
Chapter 2

Though I hadn't left the confines of my apartment for days, I, or rather my predecessor, had the fridge stocked well enough to last a few days and I milked that good fortune dry. 

Let's be honest, what nerd would hesitate to spend their time with books if they got access to real magic? I had no reason to hesitate when there were literal vampires roaming around the city. 

The good news is that I spent the last few days memorizing backwards words to utilize. More good news, I added Reinforcement to my repertoire of skills. 

In layman's terms, it's basically channeling magic through my entire body to enhance my physical attributes. From physical strength to my vision.

I may not be a vampire but now I can probably match one. Though there's a limit my body can handle, the cost is even less than a drop in my ocean of magic.

In other news, the Mystic Falls fundraising bachelor auction was two days ago and I didn't go for obvious reasons but today I was forced to leave the comfort of my apartment. 

Why? It's for a simple reason. 

The answer is the large building in front of me with teenagers around my age roaming about, high school. Specifically, Mystic Falls High School. 

I'm starting to hate past me for choosing to come here but unfortunately my formal education isn't complete. I need to get a degree in at least one life, right?

And they are staring at me. I showered before I got here, right?

-[Caroline Forbes]-

"I didn't do anything. I don't know why she doesn't like me." She complained to Elena as they arrived at school. 

It has been a terrible week so far for her. Ever since Matt's mom, the matriarch made it clear how much she disliked her. Of course she was happy for Matt that his mom was back but the woman was so infuriating. 

"Don't let her get to you. I'm sure she just needs time to get to know you." Elena comforted, almost making her roll her eyes. 

That was easy for her to say. In her visible dislike for Caroline, she never missed the chance to exhibit how much she preferred Elena to her. 

It was always Elena. Everybody's first pick. 

"What's going on over there?" Elena's voice brought her attention back to the world. 

As they walked through the hallway, there was a small crowd hanging near the school secretary's office, chatting and giggling animated between themselves. 

"I don't know." She said, walking up to one of them that she knew. "Hey, Tiki."

A lean dark skin girl amongst them turned to face them. "Oh hey you guys." She greeted. 

"What's going on here?" Caroline asked, seeing the other girls unable to stop giggling. With how they spoke over each other, she could barely catch anything. 

"There's a new guy that transferred here and he is hot. Like Stefan but hotter." The girl squealed, unable/unwilling to contain her excitement. 

"Ouch." Elena muttered, a bit offended. 

"Come on, you're exaggerating. He can't be that good." Caroline scoffed. 

She had to be exaggerating. Respect to Elena, Stefan was better looking than a lot of the guys at school if not all of them. That would be tough to beat. 

"Oh there he is now." Tiki pointed out, turning their attention to the boy who was walking out of the office, a bag slung on his back. 

Damn she wasn't kidding. "He is hot." She found herself muttering as the boy inspected what she assumed to be his schedule. 

He looked very good in a bad boyish kind of way. The messy dark hair gave him a bed head look that only added to his appeal. 

"Roll it in Caroline." Elena said from the side, getting her attention. 

"What?" She asked, confused. 

"Don't you think you should be focusing on this thing with Matt's mom instead of scoping out the new guy?" Elena asked, an undertone of judgment in her tone that made her want to roll her eyes. 

"I'm not scoping him out, he just happened to be here at the same time as us. Besides, you can't argue that he isn't." She shot back. 

The brunette took one more look at the transfer student before rolling her eyes. "Alright, you have a point."


I'm starting to rethink this whole highschool thing. You'd think that with history being the one class that consistently pops up in the series it would be easy to find. 

I entered the wrong class, twice!

In other news, I caught sight of Elena, Stefan, Matt and Caroline at the back and center of the classroom. There was Tyler too. Though, I made sure to not let my eyes roam too much lest the resident vampire get any ideas. 

Snapping innocent necks is Damon's territory but I can never be too careful. 

The stares from some of my new classmates are fun though. Stroke my ego further. The door opens and enters, Alaric Saltzman. History teacher by day, grieving vampire hunter by night. 

As the class starts, I realize it's nothing too different from my old school. There were slight deviations but that was obviously due to the eternal leeches that scurried through time. 

Vampires can't sense magic, giving me a lot of idle time to play around with it. I can't do anything obvious or eye-catching so that leaves a few things to try out. 


Legilimency is the magical art of navigating through the many layers of a person's mind. I spent half of the class trying to get it down without the incantation and eye contact before I decided, screw it. 

Subtly pointing my finger at a random student, I whispered. "Legilimens."

Whether or not Stefan heard it, the word would mean nothing to him. I, on the other hand, felt a link form between me and the student I pointed at. 

'When will this class end?! I need to go to the bathroom.' The boy lamented internally. He had a few other random thoughts not worth mentioning. 

Through the connection, I can go deeper. And I did. It's more complicated than Dumbledore made it look but I manage, going deeper into his psyche, his memories. 

Oh there's a memory of him spying on Caroline in the girl's locker room followed by hi- Okay, that's enough of that right there. 

Severing the connection, I focus on another student, a girl this time. After the first attempt, forming the connection comes more easily. After a few moments I manage to form it without the incantation or gesture. 

Delving into her mind, I'm immediately faced with the scene of her in what I assume to be her room, bouncing wildly on someone's coc…hold up, is that me?!

Well that's not a memory because I'm sure I'd remember that. That's probably her fantasy? Imagination? It's what she's thinking about.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, highschool is ground zero for raging hormones. I'm not one to talk, seeing as how I've sized up a few people myself. 

Moving on, I spend the next few classes amusing myself, trying to guess what someone's thinking of before delving in. It got boring after I cycled through the entire class but I had nothing else to do. 

The bell rings, signifying the end of the class. I'll have to read up on it later or borrow some notes. I wasn't paying attention. 

What did get me attention is the blonde that stood before me as I made to leave. 

"Uh can I help you?" I ask, confused on what Caroline wanted with me. 

"Hi, I'm Caroline Forbes and on the behalf of everyone here, welcome to Mystic Falls High." She introduces herself with an excitement befitting a cheerleader. 

"Nathan Quinn, and thanks. It's nice to meet you." I respond, looking past her to see Elena glancing at Caroline at the corner of her eye before returning her attention to Stefan. 

"How do you like our school so far?" She asks, shifting and giving us space to walk and talk. 

"Everyone's nice so it's alright. It'll be a while before I get used to all the corridors. Maybe I won't get lost so much." I say, getting a giggle from her. 

"Come on, I can show you around." She offered. 

"That'd be great."