
With him( Book 1 of demons, realms and empire)

'Just get over it. Kill me already'. It was silent. Very silent. Eerie silent. He took a few steps towards and I don't back out. 'He's finally going to kill me. I'm coming mom'. I close my eyes for the impact to come but nothing came. Not a gunshot, not a knife stab, slit of throat. Nothing. "What's your name?" He demanded. 'My name?'. At least I could answer that. But it seems my body had another idea. I was falling, dropping to the cold, hard wet ground, maybe this is a good way to die. I braced myself for the fall but I was caught before I could even hit the ground. I wanted to move, to open my eyes at least but my body wouldn't budge. Whatever caught me was strong, very big and hot! Yes very hot. I snuggled close to the heat. I was been lifted and my head was touching a hard chest, I try opening my eyes once again and I succeed but it's half open. I stare up at what was carrying me. As I looked up, I was met with an icy blue orbs. They were staring right back at me, and it was a he. A guy or man. He said something but I didn't hear it. Darkness was calling upon me and I don't fight it. I closed my eyes, drifting into the darkness. I don't know but I can't seem to shake this feeling away. This strange happiness of being in this man's arms. Who is he and why do I feel a pull towards him? He's a ruthless mafia king, arrogant, a demon prince, selfish, and a billionaire. He cares about no one but himself. Ashley Wilson is a 20years old girl whose family kept running away from someone or something. She knew nothing about her family secrets but she's suffering from them WARNING: THIS ARE MY IMAGINATIONS EVERYTHING HERE ARE ALL FICTION

Okeke_Ozioma_5953 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 15: Pain

I grunt in pain, yeah serious unimaginable pain. My tummy ache so bad that it hurt to even move. I moved the covers off me and went straight to the bathroom, I felt nausea, my back ached like hell, my head was doing a 360 spin. I felt utterly awful. I stood up, ready to flush but stopped immediately 'That explains a lot'. Well today happens to be my period and I have to endure and certainly not enjoy it. I took a warm bath which helped me relax.

I changed into one of those big shirts I wore when I got here and wore a dark blue jeans. I didn't have to worry about pads because we also shopped for them 'Mad shopping ain't stupid after all'. I was finally ready to go down stairs but the cramps and aches wouldn't let me, besides I can stay till lunch. I crawled back unto the bed and after that my cramps seemed to increase.


I woke up to the sudden loud noise but didn't move, I felt exhausted, drained of energy so I just laid there. Someone placed his hand on my shoulder, turning me, so I was staring at the ceiling. I looked at who almost made me scream in pain and was faced with icy orbs. Alexander?


I can't believe myself. I almost kissed her. Yesterday was normal for me until I walked into my room to find Ashley in it. She looked so damn sexy in her high pants and her off top. It took everything in me not to kiss her sharp, pale shoulders. I stood there as she picked my mug, bending slightly and I gulped softly, she was killing me without doing anything. I've never in my whole 803years of living seen anything as beautiful as her, she always amused me, everything about her called me. From her eyes to her legs, I just want everything. I don't think I can still strain myself, my being was going haywire, making me lose my composure.

I called her, making her drop the cup. She picked them but got a cut. I was just supposed to treat the injury but somehow got lost in her eyes, when I realized what I was doing, I'd pulled back. Now I have to face the awkwardness.

I got down stairs and Samantha popped out. "Dominus (Master)" She greeted bowing and I nodded, taking a seat while she poured me my favorite wine.

"Where is she?" I asked noticing Ashley wasn't here. "Upstairs, sire." She said keeping her eyes down. I waved a dismissing hand to her. Once she was gone I took the bottle taking another glass before heading to my office in the house.

Today wasn't stressful. I'd attended to all of my appointment online, through video calls, gave out orders on the mafia and now I'm ready to take Ashley to the doctor. She's different from the normal humans I've come across, so I need to take her to her kinds to treat her. I made my way downstairs but she wasn't there, I glanced at my wrist watch '2:30pm' this was usually the time she has lunch but she isn't here.

"Samantha." I called and she came out.

"Where's Ashley?" I demanded. "I don't know, she didn't come down for breakfast sire." I furrowed

"Is this the first time?" "No sire." She replied. I marched upstairs, heading to her room. 'What's her problem? Now she's avoiding breakfast and lunch, probably dinner too'. I felt rage flow through me. Why did she have to be so stubborn? A lot of girl would love to eat, obey and do anything I ask of them but she, she's just so different and it just brings different emotions, which does not please me.

I pushed the door open and the smell of blood attacked my nostrils. 'What the hell?!' All of my anger vanished in an instant, I search frantically for her. She laid under the covers, curled into a ball. 'What the fuck happened.' I walked up to her, she didn't move, her heartbeat was slow, like she was sleeping but I knew something was wrong. I placed my hand on her shoulder and turned her. I felt a serious punch to my gut, she looked sick, her rosy cheeks had trails of tears and she looked so tired. 'What happened to her?'

"What happened to you?" I asked softly and she shook her head saying "Nothing." "Answer me." I demanded. 'she's so stubborn.'

"I am just..." She started but stopped, before she took a deep breath.

"I'm just on my period." She said wincing softly. I sighed in relief but I was still worried. My kinds didn't go through this, so it was all new to me. "Is there anything you want me to get?" I asked and she shook her head saying 'No.'

