
Episode 2: Viking Food

The soft light and cozy atmosphere of the tiny café warmed my spirit the moment I walked inside. The sweet, decedent scent of baked goods and roasting coffee made my mouth water in anticipation. I made a beeline for the order counter and mused over all my options with my deep green eyes.

I could have the Chicken Club, but a sandwich wasn't exactly a warm dish. There's the tried-and-true Broccoli Cheese, but I just wasn't in the mood for that much cheese.

'Oh, what's this?'

"Try our new Tomato Basil. A thick rich soup made from vine ripened tomatoes, fresh garlic and basil, and topped with toasted Italian croutons and shredded sharp cheddar."

'I think I just found a winner.'

I quickly placed my order with one of the teenage new hires for the Tomato Basil soup and a large Caramel Macchiato. As soon as I got my order number to place on the table, I headed over to the seating area. There were so many inviting couches that had a table in front of it. As I strolled over to a small corner booth, I admired the artwork on the walls.

This cafe loved to represent local artists, but some of the artists preferred to remain anonymous; only collecting the money for their work from the owners and never revealing who they are to the patrons who purchased it. Some pieces were abstract, and some were highly realistic, but all of them had a calming mystical aura about them. As I settled into my seat, Kris emerged from the back.

'Someone must have let him know I stopped by. He never can resist a quick chat with me.'

It always amused me how Viking-like he looked. He had the outdoors build, the long blond, braided hair with a matching beaded beard, but he also had tribal looking tattoos. He told me once that they were something called runes and held different meanings. I hadn’t a clue what meaning those were, but they felt safe and comforting to look at. To top it off, he always wore this odd-looking hammer necklace and had a hobby of making shields and swords. A great asset when the comic-cons came to town and it was a stark contrast to our internet-loving, hipster crowds.

I smiled and called out to Kris happily. As I stood to greet him, he stormed over, embracing me in a bear hug.

"Good day, warrior, Angel."

"Good afternoon to you too. I see you've added a few things to the menu," I greeted as we ended our embrace.

Kris laughed a smile reaching his icy blue eyes, "You can thank Joshua’s obsession with the latest trend of cooking videos. He was worried it wasn’t good enough to serve, but I insisted we add his Tomato Basil to the menu and let the sales decide. Spoiler, our sales have been through the roof due to the recent cold front."

"He should have more confidence in himself, but I’m glad you encourage him. I think it's a wonderful addition. I even ordered it," I proudly declared, making Kris grin even wider.

"Just wait until you find that special someone. You'll do just about anything to see them smile. Anyways, are you still coming with us to his parents' restaurant tonight?" Kris inquired as we sat down on the plump couches.

"Are you kidding me? I would never miss authentic Chinese food. If I do, it's code for ‘I'm being kidnapped’ or ‘I need a doctor’," I joked, excited for the evening.

"I don't know how you can eat so much and stay healthy. I have to work out to keep my warrior body," Kris shook his head.

"Eh, genetics and I don't eat often enough. Not healthy in the long run, but I don't do it on purpose. I just kinda forgot," I shrugged.

"Well, let me get you a Cinnamon Roll to add to your meal. Don't want you getting too skinny," Kris stated, standing up.

"Kris, I haven't had any relapses of anorexia since high school. I've been doing really good for almost ten years," I sighed. His icy eyes softened, but his muscles remained tense.

'He can’t forget it, can he? I wish he would. I wish everyone would stop reminding me about it. I’ve been doing so well… I can’t really blame him though. It was a rough year…'

Memories of my junior year played in my mind. The beeping machines, everyone crying, and my organs slowly shutting down. I had survived and gotten help. I could even joke about eating now, but it was so bad.

"I know it was a while ago, but I still worry about you. You know you're like a sister to me," Kris softly explained. I nodded in agreement. I knew he wasn't saying it to be mean, but memories can still sting. Kris left for the kitchen as my order arrived at the little table.

'They must have just finished a batch of soup when I ordered, and the Macchiato never takes long to make.'

I took a spoonful of the soup and blew on it, making the savory aroma drift around my face. It smelled slightly spicy and was full of herbs. When the thick sauce-like soup touched my tongue, I could almost envision the beautiful garden it came from. The crunch of the crouton and the soft melted cheese danced along my taste buds. The food here was always a magical experience.

Josh could win anyone over with his cooking. I knew the recipes, but I could never make it quite like him.

'One day I'll learn his magical cooking secret.'

Kris returned to my table with the sinful Cinnamon Roll. While Josh may have been the cook, Kris was the star baker. It was so hard to resist his light, sweet, fruit-stuffed Cinnamon Rolls. His apple stuffed Cinnamon Roll was, by far, my favorite and it was the exact flavor he placed in front of me. I thanked him for his generosity, and he patted me on the head in a brotherly way.

Even though I hadn't finished my soup, I couldn't resist taking a bite of the Cinnamon Roll. The warm icing flooded my mouth as the soft bread and gooey, baked apple tumbled onto my tongue. Notes of cinnamon and clove danced along my pallet alongside the buttery sugar from the apples.

'Pure bliss.'

I spent a good hour enjoying the food and the warmth of the coffee before ordering a second coffee to go. I still had the rest of my shift to complete and two rather odd books to investigate.