
With Bare-Bones

Dying isn't the best, so why not make the most of it? Even if all you have is the Bare-Bones to keep moving forward.

grandsetter · Anime & Comics
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95 Chs


[Word Count: 2961]


The atmosphere inside the car was tense as Takeshi and Leo silently contemplated their thoughts. Takeshi's fear of Leo and his unknown capabilities lingered in the air, while Leo strategized on how to utilize the Yakuza to his advantage. Eventually, an idea sparked in Leo's mind, a plan that could potentially benefit both parties involved. Turning his attention towards Takeshi, Leo posed a question that cut through the silence.

"Do Yakuza ever make deals with devils?" Leo asked, his voice breaking the quietude.

Takeshi flinched at the sudden interruption but quickly composed himself, glancing at Leo before focusing back on the road.

"S-Sometimes, it depends," Takeshi stuttered nervously. "Some people see devil contracts as an opportunity, while others view them as sacrifices. It all comes down to the devil's terms, I suppose."

Leo recognized the truth in Takeshi's words. Not all devils were reasonable or fair in their power demands. Leo had no intention of forming pacts with such unreasonable devils. However, if he wanted to appease the enigmatic ⬜⬜⬜ devil residing within him, he would need to find a way to reach Hell while collaborating with the Yakuza.

"Have you heard anything about the hell devil?" Leo inquired, his gaze fixed on Takeshi, who grew increasingly nervous. Why would this little devil be interested in the hell devil?

Takeshi swallowed hard and chose his words carefully. "All I know is based on rumors," he answered, his voice trembling slightly.

"It'll do," Leo replied, his gaze fixated on Takeshi, giving him his full attention.

As they neared a red light, the black sedan came to a gradual stop. Takeshi's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he nervously glanced at Leo. Gathering his courage, he took a deep breath and continued, "Well, they say the hell devil is considered inefficient."

"Inefficient?" Leo probed for more information.

"Y-Yes," Takeshi continued, his stutter subsiding momentarily. "They say you need to sacrifice someone to send another person to hell. But there are much easier ways to kill someone. Sacrificing someone just to ensure the death of another seems unnecessarily complicated. Although..."

"Although?" Leo pressed, encouraging Takeshi to elaborate.

"They say the particularly sadistic ones resort to using the hell devil. They sacrifice the loved ones of their victims to condemn them to hell," Takeshi concluded, his voice carrying a mix of dread and uncertainty.

Although these were mere rumors, they held some truth in them. After all, rumors often had a basis in reality. If the Yakuza had access to the hell devil, it could provide the context Leo needed to present to the ⬜⬜⬜ devil. Leo was searching for a way into Hell while simultaneously building his life in Tokyo—a convenient compromise between the two.

With the information gathering complete, Leo knew he would have to test the extent of the ⬜⬜⬜ devil's power once he met with Takeshi's boss. The encounter would determine if the shared knowledge about the hell devil would be enough to solidify their alliance and serve Leo's ulterior motives.

As the traffic light shifted from red to green, signaling their permission to proceed, the black sedan smoothly resumed its journey. The silence that enveloped the car returned, with Leo fixated on the passing scenery outside the window, lost in contemplation, while Takeshi remained focused on navigating the road ahead. The rhythmic sound of the engine filled the air, emphasizing the lack of conversation between them. The only audible noise was the occasional hum of tires against the asphalt, echoing the distance between their thoughts.

The remainder of the trip remained uneventful as Leo and Takeshi kept to themselves. However, Leo felt a rumble in his stomach and requested a pit stop at a local family diner called Family Burger Restaurant. As a growing boy, he couldn't afford to miss out on a satisfying lunch. Takeshi, still shaken from witnessing his friend turn to ashes, lost his appetite and opted not to order anything. Nevertheless, he offered to cover the bill.

With their burgers in hand, they finally arrived at their destination—a seemingly inconspicuous small building that bore a striking resemblance to an antique store. However, upon entering, one would quickly realize that appearances could be deceiving. The interior of the building revealed a different story altogether. The majority, if not all, of the individuals present, were dressed in sharp black suits, emanating an aura of authority and professionalism.

As Leo and Takeshi made their way further inside, they found themselves surrounded by absorbed conversations and an air of secrecy. However, their progress was halted by a tall and imposing figure, who exuded a sense of professionalism. He wore the standard black suit, complete with a red tie. His hair displayed a combination of black and gray, while his eyebrows remained solidly black.

Fixing his gaze upon Leo, the man inquired with a hint of authority, "Who's the brat, Takeshi?"

Clearing his throat to steady his nerves, Takeshi responded, "Boss asked me to pick him up, Shouzou."

