
With Bare-Bones

Dying isn't the best, so why not make the most of it? Even if all you have is the Bare-Bones to keep moving forward.

grandsetter · Anime & Comics
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95 Chs

Back in the Overworld

[Word Count: 2279]


Closing the door behind him, Leo stepped out of the random person's house and into the open air. He stretched his tired muscles, feeling the strain from the sleepless weeks he had endured. As he looked up at the sky, he noticed the vibrant hues of the sunset transforming the once-blue expanse into a breathtaking tapestry of red and gold.

Inhaling deeply, Leo appreciated the freshness of the normal air. It was a reminder of the world he had temporarily left behind, a world where chaos and primal devils were not the norm. Though fatigue weighed heavily on his mind, sleep could wait. He had important matters to attend to.

As he surveyed the surroundings, he realized that luck had not been on his side with this particular house he had invaded while escaping hell.

Turning around, Leo knocked on the door, patiently waiting for the homeowner to answer. He had already intruded upon the man's privacy once; there was no need to impose further.

The front door creaked open, revealing a plain-looking man with a bushy beard. The man's posture was rigid, and his gaze fixated on the bloodied figure standing before him.

"Y-Yes?" the man stammered nervously.

"I seem to have gotten lost," Leo replied, scanning the area. "Can you tell me where I am?"

The man swallowed hard, his anxiety palpable. "Y-You're in the outskirts of Chichibu," he managed to respond.

"Chichibu?" Leo repeated, scratching his head. "Where the hell is that?"

Leo's eyes wandered, taking in his unfamiliar surroundings, while the man grew increasingly agitated.

"I-It's in Saitama," the man whispered, barely audible.

"Huh, what was that?" Leo asked plainly.

"Eek!" the man yelped, using the door as a flimsy shield.

Leo's expression remained blank as he watched the man's panicked reaction, his lips pursed in mild amusement.

"Could you do me a favor and call a taxi?" Leo requested calmly, trying his best to ignore the man's outburst.

"Y-Yes!" the man exclaimed, hastily slamming the door shut and retreating inside, leaving Leo standing awkwardly on the porch.



Thirty minutes later, the taxi arrived, and Leo expressed his gratitude to the nervous homeowner. The kind man even offered Leo a shirt, allowing him to discard his blood-soaked suit. Leo, however, remained limited when it came to finding a replacement for his pants. Nevertheless, since his suit was black, the traces of blood would not be immediately visible unless under intense light.

When the taxi arrived, Leo thanked the homeowner, and using the glass devil, Leo took his appearance and gave the man a smirk before walking toward the taxi. The man's face turned pale with a mix of confusion and fear, leaving Leo stifling his laughter as he entered the vehicle.

Taking a seat in the back, Leo turned to address the taxi driver.

"Just so you know, I don't have any money on me, so we'll need to make a stop at an ATM," Leo informed the driver matter-of-factly.

"No money?" the driver questioned, raising an eyebrow at Leo's statement.

Leo nodded in affirmation. "No money."

"Well, then," the driver responded with a hint of annoyance. "No money, no service."

Before Leo could utter another word, the driver abruptly hit him with the declaration of no service, again. However, instead of becoming agitated, Leo chuckled softly, preparing for his next move.

With a swift motion, Leo slammed the gate that separated the driver from the passengers, causing the front half of the vehicle to be filled with glass shards protruding from Leo's hands. The sudden transformation scared the absolute wits out of the driver, his face turning pale with terror.

"You'll get your damn money when you take me to an ATM," Leo calmly explained, his tone carrying a subtle warning.

The driver, now visibly shaken, nodded as much as he could manage. "Consider it done. I'll take you to the nearest ATM."

Leo retracted the glass shards back into his hands, rubbing his face to alleviate some of the fatigue that was starting to take its toll. Three weeks of sleeplessness had begun to affect his mood, leaving him more susceptible to swings of temperament, prompting him to reconsider the idea of sleeping during the journey back to Tokyo. After all, the chances of him waking up and potentially attacking the driver upon reaching their destination were alarmingly high.



