap his head to my direction.

"What's going on here and who's this?" I said pointing at the man sitting on our sofa. "Ashl-" he started but was cut offed by the smirking man. "Oh my", He said dramatically.

"Where are my manners, I'm Fernando Wilson Gonzalo. 'Wilson??.... Like our Wilson?.

I was looking totally lost and he stood up walking up towards me. I didn't like the fact that he was coming closer, so I took a few steps backwards but of course I couldn't. His so called guards were still holding me. "Yes your uncle". He said. "But I thought you were dead".... He chuckled darkly. "Was that what he told you?"... He asked walking towards dad. They were staring into each others eyes

"Padre esta muerto" (father is dead). He said... Lo sé (I know)


Norman!!! Mom screamed rushing to dad who now has bleeding nose

"Supieras!!!(you knew)". He yelled at him. "Why?!. Why?!. You left us. You left me porqué!!(Why)". He asked punching him again. Now mom tears were falling

"Norman mírame! (Look at me)"

'Wtf mom speaks Spanish too'. I don't understand what's happening here and why's this uncle here now

"Ahhhh" mom yelped. He pulled her off the floor. "Sofia you left me for a coward huh? He can't protect you. You kept running like a culprit, I could give you a better life, you and the baby. Everything you desire, just say you're mine".

Fernando I don't want your filthy money and i don't want yo-


Mom was holding her right cheek while my eyes wanted to fall off their sockets

"How dare you!!!" Dad yelled which earn him a kick. Now I was fuming with rage 'How dare he?! How dare he hit my parents?!'

"Hey! Mister don't you ever hit my family. How dare you walk in here punching and slapping everyone, like who the fuck do you think you are huh?!!". He turned to me giving a smirk that I so much want to slap off his face. "Ah. Madre( mother)" He said,

"Lorenzo?" He called. Did you notice how much she looks like mother"

"Norman" Mom corrected glaring at my  uncle

The word tastes funny on my tongue. "His name is Norman not Lorenzo" she stated. He laughed like she just cracked a joke, his laugh booming all over the house. "Did..." He said in between his laughter, "Did you think changing your names would stop me fro-

"Mom?" Jasper called coming down "Mooomm?"

"Jasper, go back to bed" she said quickly

"Agárralo!"(Get him) My uncle said snapping his fingers. "Déjalo en paz (Leave him alone) mom screamed

"Ow! Ow! Stop, you're hurting me! Let me go! Mom! Mommy!" Jasper cried.

The bulky man held Jasper by his hair dragging him down. The sight cause me to snap. "Let him go! You fucking prick!" I yelled wriggling myself, trying to release the hold on me.

"I said let him go or I swear I'll break your head" I said still moving

"Hmmmm déjalo (Leave him) uncle said. The bulky man left jasper and he ran to mom crying. "What do you want Fernando??" Dad asked