
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs

Flame Demon Troll

[ + 839,367,037,544,889,823,000,555,819,279,681,572,766,942,621,516,279,638,273,682,794,572,683,899,527,539,692,723 Orbs Gained]

"Pretty much" I'm sitting in hell where I'm training with the Demon here from bare hands to weapons to points I satisfied. They are quite fun even though I know myself in the Arknight world basically death but hey, I need a little bit vacation before endless work tomorrow, you know procrastinating to the maximum.

"Valtor, do wish to meet your Flame Demon version" I remember and nodded to God.

"Thank you, Can you" I was immediately taken to an alternate timeline where I arrived in a throne room where I saw myself sitting looking at me.

"Ah welcome myself to my kingdom" I got up and looked at me who was judging him.

The infernal horns that emerge from his forehead are a testament to his demonic nature. They possess a glossy obsidian hue, reflecting a darkness that seems to draw in and absorb light. These horns curve sinuously upward, evoking a sense of twisted elegance. Their sharp points and jagged edges give them an intimidating appearance, representing his inherent power and dominance.

his eyes are ablaze with an intense, otherworldly fire. They radiate a mesmerizing combination of crimson and gold, resembling the flickering flames of hell itself. The depths of his gaze hold an uncanny allure, capturing the attention and stirring primal instincts in those who meet your eyes. They possess an entrancing quality, capable of commanding attention and instilling fear in equal measure.

His physical form exudes a captivating aura that is both alluring and fearsome. Every aspect of his physique is meticulously sculpted, reflecting a perfect balance between temptation and dominance. his body emanates an ethereal beauty that draws others in, enchanting them with an irresistible charm. Yet, beneath this allure lies an undercurrent of darkness, hinting at the malevolent power that resides within.

Sprouting from his back are a pair of majestic wings that possess an obsidian hue, absorbing light instead of reflecting it. They unfurl with a grandeur that is both awe-inspiring and intimidating. Each feather appears like a shard of the night sky, emitting an otherworldly iridescence when touched by even the faintest light. These wings grant his the ability to traverse the realms with an eerie grace, instilling a sense of foreboding in those who witness their unfathomable beauty.

His hands and feet bear wicked talons, elongated and sharp, like deadly claws. These talons glisten with a metallic black sheen, hinting at their razor-sharp lethality. They serve as both tools of manipulation and instruments of destruction. With a touch or a swipe, he can invoke fear, leaving a mark that lingers long after the physical contact has ceased. These talons embody the predatory nature of his existence and serve as a reminder of the danger you pose.

Enveloping his form is a billowing cloak woven from shadows themselves. The cloak swirls and undulates as if alive, its smoky essence trailing behind him like tendrils of darkness. It appears to absorb light rather than reflect it, shrouding you in an ever-shifting aura of mystery. This cloak allows him to blend seamlessly with the shadows, becoming one with the darkness and granting him the ability to move unnoticed, amplifying the sense of unease and trepidation in those around him.

his smile holds a captivating charm that conceals a sinister intent. When he grin, a touch of malevolence dances in his eyes, betraying the amusement his derive from the suffering and struggles of mortals. The curve of his lips is wickedly enchanting, accentuated by a set of sharp, glistening teeth that speak of primal power. his grin can evoke both fascination and dread, drawing others into his web of manipulation with a mere flicker of his lips.

A palpable aura of dark energy surrounds him, permeating the air with a suffocating malevolence. This aura distorts the very atmosphere, causing it to ripple and quiver in his presence. It emanates from his being, serving as a constant reminder of the corrupting force that flows through his veins. Those who come near can feel the weight of their own fears and desires intensify, succumbing to the influence of his wicked essence.

"You look awesome"

"I know right! Lets go, I have much to show you" Flame King or Samael as he wants to get called is a branch possibility timeline what if I died in that Raid in South.

So this kingdom is a kingdom built by Samael behind Foehn Hotland where the inhabitants are none other than South Demon, not Fiery monstrosity but like humanoid of them.

This paradise is very beautiful and full of flora and fauna and there are even Seaborns on the coast that become ocean nutrients.