Shouzou's eyes remained fixed on Leo, who continued munching on his burger without a care in the world. "And what's your name, br- kid?" he asked, his tone filled with a mixture of curiosity and slight intimidation.

Leo swallowed his bite and replied nonchalantly, "Leo."

An intense stare-down ensued between Shouzou and Leo. Shouzou attempted to assert his dominance with a piercing glare, while Leo remained unruffled, meeting his gaze head-on. After a prolonged moment of silence, Shouzou relented, lifting his glare from Leo and turning his attention to Takeshi. "She should be in her office," he stated, stepping aside to allow them passage.

Acknowledging Shouzou's words, Takeshi nodded gratefully and motioned for Leo to follow him. They walked past Shouzou, who maintained his stoic demeanor, and proceeded deeper into the building.

The atmosphere within the antique store-turned-Yakuza headquarters was filled with hushed conversations and an air of tension. The sound of ringing telephones and muffled voices added to the ambiance of secrecy. Leo couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and apprehension as he navigated through the crowd of individuals dressed in black suits.

Ascending a set of stairs, Takeshi made his way toward an unmarked door and rapped his knuckles against it twice. Shuffling sounds emanated from behind the door before a distinct voice invited them in, saying, "Come in."

As they entered, they were greeted by a young woman who was engrossed in examining two papers in her hands. She possessed a slender yet athletic build and fair skin, complemented by long blonde hair cascading down her back. Two tufts of hair framed each side of her face. Her wide brown eyes, adorned with thin eyebrows and pronounced eyelashes, met Takeshi and Leo's gaze. She was dressed in a white, long-sleeved pleated blouse, featuring gauntlet cuffs that flared in pleats at the wrists. Her lower body was adorned with a black high-waisted pencil skirt adorned with bronze buttons. Behind her, a black suit jacket was casually draped over the chair.

Lifting her gaze from the papers, she focused her attention on Leo and Takeshi. "Ah, Takeshi, you're here," she acknowledged, her eyes scanning the room before realizing that only Takeshi and the young boy were present. "Where's Kaito?" she inquired, her voice filled with curiosity.

Takeshi felt panic bubbling up within him. What could he possibly say? He couldn't reveal that the seemingly innocent child next to him had the power to reduce him to ash with a mere snap of his fingers. Before he could stumble through a response, Leo interjected.

"Who's Kaito?" Leo asked innocently.

Takeshi glanced at Leo and then redirected his gaze toward his boss. She appeared genuinely perplexed by the question. "Kaito is..." she mumbled, placing a paper down and resting her hand on her chin, deep in thought. "Who is Kaito?" she pondered aloud.

Removing her hand from her chin, she started rubbing her temple in frustration. After a while, she abruptly stopped and shook her head dismissively.

"Forget it," she declared. "So, you've brought the kid my uncle told me about," she remarked, examining Leo closely.

Takeshi's confusion reached its peak. What had Leo done? Takeshi's blood ran cold as he realized there was much more to this child than the ability to set people on fire with a snap of his fingers. What kind of enigmatic being had Takeshi just introduced to his boss?

"Y-Yeah," Takeshi stumbled over his words, trying to compose himself.

At this moment, Takeshi had no other option but to go along with the charade. He relied on the little devil's assurance that his boss wouldn't be harmed.

"I see," Takeshi's boss replied, detecting his unease. She shifted her focus to Leo, her attention now on the young boy. "Well, my name is Yuki. What's yours, little guy?" she asked, offering him a warm and genuine smile.

"Leo," he replied simply.

"Leo, huh," she repeated, offering him another smile. Then, she redirected her attention back to Takeshi. "Could you give us a minute?" she requested.

Takeshi felt a wave of apprehension wash over him at the thought, but he realized he was powerless in the face of the unfolding situation. Nodding silently, he left the room and gently closed the door behind him.

Watching the door close, Yuki shifted her attention to Leo. "You know," she began, "My uncle wouldn't stop talking about you."

"Is that so?" Lep inquired.

"Yeah," Yuki replied, a hint of amusement in her voice. "I found it rather odd. We haven't spoken in years, and the first thing he brings up is this 'youngster' who came to his hotel. He spoke about your potential, being young blood and all." Yuki proceeded to recount her conversation with her uncle.

She seemed to find the exchange amusing rather than anything else.

From this brief interaction alone, Leo could understand why Takeshi held such a strong sense of loyalty toward her. Yuki was an open book; it wouldn't be far-fetched to say she was genuinely good-hearted. However, this raised the question: why was she involved in the Yakuza?

In any other context, one would wonder how she led such a group. She was too kind for her own good, Leo surmised. But perhaps there was more to her than met the eye. Being the head of a Yakuza didn't necessarily require being a stern, grizzled old man. Maybe Yuki unleashed a more ruthless side when faced with her enemies.


