
With Fire Theres Ice

Yozora Dragneel, That's the name of Natsus twin sister, This is her story. When Igneel left her and Natsu, She thought he left cause she was weak so Yozora traveled North to learn ice magic. There she meet up with a teacher named Ur, She had just taken on a new student a week ago his name was Gray. When Ur scarficed herself Lyon blamed her ''Death" on Yozora and Gray. After that she traveled North with Gray with the hope of seeing her older brother again. will she see Natsu again? Will she come over her depression? Read to find out.

Keiko_Ryu · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 9 Injured

Gray POV

I'm currently walking in the direction that I think I heard Yozoras voice come from.

Small Time Skip

Still Gray's POV

I've been following this path for 3 minutes now and there's been nothing not even a sign that she came this way. '' I don't think she came this way " I thought discouraged. As I was about to start turning around I saw a figure in the distance, It appears to be a girl about my age, salmon coloured hair was covering her face so I didn't know who it was.

  ''  She appears to be unconscious, I better see if she's alright " I thought as I started my walk over to the unconscious girl. As I got closer she started looking more and more familiar to me. I was soon standing beside her my shadow looming over her. I sat down and checked her pulse '' Good she's still alive and she's breathing properly " I thought well gently moving her hair out of her face.

'' Yozora!!, I have to get you out of here " I said to her even though she couldn't hear me. Picking her up bridal style I started running back towards were me, Ur and Lyon decided to meet back at in 10 minutes, So far it's only been 7.

I felt something shaking I looked down at Yozora to see that she had started shivering. I pulled her body closer to mine hoping to warm her up a bit. Yozora stopped shivering but when a freezing cold gust of wind blew threw us she started shivering more than before her face was flushed from the cold. '' Almost there just hang in there Yozora " I thought with great confidence that she was going to be ok.

No one's POV

In the distance two lone figures could be seen making there way to each other. Soon to be standing side by side they pair gave of the vibe of panic and concern but there faces gave the look of anxious waiting. A figure carrying a young girl bridal style was seen running up the hill the young boy shouting '' Lyon, Ur I found Zara, But she's shivering pretty bad and her face is flushed she looks like she has a fever ". The pair now known as Lyon and Ur ran to the young boy and girl to check if they two were alright.

'' Come on Gray we have to get her home fast " Ur shouted trying to gather up her remaining composure.

The figures ran with haste in the direction that is presumed to be the way to there home.

To be continued