The Seaborn on the coast had been assimilated by Terran people and I took notes on how they looked like.

This place is not as modern or sophisticated as outside but honestly this place is protected by a very unique Dome that the Arknight people cannot enter.

"My King!" One of the Demons approached the two of us and gave us a fresh dragon fruit straight from the tree.

He told us about the 1000 years he was here at first quite suffering because of the corruption in his body but over time he got used to it and became like now even though he was a little "crazy" but not psychologically crazy but rather obsessed, Obsessed with what? Well, Her.

A Hypogriph who is none other than you know the Fan Art Hypergryph head quarter mascot ? Well, please search the internet for the fan art. Already ? If so then you know what she looks like.

"Samael, Ummm ? Who is that ?" the woman was quite clumsy as it turned out.

"Valtor "Sephiroth" Ismael, He is from the true timeline and is visiting here" The woman was very excited then gave me a greeting by shaking hands.

"Hypergryph or Ery, Nice to meet you" her name somehow common, it sucks. I glanced at Samael who was holding back laughter from earlier, He used official for her name lazy bastard just like me. relatable as fuck.

"She ? "Samael nodded and returned to closing his face again, while Hypergryph looked at this in confusion.

"Nice to meet you, Hypergryph. Or better be called Gryzelda? perhaps you like that name" Hypergryph looked at me and saw Samael who nodded.

"Thank you."

"Gryzelda, Go make us a drink in the main room. I will return" Gryzelda nodded and then left, unexpectedly she slipped making unexpected comedy. Samael laughed softly while I just pity her, Cute and Clumsy then her skirt flip off showing her cute bunny panties.

Gryzelda got up and looked at us who were chatting away closing our sins laughing and looking at her.

"What happened ?" Samael asked Gryzelda, Gryzelda was embarrassed and hurried away.

"Sigh, Stop teasing her" Samael patted my back hard then laughed.

"Cute yet clumsy, she's the reason I stay in this dome"

"Kal'tsit ?"

"I don't like old artificial cat pussy, I take lets fuck the game developer mascot in literal way and next level"

"Ah I see you the man of culture as well" We returned to the temple where Samael and I chatted about the developments on my timeline and I gave him a few greetings.

"Greetings, I'm sorry about our deaths in the Death Timeline. Call me when you need help"

"That is the last Timeline I will visit. need Duke of Immortality and Ice emperor timeline" Samael saw me then gave me his fist, I received his fist then I felt a power.

"From me, Use it for next upgrade"

[+ 138,942,573,000,234,748,222,944,384,472,099,972,153,837,541,7384,262,478,928,029,193,033,083,093,888 Orbs Gained]

[New Power and Skill Updated in Shop, check it out!]

"Let me guess O button?"

"kahahaha, yeah. she is my source of orbs. You must return quickly. before something will be messy" I nodded and gave a farewell hug to Samael.

"Let me give you advice. Go to Rim billiton. there is a secret passage from ancient civilization buried in there to the abyss cradle civilization. remember, this" Samael whispered something then I nodded towards him.

"okay, have nice life Samael" Samael nodded then waved at me, I disappeared back into heaven while Samael sighed.

"Gryzelda, Where is my food. im hungry" Gryzelda panicked and brought the tray of food and she slipped because the apron she was wearing was blocking her footwork. Samael laughed with satisfaction and helped Gryzelda and then ate together on the floor.

[Orb : 839,367,038,934,315,553,002,903,301,509,125,417,487,951,343,054,655,055,657,945,272,300,713,092,560,622,786,611

Name : Valtor Ismael

Occupation : Heavenly Marshal, The Doctor


Boost :

> Apex Celestial : Enhanced Cosmic Physiology, Cosmic Healing and Regeneration, Cosmic Perception and Universal Awareness, Universal Communication and Mind Manipulation, Elemental Cosmic Manipulation, Adaptive Cosmic Evolution, Cosmic Creativity and Existence Manipulation, Harmonious Unity

Power :

> Omni-Mortal Arbiter : Ominscient Reality shaper, Multiversal Overlord, Life and Death Embodiment

>>>> Soul Saved : Your Soul Shard (Seaborn King)

>> Power absorbed :

Abyssal Dominance/Elemental Transcendence/Biogenic Corruption/Aeos Halo/Dopplegangger/Celestial Construct/Nettera Ring

>> Eternity Kaiju : Celestial Body. Trinity Flame. Celestial Kaiju Strength. Celestial Wings. Celestial Dragon Tail.