"I tried telling him that he shouldn't burden a child with such weight, but nooo," Yuki continued, frustration evident in her voice. "He had to add reasoning to the conversation." Yuki's recounting of her conversation with her uncle continued.

...She seemed to wear her emotions on her sleeve.

As Yuki went on, recounting the conversation with her uncle, she eventually reached its conclusion and rubbed her temple.

"Haaah, who does he think he is, calling some of our members useless? The nerve," Yuki grumbled, her frustration evident. "Anyway, I ended up agreeing to bring you in, and now here you are," she finished, offering an apologetic smile.

Leo simply nodded, maintaining his gaze on Yuki.

"Not much of a talker, is he?" Yuki thought to herself, briefly pondering over Leo's silence.

Nevertheless, she smiled warmly at Leo and began speaking, "I'll be honest with you, I don't know what to do with you. I don't want to force you into-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Leo finally spoke up, his voice filled with curiosity, "What is it that you want?"

While Yuki appeared genuine in her intentions, Leo felt the need to understand her end goals. She held the position of the head of a Yakuza group, and from what he could gather, it seemed that she had inherited the role since her uncle had spoken to her about recruiting new members. But for what purpose? That was what Leo was determined to uncover.

"What do I want?" Yuki mused aloud, completely unperturbed by Leo's interruption. She placed her hands under her chin, deep in contemplation as she pondered the question.

"What do I want?" she repeated, her voice filled with genuine introspection. A tinge of sadness appeared in Yuki's eyes as she continued to delve into her thoughts.

"My f-father," Yuki's voice cracked, a tremor betraying her emotions. She quickly composed herself, clearing her throat to steady her voice. "My father was the previous head of our organization. He was a kind man. When I was around your age, he always provided for me, granting any request, no matter how big or small. But he lived a double life."

As she spoke, tears threatened to spill over. Yuki covered her mouth with her hand, taking a shaky breath through her nose to regain her composure. "In the end, when his other life caught up with him, and... a-and..." Yuki's voice trailed off, overcome with emotion.

Leo remained still, a silent witness to Yuki's heartfelt revelation. She choked back her tears, using nearby tissues to wipe her eyes, determined to regain her composure.

Throughout Yuki's story, Leo hadn't uttered a word, absorbing her words and the weight of her emotions. Despite the brevity of her account, Yuki vividly conveyed the essence of the kind of man her father was and the profound impact he had on her.

As Yuki regained her composure through deep breaths, she gazed down at the desk in front of her, a somber expression on her face.

"I..." She struggled to continue her story, her words momentarily getting caught in her throat before she managed to find them. "I want to try and change the perception people have of my father. Deep down, I know that regardless of my efforts, there will always be those who remember him differently. But... I want to at least try."

Yuki's aspiration was noble, even if it was one that Leo couldn't personally relate to considering the nature of his own father. However, he could understand Yuki's desire to preserve her father's image.

Now, with most of the puzzle pieces in place, Leo could start to grasp the bigger picture. Yuki wasn't inherently suited to handle the weighty responsibilities of being a Yakuza leader. He surmised that there must be a vice-captain or someone else in the organization who handled the more unsavory aspects, while Yuki managed the rest. Such a structure was likely the reason her organization had thrived for so long.

Considering the armed grunts who had been sent to collect him, it was safe to assume that everyone else downstairs was armed as well.

Although the situation wasn't ideal for Leo, he acknowledged that there were worse places he could find himself in. Gathering his resolve, he walked up to Yuki's desk. As he reached it, he bowed at a 45-degree angle.

"Please let me join," he requested.

Yuki, still in the process of recomposing herself, was taken aback by Leo's sudden movements. When he reached her desk, bowed, and expressed his desire to join, she was doubly surprised. It had been a while since someone had asked to join directly, as Shouzou typically handled new recruits. The thought of someone willingly joining her cause brought her close to tears of joy. Did her intentions truly resonate with Leo, earning her a new member?

Regardless of the reason, Yuki was overjoyed. She had successfully recruited someone who might be able to assist her in achieving her goal. Unlike her cousin Shouzou, who seemed more interested in expanding territory and accumulating wealth, Yuki was relieved to have someone who shared her aspirations. She had been too lenient with him in the past, simply because he was family.

Letting out a triumphant exhale, Yuki replied, "Sure."

With Leo on board, she now had at least two handfuls of individuals willing to support her cause.

The next step was finding a suitable partner for Leo. Given his age, he would need someone to guide and accompany him. Leo already had a candidate in mind, someone who could move freely within the organization and had already proven himself as a useful insider.

With a smile that belied his youthful appearance, Leo spoke the name.