As Leo and the taxi driver arrived at the ATM, a realization dawned upon him. His trip to Hell had been far more intense than he initially comprehended. In the depths of Hell, he could sit in stillness, his attention effortlessly captivated by the myriad of bizarre and unpredictable occurrences. In contrast, the mundane world outside of Hell offered little to alleviate his boredom, leaving him easily susceptible to restlessness.

Entering the convenience store, Leo discarded his bloodied money in a nearby trash bin before making his way to the ATM. As he punched in his information, the sound of a television playing in the background caught his attention.

"In other news, the raising idol, Ai, has announced an indefinite hiatus from the idol group, B-Komachi. The duration of her absence remains undisclosed," the news anchor's voice echoed through the store.

Leo momentarily paused, his gaze shifting away from the ATM screen to glance at the television displaying a screenshot of one of the group's energetic performances.

"A hiatus, huh?" Leo mumbled to himself, his lips forming a slight pout before redirecting his attention back to the task at hand, getting his money.

With the money in hand, Leo stepped back outside and found the taxi driver anxiously gripping the steering wheel, his gaze fixed ahead.

Sliding back into the rear seat, Leo provided the destination. "Head for Tokyo, outskirts."

"Yes!" the taxi driver responded, swiftly shifting the car into gear and setting off on their journey.



Arriving at a dimly lit suburb, Leo informed the driver that this was his desired stop, much to the driver's growing trepidation. After stretching his limbs once more, Leo took a moment to observe the tranquil surroundings before tapping on the passenger window. To his surprise, his fingers briefly merged with the glass.

"That's new," Leo muttered to himself, momentarily pondering the strange occurrence. He knocked on the window once again, prompting the nervous driver to roll it down.

Reaching into his wallet, Leo hastily retrieved a stack of money, more than necessary for the fare. Leaning into the window, he directed his calm gaze towards the driver, who was visibly on edge, his focus fixed ahead.

"Listen here," Leo began in a composed tone, presenting the wad of money. "I'm going to give you this money, and afterward, you won't remember a thing."

The driver eagerly nodded, driven by a mixture of fear and compliance. However, Leo swiftly interjected, indicating that there was more to be said.

"I'm not finished," Leo continued, causing the driver to nervously halt his nodding. "You will take this money and return to Chichibu. Got it?"

The driver's head bobbed fervently, his anxiety palpable. Satisfied with the driver's compliance, Leo slowly withdrew, dropping the money onto the passenger seat.

As Leo turned away and leaned back, his face seamlessly transformed into an exact replica of the driver's countenance, leaving the man visibly shocked and terrified.

"On your way then," Leo stated calmly, stepping back and nonchalantly placing his hands in his pockets.

Trembling, the driver gradually averted his gaze forward, shifted the gears, and drove off into the night. Leo observed the car's disappearance with a slight turn, before turning on his heel and heading in his own direction.



Hitoha found it peculiar how quickly she had grown accustomed to Cosmo's company. Unlike Leo, she held no grudges against Cosmo, which had certainly improved their dynamic. A tradition had emerged between them—they would unwind with a cup of tea while engaging in a game of chess after closing the laundromat. This nightly ritual provided a sense of calm, despite Hitoha's mild frustration at how frequently Cosmo managed to win.

Their evenings were typically peaceful, as people had learned to steer clear of their part of town. And if anyone dared to cause trouble, a mere word from Cosmo was enough to send them sprawling to the ground, never to rise again. A single phone call later, suited gentlemen would arrive to discreetly dispose of the unfortunate soul's remains.

On this particular quiet evening, as Cosmo and Hitoha were preparing to close up shop, they heard a thud from downstairs, followed by a groan. Acting swiftly, Cosmo hurried past Hitoha, who was making her way up the stairs, and reached the ground floor first. To her surprise, she found Leo lying on the ground, gazing up at the ceiling in a daze.

"Halloween?" Cosmo muttered, puzzled by the unexpected sight.

Soon after, Hitoha descended the stairs, clutching a bat. "Who? What? Where?" she inquired, until her eyes landed on Leo, causing her to cringe and emit a groan. "Oh, it's just you."

"Glad to see you too, Hitoha," Leo responded sarcastically.

"Halloween?" Cosmo questioned, seeking an explanation.

"All according to plan," Leo proudly declared, giving Cosmo a thumbs-up.

Hitoha rubbed her temples. "I still don't understand how you can comprehend her."