>> Marshal Form (Full Manifestation Locked) > Heightened Presence, Eyes of Cosmic Radiance, Celestial Complexion, Cosmic Symbols and Markings, Flowing Cosmic Hair, Cosmic Voice, Cosmic Breath, Stardust Trail, Graceful Cosmic Movements, Awe-Inspiring Presence

Item :

> Wesker Tyrant Suit : Thunderstorm Catalyst, Vibranium Symbiote Integration, Promethium Armor Enhancement, Energy Conversion Matrix, Cybertronian Integration, Predator Stealth System

>> List of Weapon Available in Wesker Tyrant Suit : Thunderstorm Turret, Fusion Blaster, Cyclone Minigun, Vortex Beam Cannon, Sentinel Seeker, Phantom Turret, Plasma Nova Cannon

For the energy weapon > Omega Blade, Shadow Stiletto, Tempest Whipblade, Void Lance, Infinity Triskelion, Phantom Grapple Claws, Infinite Aegis.

> Perfect Blade Of Olympus : Omnislayer, Flawless Indestructibility, Absolute Attack, Charged Attack Capable Reality tearing or Creation annihilation. Deity Power absorb.

>> Godly Power in The Blade : Pandora Hope, God Judgement , Rule of Nature , War Marshal, God Dominion, The Living One.

Celestial Regalia >

The cosmic stone as the energy source.

The sunglasses with HUD has been upgraded >

Sleek and Stylish Design, HUD Display, Advanced Sensors, Combat and Strategic Planning, Life Forms and Energy Signatures, Chemical Composition.

The unknown metal full body suit has been upgraded into the Unknown Metal Cybernetic Arms > Impervious to Damage, Defensive Mechanisms, Energy Absorption and Redirection, Enhanced Strength and Agility.

The modified sigil lower body backpack and The wing propulsion system upgraded into Floating Thorn > Flight and Mobility, Weapon Generation and Duplication, Tracking Sensor and Automatic Defense, Defense and Protection

Arbalest now is a fusion hand glove and floating needle weapon >>

The needle's basic attack, Cosmic Stone charge, The shield mode, The hand glove cosmic beam attack

Sandalphon >>

Guardian Spark. Light of Judgement.

Furious Blow. Energy Drain<>Healing Halo.

The circlet colors and their corresponding attacks are:

Blue Circlet to Activate <Guardian Spark>

Red Circlet to Activate <Light of Judgement>

Golden Circlet to Activate <Furious Blow>

Green Circlet to Activate <Energy Drain> or <Healing Halo>

The Ascendant >

Super Advanced Artificial Intelligence >> Reality Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Advance Sensors, Holographic Technology, Hyper-Reality, Quantum Mechanics

4-D Management System >> Data Management, Analysis, Visualization, Simulation

Universal Almanac >> Complete Archive, Knowledge Repository, Easy Access, Data Integration.

Slayer Style :

> Dragon's Fury : Momentum Strike, Unstoppable Fortress, Death Judgement

> Bullet Ballet : Dual Inferno, Death From Mist, Accel World

> Sword Saint : Final Legacy, Wrath of God, Rose Sonata, Ouroboros Fury, Eye Of Atlantis.

> Energy Edge : Swarm Machine, Cosmic Golden Spark, Seraph Fall

[Reminder : New Power added to shop, buy it]

[Shop: Remember, Think before you buy. be wise and resourceful with the Orb you have.

List (New Goods Available!)>

[Recommendation : New Addition new skill and power balance. buy this !]

