
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Video Games
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161 Chs

Abyssal Hunter

6 months of preparation completed, I became the first Abyssal Hunter captain thanks to Kal'tsit's recommendation.

I requested a Katana weapon that was special to me, I knew Ægir could shape this Katana and I requested two series, Tsurugi and Katana.

After getting them, my Suit stores them on my hip, I will use Boo when fighting Leviathan.

My team consists of 10 Abyssal Hunter rookies but they have enough patriotism with primitive weapons for them, it can't be helped. Energy based weapons are not good in the sea.

Kal'tsit accompanied me as an overseer and the entire Consul did not object to that, we went to the Ruin where there were a lot of Seaborn, we attacked, while Kal'tsit continued to take cover behind me and provided cover with her own sword.

I made a Judgement cut by coating my sword with Ice, I couldn't use lightning because everyone here would be electrocuted.

"Elemental Art?" Kal'tsit attacks the Seaborns by slashing their heads, and I continue my Judgement Cut.

"yes, Water weakness is evaporated by Magma or Plasma, Freeze it with Ice, or electrocuted it with thunder or lightning. these are their weaknesses for now but we cant use lightning or magma here" Kal'tsit knew what I meant and her sword was coated with ice that I had channeled into her Suit.

"try to win" We immediately did a total cleanup here, this Ruin is full of Seaborn carcasses. There were three casualties on our side, they still had consciousness before they became one with the Seaborn. We wrote down their wills and I personally executed them.

"Die As Ægirian is more honorable than becoming one with seaborn, May your journey in after life be meaningful" I drew my sword, their bodies froze into ice crystals and shattered into pieces of ice that I had molecularly killed.

"captain" I looked at my regiment and we returned to Ægir, I gave this will to the families of the Seaborn victims personally, some of them were proud and sad. proud that their sons and daughters, their lovers died as Ægir not a seaborn.

They thanked me for assisting in their deaths, but we heard bad news, one Ægir city was destroyed by Leviathan and Seaborn's attack. Many Ægir fled here and there are some who have already fled to the surface.

The Ægir consul is in turmoil, we win and yet we lose. Kal'tsit and I are just listening because we will keep our mouths shut about Leviathan.

[+ 429,939 Orbs Gained]

That's it, I didn't bother until I left the consul's debate because they had no solution only hypothesis.

"ready to explore lost Ruin?" Kal'tsit nodded and we disappeared from Ægir after leaving a message to the Abyssal Hunter to hunt that Leviathan myself while Kal'tsit would go with me as an overseer and helper on how to deal with Seaborn.

Our actions provoked all consuls to multiply the Abyssal Hunter and made myself and Kal'tsit heroes for Ægir As Golden Blade Of Ægir while Kal'tsit didn't want that Honorary title.

In the Ruin where the Record of Ancient technology that was already lost. Kal'tsit immediately learns all of this technology and I take care of the Seaborns that begin to swarm us.

I now need to go all out, Suit immediately forms a drone to protect Kal'tsit from the threat of the Seaborn while I will be at the forefront protecting Kal'tsit.

I've stored plenty of food for us and all the supplies we need from many country even Ægir Food.

Wave after Wave of Seaborn keep approaching us, but I finish them all off with Rapid Slash and Judgement cuts that create tons of combos and my Orb Multiplier keeps skyrocketing and skyrocketing.

The Suit makes cooling and heating in this Ancient Ruin which is good because the kinetic energy I produce doing Rapid slash resonates with the Suit so that the energy in our Suit is enough to last for days more.

I will use a technique forbidden to science, using lightning as a conductor in the ocean, I create lightning and shoot it throughout the ocean making huge ultrasonic waves and creating lightning boughs that are extremely spread out in the ocean making distant Seaborns stung and die because their bodies are in the water.

While I was fine because I was immune to this sting, I then tried again to create various lightning showers in this abyss, if I looked from the surface like the ocean was experiencing a total rumble.