Getting up from the ground, Leo dusted himself off. "It's because I'm multilingual," he bragged, sporting a smirk.

"Uh-huh, you look like shit," Hitoha scoffed, casting a critical eye over Leo's disheveled appearance and inadvertently sniffing the air. "And you smell like it too," she added, pinching her nose.

"Being in hell and fighting for your life will do that," Leo remarked matter-of-factly.

Hitoha raised an eyebrow before turning to Cosmo. "You were serious about him going to hell?"

"Halloween," Cosmo nodded in confirmation.

"Tsk," Hitoha clicked her tongue disapprovingly before reaching into her wallet and handing Cosmo a 10,000 yen bill, which Cosmo happily accepted.

"What the hell?" Leo muttered, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Halloween," Cosmo explained, with a slight shrug.

"So, you two made bets on whether I would die in hell?" Leo exclaimed, expressing a mix of shock and amusement. He then turned his gaze towards Hitoha. "And you bet that I would die? I'm hurt, Hitoha, truly hurt."

Hitoha scoffed and rolled her eyes at Leo's display of mock sadness. "As if someone like you could genuinely experience hurt or sadness," she retorted.

"Go fuck yourself, you old hag," Leo fired back, catching both Hitoha and Cosmo off-guard.

A few moments of stunned silence followed as Leo's eyes widened gradually. He nervously laughed, realizing the weight of his harsh words.

"I'm so sorry," Leo chuckled, his tone genuine. "I haven't slept since I left, so I'm a bit irritable. I truly didn't mean it, Hitoha. You barely look like you're in your 40s."

As much of a bastard as Leo could be, his apology carried a sense of sincerity. He bowed slightly to Hitoha, who sighed and shook her head.

"Forget about it," she muttered.

Setting aside their usual banter, Leo cracked his back and made his way toward the storage room. Curiosity piqued, Cosmo peeked inside, while Hitoha held her bat casually over her shoulder as she followed him into the closet.

"Halloween?" Cosmo asked, seeking clarification.

Meanwhile, Leo rummaged through a basket labeled "lost clothes," containing various random garments. However, the truth was that none of the items in the basket were actually lost; Leo had purchased them from a thrift shop and placed them there for aesthetic purposes.

"I'm going to visit a friend," Leo replied, holding up a gray hoodie he had retrieved.

"Halloween?" Cosmo questioned with concern in her eyes.

"Damn, you're right," Leo responded, rubbing his weary eyes. "If I go in my current state, I'm bound to say something I might regret."

Continuing to rub his eyes, Leo momentarily blinded himself as his vision adjusted.

"A shower and a nap wouldn't hurt," Leo muttered to himself, considering his options.

Gathering his clothes, he yawned and passed by Hitoha and Cosmo, the latter giving him a slight glare.


Entering the bathroom, Leo turned on the faucet, allowing the cold water to flow freely. The soothing sound of running water filled the room as he shed his blood-stained clothes, letting them fall to the floor in a disheveled pile. Stepping under the refreshing stream, he closed his eyes, surrendering to the sensation of the water washing away the grime and weariness that clung to his body.

The steady rhythm of the cascading water worked its magic, easing the tension in his muscles. Leo leaned against the cool tiles of the shower wall, feeling the weight of exhaustion slowly lift from his shoulders. His mind wandered as he embraced the tranquility that enveloped him.

Amidst the serenity, he faintly heard Hitoha's voice yelling at him to not use her shampoo. Ignoring her protests, he lathered up, relishing in the clean, invigorating scent that filled the air.

After what felt like an eternity, Leo reluctantly turned off the shower, the refreshing sensation lingering on his skin. He wrapped a towel around his waist, his damp hair clinging to his forehead. With newfound vitality coursing through his veins, he emerged from the bathroom, the lingering aroma of clean water trailing behind him.

Despite sensing Hitoha's disapproving gaze upon him, Leo paid it little attention as he made his way into an unoccupied room. Exhaustion weighed heavily on his eyelids, and he succumbed to the pull of sleep. With no mattress to cushion his descent, Leo found solace on the cold floor, welcoming its embrace.

"Just a quick nap," he mumbled before surrendering to the embrace of slumber.


Seven weeks later.