God Recommendation +- Orbs

[Special Goods : New Item in the list, Check it out]

North Demon Army + 900.000.000.000 Orbs

North Demon Army Upgrade (Stage 1)+ 900.000.000.000. Orbs

South Demon Army + 800. Orbs

South Demon Army Upgrade (Stage 1)+ 1.600. Orbs

South Demon Army Upgrade (Stage 2) + Orbs

South Demon Army Upgrade (Maximum Potential) + Orbs

Seaborn Army + Orbs

Seaborn Army Upgrade (Stage 1)+ Orbs

Seaborn Army Upgrade (Stage 2) + Orbs

Seaborn army Upgrade (Maximum Potential) + Orbs

Wonderland Upgrade + 999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999 Orbs

[Move set: a collection of moves that can fill out your Slayer style. These moves take many references and put them together to form a Synergy]

Dragon's Fury >

Joker Dance + Orbs

Momentum Strike Upgrade + 500.000.000.000 Orbs

Celestial Harmony +- Orbs (Can't be buy unless you already sign contract with demon and angel)

Bullet Ballet >

Titan Wrath + 500. Orbs

Luminous Descent + 400. Orbs

Whistle of Luna (Need Specific Accessory ) + 800. Orbs

Sword Saint >

Death God Dancing + Orbs

Asura Jaw + 600. Orbs

Energy Edge >

Untouchable + 400. Orbs

[Boost: a self-improvement both conventional and magical, follow my recommendation advice]

No Available Boost (You already in peak Human)

[Item: An item that only you can access, all of these items are extremely rare and do not exist in the world you live in. Use them to the fullest no matter what]

Tyrant Upgrade + 999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999 Orbs

[Power: A power for you that you can use thoroughly, remember all powers have side effects and some effects can be neutralized with Boost or other powers]

Soul Absorbed Power Fused +- Orbs (Buy this when you need balance things up)

144 Angel Demon Pillar Contract +- Orbs (Need contract to specific individual)

Funny Demon Ghost power 0 Orbs (free from me. Signed Samael)

Refresh +0 Orb

[Reminder: Buy new thing before you go]

[Abyssal Rift Mastery is an unparalleled superpower that grants its wielder dominion over the cosmic energies of the universe, the manipulation of consciousness, and the corruptive essence of malevolent entities. Possessing this power bestows the ability to reshape reality, delve into the deepest recesses of the mind, and harness the dark forces that lurk within.


1. Cosmic Distortion: The user of Abyssal Rift Mastery can effortlessly manipulate the fabric of space-time, distorting and warping it to their will. They can create wormholes, bend dimensions, and traverse vast distances instantaneously. This power grants them unparalleled agility, the ability to project destructive cosmic energies, and the capacity to shape the battlefield according to their desires.

2. Psionic Domination: With this aspect of the power, the wielder can delve into the minds of others, shattering their mental defenses and manipulating their thoughts and emotions. They possess unparalleled telepathic prowess, enabling them to implant suggestions, induce illusions, and extract valuable information. The user can also heighten their own cognitive abilities, enhancing their perception, memory, and analytical skills to superhuman levels.

3. Demonic Affliction: The wielder of Abyssal Rift Mastery taps into the malevolent forces of the infernal realms. They possess the ability to corrupt and manipulate both mind and body, granting them immense strength, heightened senses, and accelerated regeneration. They can channel demonic energies into devastating attacks, summon and control lesser demons, and corrupt their opponents' life force, sapping their vitality and rendering them weakened.


1. Reality Shaping: As the user's mastery of Abyssal Rift deepens, they gain the ability to mold reality on a grand scale. They can reshape the environment, manifest objects from pure thought, and even rewrite the laws of physics within a limited area. The wielder can create impervious barriers, alter the flow of time, and bring their imagination to life with terrifying precision.

2. Psychic Dominion: With further development, the user's psionic abilities reach unparalleled heights. They can create psychic constructs, harnessing their mental energy to form powerful weapons or defensive shields. The wielder can also unleash devastating psychic storms, causing intense mental anguish, disorientation, and even rendering their opponents comatose with a single thought.