"Ahh..." She screamed, not so loud but it caught my attention. "What is it?" I questioned, looking at her. She took a shaky deep breath, her face showed agony and a tear slipped through her closed eyes. "I'm fine." She whispered to herself. I looked at her, confusion lingering on my face. 'Why is she in pain? It isn't that painful, right?'

She closed her eyes, breathing shakily, whimpering softly, tears leaking through her closed eyes. The sight made my heart clench, it made me want to burn who hurt her but I can't, this is a normal thing for a human and I still wonder, why she's hurting. This is the first time I've looked close at a human, they disgust me with their attitude, their greed, their pursue for power, their blind struggle to be superior. To me, humans will always be pests. Pests destroying the balance of their realm, destroying nature, claiming they are developing.

"Oh my...." Ashley whisper yelled, curling further into a ball. I can't see her like this, it's doing some uncomfortable things to me and I don't like it. I turned her to face me but she wasn't looking at me, she held her tummy with trembling hands. "You should sit up. You've been laying." I said to her and she nodded. I placed my hands on her small back and pulled her up which caused her to scream.

"Don't. Stop!!!" She said so fast, making me frown. I placed her back on the bed, waiting for an explanation. "My back aches." She explained. 'How the hell!!' I nodded. "You should  eat something." I said, standing up. She nodded, curling back to a ball. I sighed heading down, running a hand through my hair. This is the worst case I've ever handled. 'How do I stop her pain.' I knew nothing about the humans and I got one as a mate.

Females of this race never amazed me, never fascinated me, they were all the same, fake people, fake everything. But she. She amazed me, fascinated me, made me curious, made me feel different emotions at the same time. She wasn't fake, she wasn't the same, she was real and I done ignoring her.

"Samantha, make a chicken soup." I told her, walking closer. "Quomodo domin- (Master, how is she)." She stopped, her eyes wide before they turned to slits. I looked at her confused before it got to me. Blood. Samantha jumped over the counter, racing towards the stairs. I dashed to her front, pinning her to the wall.

"Sanguis! Opus est sanguis (Blood! I need blood)." She kept chanting, pushing me but I am 100times stronger than her.

"Notum autem vobis facio!!! (Let me go!!!)." She screamed, her nails turning to talons, she soon grew cat eyes, whiskers pouting out of her face, mouth opening wider. "Sanguis!! (Blood)." She cried, growing more violent. I placed my hand on her head, then closed my eyes. When I opened them Samantha froze. She could sense my presence but it didn't stop her need for blood.

"Ire in domum suam (Go back home)." I said in a frightening deep voice. "Ut ego te (I order you)." I used my demonic voice. A voice that if Ashley heard, she'd faint. A portal opened and I threw her inside.

"Ashley?" I called, placing the tray close to the night stand. "Hmmm." She hummed in response.

"You need to sit up." I told her and she peeled her eyes open, turning to me. My heart skipped a beat. She looked..., terrible didn't even fit her state, her eyes were puffy and red, nose were pink and her plump pink-red lips were parted. She rose her hands towards me and I pulled her up which made her whine quietly. I placed the bowl in front of her but she didn't make an attempt to eat, she just kept staring at it, scrunching her nose.

"I'm not hungry." She said turning away. "Yes you are, so start eating." I replied gently but still she didn't move an inch

"Ashley, don't test me." I said sternly. 'She's so fucking stubborn.' "Eat or I'll do it  for you." I said when she didn't move. She narrowed her eyes at me before she reluctantly took the spoon. It wasn't up to 10minutes she started eating and she dropped the spoon, saying she's full. I collected the soup and placed it on my laps, holding the spoon close to her mouth. "W-What ar-are you doing?" She asked, her face turning red. 'So shy.' "Open up Ash." I said lazily and she parted her lips slightly. "Wider, this won't fit." I said and she complied. I kept feeding her till we got half way in the bowl and she refused to eat and I ate it all.

"Does it hurt?" I found myself asking and she nodded. "How bad?", "Like a bitch." She replied, Making me chuckle and she laughed. She went to the bathroom while I waited for her. She came out bending slightly, taking deep breaths. She let out a low whimper, crying. I stood up and went to her side. The smell of blood slapped my face. The smell was so strong that I had to hold my breath, it smelled so wonderful, the best smell I've ever smelt in my whole damned life but I couldn't taste it. I strained myself, while I carried her to the bed. I places her gently on the bed but her grip on my bicep didn't loosen. I sighed cursing myself for what I'm about to do. I was laying beside her on the bed, my jacket long forgotten, I lazily placed my hand on her tummy and she sighed contented.

After a few minutes, her breaths evened out, indicating she was asleep.

I don't know how many hours I stayed, watching her sleep but when I left her, it was night time. I got to my office, did a few things before going to make dinner for Ashley. I don't cook much but I can make a few things. I got to the kitchen, rolled up my sleeves and started making macaroni and cheese.

I was turning off the gas when Ashley got down.

"Something smells good." She said turning to the kitchen. She halted her steps when she saw me. "Um... Hi." She greeted nervously. "Hey." I greeted back. The awkwardness was so clear in the air till she cleared it.

"Uh... You cook?" She asked still surprised. "Yeah I do. Take a seat." I said dishing out the food. She took a seat staring at the plate in front of her. "Mhmm, this is so great." She said, making my heart swell. "Thank you." I replied calmly. We ate quietly till we finished our dish.

Today was stressful.


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