
With Bare-Bones

Dying isn't the best, so why not make the most of it? Even if all you have is the Bare-Bones to keep moving forward.

grandsetter · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
95 Chs


[Word Count: 2456]



Smugly seated on one end of the couch, Leo watched TV while Ai examined her monthly salary. Needless to say, she wasn't pleased with the numbers.

"200 Thousand," Ai read aloud as Aqua and Ruby peered at the paper in her hands.

Ai slumped in her seat, feeling somewhat disappointed with her salary for the month. She turned to Miyako, who was typing away on the computer. "Isn't this agency stingy? Didn't our last single rank third on the charts? Shouldn't my cut be higher?"

"Unlike the big companies that handle everything from manufacturing to distribution, we're just a small talent agency. Our profit margins are thin," Miyako explained, without averting her gaze from the computer screen. "Why is it only bothering you now?"

Ai gazed at the ceiling, her expression nearly blank. "I've realized that money makes the world go round," she muttered.

"You've come to realize the unpleasant truth..." Miyako remarked.

Ai's eyes shifted to her twin children. "Being an idol is fun, and if it were just me, I'd be content with things as they are." She lifted Ruby, holding her high above her head. "But I want to send these kids to good schools, give them lessons, and provide them with abundant opportunities. To achieve that, I need to sell more and earn as much as possible."

Miyako abruptly stopped typing, briefly glancing at Ai before shifting her gaze to Leo, who was lounging on the other end of the couch, seemingly carefree.

Leo met Miyako's gaze with a puzzled expression as he felt her glare. Confusion marked his face.

"You're not exactly alone," Miyako reminded Ai. "I'm sure your life would be easier if a certain deadbeat didn't keep losing his paychecks."

"Oh yeah," Leo remarked nonchalantly, scratching his stomach before reaching into his jacket. "I haven't checked my earnings."

Miyako sighed, returning her attention to the computer, while Leo tore open an envelope.

The rustling of paper filled the room as Leo unfolded the letter.

The twins looked at Leo expectantly, curious to see him bring home some money since he had boasted about his previous paychecks.

Leo sniffed, eyeing the paper casually. The twins started to worry, and Ai watched Leo intently.

"27 million," Leo stated casually.

"27..." Miyako repeated slowly, raising her eyes from the computer screen. "Million?"

"Ehh!?" Miyako suddenly erupted from her seat, snatching the paper from Leo's hands.

She examined the paper's contents not once, not twice, but three times before it slipped from her grasp.

"Shit," she muttered as the paper fell to the ground.

"Yeah, it's been a rather slow week," Leo remarked casually, turning to Ai. "Don't worry about money. I'll double it, no, triple it by next month. Just focus on the whole ultimate idol business, I'll focus on the tots," he added with a wink and a thumbs up.

Money wasn't really an issue for Leo. Obtaining it was as easy as making a phone call. However, the challenge lay in acquiring legitimate income. But ever since Leo became a wanted criminal, he hadn't seen a legal paycheck in a while. The only funds he had that could be considered taxable income were the nonexistent profits from his laundromat.

On paper, the business appeared to be doing well despite the negative income. Leo had money to spare, although most of it came from unofficial sources. The problem now was that legally, Leo couldn't find a job as a wanted terrorist. At least, not as Leo. But maybe Oel, a private devil hunter, could land a job and receive a paycheck.

"For someone so smart, I can be a real idiot sometimes," Leo thought to himself.

As a wanted devil hunter, Leo was prohibited from receiving paychecks, but Oel, as a private devil hunter, had the opportunity to turn in bounties. No longer was Leo seen as a freeloader. For months, Leo had to fabricate the destination of his nonexistent paychecks. But now, he could bring in the big bucks.

Ai stared at Leo blankly before calmly setting Ruby down next to Aqua, and then she suddenly jumped on top of Leo, wrapping her arms affectionately around his neck while giggling. The six-pointed stars in her eyes shone brightly.

This moment, for Ai, represented her perfect vision of a loving and supportive family. She believed in the strength of their bond, knowing that they would be there for each other through thick and thin.

As touching as the moment was, Miyako interrupted with a reminder. "Ai, don't you have rehearsals today?" She reminded Ai of her responsibilities outside of the family.

"Ah!" Ai exclaimed, quickly releasing her embrace on Leo and springing up from the couch. "I almost forgot! Be good, kids, and take care of the house for me!"

As Ai hurriedly left the room, Miyako returned her attention to the computer, and in baby gibberish, Aqua and Ruby began discussing the intricate workings of the entertainment industry. Leo turned his eyes away from the TV and focused on the little ones, intrigued by their innocent yet insightful conversation.