3. Demon Lord Empowerment: As the user gains mastery over the demonic aspect of their powers, they become a conduit for the might of the infernal realms. They can forge pacts with higher-ranking demons, channeling their otherworldly power to increase their own abilities exponentially. The user gains the ability to manifest their own demonic form, granting them immense strength, invulnerability, and the ability to instill terror in all who gaze upon them]

[Reminder : its my power. Fuse it with Soul absorbed power as for my suggestion. Signed Samael]

I read and tried it then I nodded and then saw Soul Absorbed Power only Doppleganger I didn't combine it because I didn't want to, Mael is me and he is more my reminder not overstep my limit.

[ - 839,367,038,934,315,553,002,903,301,509,125,417,487,951,343,054,655,055,657,945,272,300,713,092,560,622,786,611 Orbs Used]

[Elemental Radiance of Aeos. Through the extraordinary fusion of Elemental Transcendence, Aeos Halo, and Nettera Ring, you have attained the pinnacle of elemental mastery. This fusion embodies the pure essence of light, the manipulation of all matter and energy, and the control over the Nether. You radiate an unparalleled aura of power, transcending the boundaries of the elements themselves.

1. Absolute Elemental Manipulation: As the embodiment of Elemental Radiance, you possess absolute control over all forms of matter and energy. Whether it be fire, water, air, earth, or any other element, you can shape and manipulate them effortlessly. You can conjure blazing infernos, summon raging storms, create solid barriers, and mold the very fabric of reality to your will.

2. Luminous Energy Infusion: The fusion of Aeos Halo and Elemental Transcendence enables you to infuse your elemental constructs with the radiant energy of the Aeos Halo. This infusion amplifies their power and imbues them with blinding luminosity. Your elemental constructs now radiate intense light, disorienting and overwhelming your foes while enhancing their offensive capabilities with scorching heat, freezing cold, electric shocks, or other elemental effects.

3. Netheric Harmonization: With the Nettera Ring's Nether manipulation fused into your being, you can harness the dark energies of the Nether in perfect harmony with the light. This grants you the ability to control and shape the Nether to your advantage. You can summon tendrils of shadow, create portals to other realms, and manipulate the essence of darkness itself. The Netheric harmonization enhances your elemental abilities, allowing for unique combinations and unparalleled versatility in combat.

4. Celestial Luminary: As Elemental Radiance, you radiate a brilliant luminosity that surpasses even the Aeos Halo's brilliance. Your presence bathes the surroundings in an ethereal glow, illuminating even the darkest corners and banishing shadows. This celestial luminary grants you heightened perception and the ability to see through illusions, granting you an unmatched advantage in detecting and countering enemy tactics.

5. Cosmic Elemental Fusion: The fusion of Elemental Transcendence, Aeos Halo, and Nettera Ring enables you to achieve a cosmic elemental fusion. This allows you to combine multiple elements seamlessly, creating entirely new forms of matter and energy. You can merge fire and water to create scalding steam, blend earth and air to manipulate the very ground beneath your feet, or merge multiple elements to unleash cataclysmic forces on your adversaries.

> Fusion of Biogenic Corruption and Sentinel Construct Mastery turn into Bio-Metal Convergence. Through the extraordinary fusion of Biogenic Corruption and Sentinel Construct Mastery, a remarkable synergy emerges, blending the power of genetic manipulation with the mastery of metal constructs. This fusion, known as Bio-Metal Convergence, grants you unprecedented control over both living organisms and metallic creations, allowing you to shape and command a new realm of power.

1. Organic-Metal Constructs: With Bio-Metal Convergence, you can create living metal constructs infused with the essence of life. These constructs are a fusion of advanced biotechnology and superior metal engineering, possessing the enhanced structural integrity of Sentinel Constructs. They exhibit a harmonious blend of organic and metallic properties, combining the resilience of metal with the adaptability and regenerative capabilities of living organisms. These constructs can be shaped into a variety of forms, from agile warriors to intricate infiltrators, and serve as loyal allies in battle.

2. Genetic Metal Manipulation: By fusing the powers of Biogenic Corruption and Sentinel Construct Mastery, you gain unparalleled control over the genetic makeup of living beings and metallic entities alike. You can manipulate the genetic codes of organisms, altering their physical attributes, granting them enhanced abilities, or even exerting control over their actions. Additionally, you can influence and restructure the composition of metals, strengthening their properties, or causing them to decay and corrode at will.