[+ 14,328,745,091 Orbs Gained]

I was happy and satisfied and returned to the Ruin to check on the progress of Kal'tsit, Suit had coated this Ruin with my artificial lightning so we would be from Seaborn and Seaborn attacks from outside, and only people with suits could enter here.

"Welcome" I nodded and kissed Kal'tsit who still could not decode this technology, nor could I. If I can speak the Phoenician Alphabet. If I explore more about this language, maybe we won't have any trouble.

We needed to retrieve references as well as some relics in this Ancient ruin that we could find, but we were still being stalked by the Seaborns outside so we decided against it.

I took a shower in the bathroom of the creation suit, Really this suit is good and thanks to cybertonian, Promethean and Symbiote technology we can make our own base, maybe it would be great if there is more iron in the game world we can improve further.

[Shop: Remember, Think before you buy. be wise and resourceful with the Orb you have.

List (New Goods Available!)>

[Move set: a collection of moves that can fill your Slayer style. All of these moves take a lot of references and put them together to form Synergy, Some Of movement need requirement weapon]

Dragon's Fury >

Unstoppable Fortress + Orbs

Joker Dance + Orbs

Bullet Ballet >

Dual Inferno (Require Minigun) + Orbs

Death From Mist + Orbs

Sword Saint >

Wrath of God + 900.000.000.000 Orbs

Ouroboros Rage + Orbs

Energy Edge >

Swarm Machine (Requirement Drone) + 1.500.000.000.000 Orbs

[Boost: a self-improvement both conventional and magical, follow my recommendation advice]

Planet Embrace + Orbs (Recommended For you!)

[Item: An item that only you can access, all of these items are extremely rare and do not exist in the world you live in. Use them to the fullest no matter what]

The Ascendant Technology +1,500,000,000,000 Orbs

Wesker Quint-Metal Suit Upgrade + Orbs (When you upgrade this, you unable to use it for a while)

[Power: A power for you that you can use thoroughly, remember all powers have side effects and some effects can be neutralized with Boost or other powers]

Eternicore +100,000,000 Orbs

Half Dragon Form + Orbs

Marshal Form + 99.999.999.999.999.999 Orbs

Refresh +0 Orb

[Reminder: Prioritize buying Power before buying new Form, first increase the power you have before buying new power]

I then bought a Boost and Power to help me activate Boo's true ability.

[ - Orbs Used]

[ - 100.000.000 Orbs Used]

[Planet Embrace, a unity of Dragon Blood Item capability from Monster Hunter and Sefar Sephiroth power. The ability to connect yourself with the planet itself.

> Power Boost : your power and abilities increase dramatically. Thanks to Dragon Blood to able maximize your potential and Sefar Sephiroth that able utilized that power into maximum. You can tap into the planet's energy reserves and use it to enhance your physical strength, speed, durability, and other abilities.

> Control of Planet's Power: you can manipulate and control the planet's energy and the planet itself then use it for various purposes, including healing nature or being, creating natural disasters, or enhancing your attacks.

> Communication with the Planet: you capable of communicating with the planet and understanding its needs. This communication is not limited to verbal language and can be through visions, emotions, or other forms of telepathy]

[Reminder: because you are connecting with the planet, you will experience hibernation before your body experiences hibernation, please say goodbye to Kal'tsit]

[Eternicore is fusion Triforce of Power and Black Soulstone, A two corrupting artifact that corrupt its user, The artifact capability:

> Soul Absorption: As with the Black Soulstone, the fused artifact could have the power to absorb and contain the souls of any creature, including the most powerful demons, gods, and mortals. The Triforce of Power's ability to grant you immense strength and magic could amplify the Black Soulstone's soul-trapping capabilities, potentially allowing you to control vast armies of creatures.

> Reality Warping: The Triforce of Power is known to grant you the power to manipulate reality, and if combined with the Black Soulstone's ability to reshape reality, the fused artifact could be capable of creating entire new worlds, altering existing ones, or changing the very fabric of the world.

> Corruption: Both artifacts are known for their corruptive powers, and a fused artifact would likely be even more corruptive than either alone. The user of such an artifact could become consumed by its power, leading to madness, evil, and destruction on a grand scale.

> Life And Death Manipulation : this fused artifact power capable of anything from resurrecting the dead to altering the laws of physics and life in the world.]

[Reminder: this artifact is now being mutated by the Apex Mutagen and the Planet Embrace power you have is trying its best to neutralize the corruption, your body will hibernate, while hibernating your body will become an Oripathy crystal when viewed from the world you live in, Say goodbye to Kal'tsit]

I feel like my body is being torn apart, this is really scary. I look at Kal'tsit who is still focused on learning about Ancient technology, I can't tell her about this.

"ugghh" I vomited blood and my blood was black and then immediately evaporated like smoke, all my organs seemed to be destroyed inside and out even my face was bleeding a lot from my nose, eyes, ears all my body was bleeding and slowly but surely my body crystallized.

"kal" my body had crystallized before I could call Kal'tsit, I lost consciousness but my body seemed to be asking Kal'tsit for help, I don't know what Kal'tsit did when she found out I was hibernating.

"Valtor look" Kal'tsit looked at me who had been crystallized by Originium then Kal'tsit dropped the reports and notes she had made, Kal'tsit panicked and cried loudly seeing myself dead.

"aaaaa" Kal'tsit cried bitterly seeing myself unable to be helped anymore, in this ruin, in the abyss full of terror, in this cruel world. Only cry can be heard.


Kal'tsit Journal

I took a walk with Valtor around the central city of Ægir, talking, etc. Is it a date? I don't know, but I'm happy with it.

The progress on the Abyssal hunter was a great success and the results were quite satisfactory although there were many product failures but all the residents of Ægir were willing to protect their homes, experimental failures were normal.

Valtor became the first captain of the Abyssal Hunter and although some Consuls did not agree because we were their hope, with the persuasion of Valtor and I, we finally got the approval and I as a consul also took part in this.

In just 6 months, Valtor was able to train the new Abyssal Hunter, and to be honest, Valtor gave motivational words to them that I was quite touched by.

Die as an Ægirian is more honorable than becoming one with seaborn, dying as an Abyssal Hunter is more honorable than dying as a monster.

But it also made the Pride of Ægir skyrocket and made them above the sky in that, I saw Valtor's fighting style firsthand. The sword speed was so amazing that even I couldn't keep up with it.

If Mon3tr could move and strike that fast maybe it would be a good offensive. he is indeed a marshal, Valtor is brawn and I am Brain. we complete each other, despite my superior intellect I still easily get pranked by him.

I blame Valtor for that, I blame him because at that time I was drunk and he teased me to ask the time? asking can you tell the time and my sorry ass answering with innocent answer, I'm not drunk. I want to die, its more shameful than getting caught kissing him.

I stopped drinking since then, despise any wine and every alcohol since then. Valtor sometimes gives me ecstasy with cakes and sweets because I love sweets especially his cooking.

If he is my husband maybe I will work hard for him only, wait why I write this. delete that, delete that.

Note: Although the Abyssal Hunter project is not a good solution, Valtor and I have discussed intellectually that the only way is to defeat the leviathan that is free from Ruin or go to the core source of Ruin itself to learn what power Represent of the Firstborn.

But I realized, Valtor was hiding something from me. He knows something yet doesn't want to share it with me, is it related to Leviathan? Maybe but I don't want to assume the worst just hope it's good when we go to the Ancient ruin.

she play this game since it release even in cn version, she force me to play in Cn version too despite my lack ability to comprehend the language, She just wanna flex her luck.

In Cn Server, her luck is shit while me is beyond. meanwhile on the global server her luck is madness, imagine getting 6 Star in 10 pull, And adding the salt 2 6 star in 40 pull also 5 6 star in 120 pull. i'm so mad seeing her smug face when her luck basically above me. She laugh her ass out even keep teasing me about it

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