"Music royalties and TV appearance fees are split among the group members," Aqua explained. "Concerts can be financially challenging if merchandise sales aren't strong, and the cost of outfits is deducted from their pay. Only a small handful of idols can earn a million a month."

"What!?" Ruby exclaimed in shock. The revelation was news to her, and she couldn't fathom the lack of fair compensation for hardworking individuals. "There's no hope in the world if dedicated workers aren't paid fairly!"

Leo watched with amusement as Ruby grumbled, her mind racing for potential solutions. Suddenly, an idea seemed to strike her.

"Oh, I know!" Ruby declared confidently.

"Do you have an idea?" Aqua asked, intrigued by his sister's sudden burst of inspiration.

"All the otakus can take turns offering their livers to Ai, and we can sell them..." Ruby darkly expressed, her imagination running wild.

"Your thinking is what's hopeless. Stop with that post-apocalyptic view of religion," Aqua chided, trying to temper Ruby's wild suggestions.

Indeed, Ai was an exceptional idol. She possessed the talent to sing, dance, and had a captivating presence. She diligently took lessons, underwent voice training, and practiced choreography late into the night. Yet, despite her remarkable skills and the popularity of B-Komachi, something was amiss.

Frustrated, Aqua and Ruby turned to Miyako, their only outlet for complaints.

"Hey, manager! Why isn't our Ai getting more work?" Aqua demanded angrily.

"You lousy management! Market her better!" Ruby added, her frustration evident.

Miyako sighed and wiped off a sweatdrop, trying to explain the complexities of the situation. "Even if you say that..." she began. "In the end, an idol group consists of multiple members. In the current landscape, where they struggle to secure work as a collective... it's challenging to compete for individual opportunities. The barrier to entry is high."

"I agree that Ai is amazing... but that's within the realm of idols," Miyako continued. "In the entertainment industry, you need something that sets you apart, something that allows you to stand on your own. You need profitable work that specifically requests 'Ai' rather than just 'anyone' from B-Komachi. Being exemplary by idol standards alone isn't enough."

The room fell into silence as Aqua and Ruby absorbed the information. Suddenly, Ruby's face lit up with another idea, and she looked up at Leo with puppy dog eyes.

"Papa," Ruby said in a cute voice, nudging Leo's leg.

"Hmm?" Leo looked at his daughter, recognizing the mischievous gleam in her eyes and fighting back a smirk.

"Can you teach Mama how to fight?" Ruby asked, batting her eyes for added effect.

Ruby's puppy dog eyes still needed work to sway her father, and Leo looked at her with amusement. He sat upright, moving to the couch and seating himself properly before lifting Ruby onto his lap and gently patting her head.

"Well, Miyako, would finding a sponsor be enough to secure more work for Ai?" Leo asked, his interest piqued by Ruby's antics.

"It would have to be a significant sponsorship to attract more opportunities," Miyako replied, a hint of confusion in her voice at Leo's sudden intrigue.

"Tsk tsk, Miyako," Leo playfully clicked his tongue. "Money doesn't solve everything, you know."

"Huh?" Miyako and Aqua exchanged puzzled glances while Ruby played along, putting her hands on her hips and nodding her head proudly.

"Of all people, you should know... just how cutthroat the entertainment industry can be," Leo said ominously, his smile taking on a somewhat sinister quality that sent a chill down Miyako and Aqua's spines. Ruby however joined in, letting out an evil laugh.

"You're starting to sound like a villain, Papa," Ruby chimed in mischievously.

Ignoring the implications of Leo's tone, Miyako couldn't help but ask what was on her mind. "What exactly are you planning to do?"

Leo, while making his way to the door, turned back to face them. "I know a guy who knows a guy who's got a guy, who knows another guy," he answered cryptically, leaving them intrigued yet uncertain.

As Leo pointed at Ruby before opening the door, he delivered one final piece of advice. "And you," he said, shocking Ruby, "work on your eyes. Puppy dog eyes are no good if you can't hide your intentions."

With those enigmatic words, Leo closed the door behind him, leaving Ruby, Aqua, and Miyako in the living room, their curiosity piqued.

"My eyes?" Ruby questioned, looking at Aqua for answers. He simply shrugged, equally puzzled by Leo's remark.



Walking down the street, Leo patiently waited for Ichigo to pick up the phone. After a few rings, Ichigo's somewhat tired voice answered.

"Hello?" he said wearily.

"Hello, President," Leo responded with a smug tone. "Do you have a minute?"

"What? What is it? Is something wrong with the twins?" Ichigo asked, his concern evident in his voice.

"No, they're perfectly fine," Leo assured him. "I wanted to talk to you about the possibility of meeting a potential sponsor."

"A sponsor?" Ichigo's interest was immediately piqued, and his drowsiness vanished. "You know someone who's willing to sponsor B-Komachi?"

"It's my cousin and as for B-Komachi... can't say. We both know where my interest lie," Leo said with a chuckle. "But by all means, if you can convince him..."

Ichigo sighed over the phone, contemplating the proposition. Leo's offer was tempting, even if it mainly applied to Ai. Even so, Ai's success would undoubtedly benefit the entire group.

"Where can I meet your cousin? Are you meeting him now?" Ichigo inquired, shuffling papers in the background.

"My cousin is currently at an antique shop. I'm on my way there, but I plan to make a quick stop before I arrive. If you head there now, you'll probably beat me," Leo informed him nonchalantly.

"What's the address?" Ichigo asked, reaching for a pen to jot down the details.

"Got your pen ready?" Leo teased.


Providing Ichigo with the address, Leo stood in front of his favorite Englishman-owned warehouse. He knocked on the metal door three times, hearing footsteps approaching along with the sound of a gun being loaded.

"Yes?" a rough English voice called out.

"It's me, Jeremy," Leo responded casually.

The sound of a gun being holstered reached his ears before the large metal lock on the door began turning, opening it up.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite little matchbox," Jeremy greeted with an English smile. "Well, not so little now. You've grown."

"Must be your imagination," Leo smirked as he stepped inside.

"Can't be. I remember looking down on you just to make eye contact," Jeremy chuckled. "Your voice hasn't changed much since the last time we talked. Are you sure you're going through puberty?" he playfully taunted.

Leo laughed along, closing the door behind him. "Must be old age catching up to you."

Jeremy let out a hearty laugh, placing his hands on his hips. "I don't look a day over 30."

Changing the topic, Leo asked, "How are the blokes?"

"Hard at work," Jeremy replied. "Are you here about the missing doctor?"

Leo nodded.

"Well, we found the body at the bottom of a ledge," Jeremy began explaining. "The lad had a nasty knife gash on his chest, most likely from a hunting knife, along with serious head trauma from the fall. It seems more like an ambush than a straightforward confrontation."

Leading Leo further into the warehouse, Jeremy walked ahead. "We found footprints, but not much else. Currently, we have no suspects, but Hammond believes it might be the work of a serial killer,"

"Any particular reason?" Leo inquired.

"No," Jeremy replied flatly. "He's been watching those American documentaries on serial killers, so he's fixated on the idea. But who knows, it's a possibility."

Reaching a random room in the warehouse, Jeremy invited Leo inside. The room was sparsely populated, with only a table and a board displaying pictures.

"As I mentioned, we didn't gather much evidence," Jeremy reaffirmed. "The security cameras didn't capture anything outside the hospital, except for brief shadowy silhouettes running into the forest. Aside from a rough description, we don't have much to go on."

Leo sighed. Before the twins were born, he likely saw Gorou in his final moments as he ran into the forest and met his demise. He had already checked with Cosmo, but since Gorou didn't get a good look at his attacker, there were no further details to be found in the book. Pesky first-person narrative.

Gorou's killer knew about Ai and Leo's last names. It wasn't surprising that they knew Leo's, given its frequent appearance in tabloids, but the fact that they knew Ai's was somewhat concerning, as it had never been made public to his knowledge.

Deep in thought, Leo bit his thumb, realizing he didn't have much to go on. He would have to let things play out and wait for more clues to surface.

"Are you planning to stay?" Jeremy asked, snapping Leo out of his train of thought.

"I plan to meet Shouzou after this," Leo replied, shaking his head.

"Ah," Jeremy acknowledged. "You know, he hired us to look for you."

"Yeah?" Leo raised an eyebrow, amused by the revelation.

"Oh, yeah," Jeremy confirmed cheerfully. "Just a week after nobody heard from you, he called us up to find you. We didn't find anything, obviously, but he never stopped calling until your face appeared in the newspapers again."

Leo let out a huff, smirking as he crossed his arms. "I've been a pretty terrible cousin, haven't I?"

"Yup," Jeremy replied without missing a beat, causing both of them to chuckle.

"I'll get out of your hair then," Leo said, smirking. "Or what's left of it, anyway."

Jeremy snorted, throwing his head back slightly. "Prick."

As Leo walked back out of the entrance, he made his way back to the street.

"We'll let you know if anything comes up regarding the missing doctor's case," Jeremy called out. "Oh, and Leo, one more thing."

Leo turned around briefly, catching a sentimental look on Jeremy's face.

"Let us know before you go disappearing again," Jeremy said, a smirk playing on his lips. "We can't have our matchbox vanishing without warning."

Leo laughed before waving at Jeremy as he walked off. Even from a distance, he could hear the aging man's hearty laughter echoing in the air.