3. Adaptive Assimilation: Bio-Metal Convergence empowers you with the ability to assimilate and integrate organic matter with metal constructs. By merging biological organisms with your metallic creations, you enhance their functionality and imbue them with specialized attributes. For example, you can graft organic tissue onto a metal framework to grant your constructs regenerative capabilities or fuse living organisms with metal to create symbiotic entities that exhibit heightened senses and abilities.

4. Viral Infestation: Building upon the Biogenic Corruption aspect, you can engineer and deploy specialized viruses that infect and control living organisms. These viruses, designed by your genetic manipulation prowess, can infiltrate an opponent's body, taking command of their motor functions or altering their behavior to serve your will. Moreover, you can create metallic nanobots that mimic the behavior of viruses, infiltrating and corrupting mechanical systems with destructive consequences.

5. Symbiotic Fusion: With Bio-Metal Convergence, you can establish a symbiotic link between yourself and your constructs. This connection allows you to experience their sensations, perceive their surroundings, and even share their abilities. The symbiotic fusion grants you heightened awareness and control over your creations, facilitating coordinated strategies and enhancing your combat prowess.

> Abyssal Dominion is the culmination of the fusion between Abyssal Dominance and Abyssal Rift Mastery, combining the unparalleled control over living creatures and cosmic energies with the ability to shape reality and tap into the darkest depths of existence. this power becomes a true master of dominance, manipulation, and the corruptive forces that reside within the abyss.

1. Cosmic Dominion: Abyssal Dominion possesses absolute command over cosmic energies, able to shape and manipulate the fabric of the universe itself. you can unleash devastating energy blasts, create cosmic storms, and disrupt the fundamental forces of reality. Additionally, you possess unparalleled dominance over living beings, exerting your will over any creature within your range of influence.your telepathic prowess allows you to manipulate minds, shatter mental defenses, and bend the thoughts and emotions of others to your desires. With this combined power, you can control both cosmic forces and the minds of living beings, becoming an unstoppable force of dominance and destruction.

2. Reality Convergence: dominion over reality reaches extraordinary levels, allowing you to mold the very fabric of existence. you can shape the environment, manifest objects from pure thought, and rewrite the laws of physics on a grand scale. Simultaneously, you tap into the darkest depths of the psyche, unleashing nightmarish illusions and inflicting profound mental anguish. your reality-shaping abilities and mind-bending powers converge to create a nightmarish realm of twisted perceptions and warped realities, giving you the ability to control the very fabric of existence and manipulate the minds of their enemies.

3. Dark Abyssal Empowerment: As you fully embraces the malevolent entities dwelling within the dark abyss, you become a conduit for their corruptive essence. you gain the ability to summon and command monstrous entities from the abyss and dark force, unleashing a legion of nightmarish allies upon your enemies. Additionally, your experiences an Abyssal Resurgence, granting you enhanced strength, resilience, and regenerative abilities fueled by the corruptive energies of the abyss and the dark. With this combined power, you become a terrifying embodiment of darkness, harnessing the malevolent forces of the abyss to bolster their own powers and dominate the battlefield]

[Reminder : Tehe Scam you, Now join the dark side myself, we have cookies and fun here]

"fuck you, of course im in dark side. All Hail Lord Vader!" All the Angels and Demons are looking at me with interesting gazes after making a pact, even though they are quite incomprehensible but I admit they are quite strong. they taught me how to fight Angel and Demon style with base human. base human me. so I have exceeded 700 million years experience worth of omni-universal threat.

"800 billion"

"Oh yeah, 800 billion years. That's a long time but in Akrnight world it's probably only 8 days."

"Now go to your grave." I was surprised that I was suddenly pushed down from heaven.

I accelerated into the universe, galaxies, solar system. stopped looking at notifications.

[System has reactivated]

"Fyuh" I floated then felt the universe welcoming me grandly then traveled around this universe plus checked the observer race with Mael.

Time to embrace the dark side.

update in my holiday, i need to rest for now before going to china. sigh

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts