
Witches Vs Werewolves

"My sweetest little treasure, don't be naive, you are either damned or dead in here, so now be good and scream your loudest for me." Persephone [Psyche] Charming found herself sent away into a strange highschool for troubled teenagers after commiting a crime worthy of hell back home. Soon enough the Witch began to realize these troubled teenagers were more dangerous than the worst of criminals. Especially the Crescent brothers who were more monstrous than animals. °°° "No, whatever you're gonna say, no, not now, not ever. Also get out of my room you psychopath, you'll get blood all over my sheets…. Why is there blood all over you?" She could no longer control her urge and asked. He really looked like a mess. So much blood that Persephone felt it was his. His face had a tear, and his hair was just…. Well that hair was always looking messy. At her words that smirk died. Replaced with a lost look. "Hm, you're being nosy." He said, coolly. "....." Persephone deadpanned. "You broke into my ROOM." She couldn't help the incredulity that filled her voice as she said those words. The reddish eyelashes fluttered, and then slowly but surely the eyes were opened. It was worse than expected. His red eyes were bloodshot, hurt, so many emotions going in a long and horrible roller coaster.  Persephone always thought Caspian was a straightforward person. Everytime she met him, he would always say or do whatever came to his mind. He looked like he was mad at everything whenever he was around, because he couldn't be bothered to hide his emotions. This kind of open person, when they were hurt, it was too obvious for the world to see. Persephone's throat bobbed as she swallowed. She didn't know why she was aggrieved by the hurt in his eyes. Anytime they crossed parts one way or the other Caspian always threatened her. Seeing the cool smirk on his face all those times, Persephone hoped it would be knocked off his face, but literally seeing that arrogant look away from his face, Persephone's heart was pumping really fast. This time she couldn't control her brain from allowing her hand to reach out towards Caspian, her fingers sinking into the mop of hair for the first time. Despite the unsettlement she felt at his hurt, she couldn't help the wave of satisfaction and the tremors of shudders that traced up her spine as her fingers sank into his hair. It was so silky, as she imagined it would be, so soft, it would entice anyone to keep touching. She has fallen down the rabbit hole so it couldn't be helped as she combed her fingers through his hair softly, her skin enjoying the tickling and electric feeling of petting his hair. She stiffened when she heard his sigh. It was actually not a sigh…. If she heard it correctly it was a moan, a soft and gentle moan. Persephone felt something thick had obscured her throat from swallowing as she heard the sinfully soft moan. She peeked away from the hair to his face. His eyebrows dipped into a furrow but the curve and contort of his features couldn't be misunderstood….. This was a look of satisfaction. "What happened to you?" She sounded like she had choked out the words. The reply was a bit late but it came. "I shouldn't have come here." Seeing the way she was petting his hair, enjoying every minute of it, enjoying him enjoying every minute of it, she indeed concurred that he should not have come to her. But she said, "But you did." A hand descended on the back of her head. "Yeah, I did." [Mature Content] [Slow burn]

Merci_Douglas · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
117 Chs

Chapter 12

Drusilla Blackwater.

She was wearing this time a knee short black gown with tiny horizontal white stripes, and in white fabric was Nether Mount High sewn on it. She had medium high boots and her pentagon necklace dangling from her neck.

I had complicated feelings about this girl. She carried herself like a princess, the mature air she gave off would be endearing if it weren't for the domineering glints in her honey brown eyes. Those eyes looked at everyone in her sights like ants.

They were two other people in this school that looked at everyone like that. Sin Crescent and Caspian Crescent. It seemed these three were dominant figures in the school.

I didn't like people like these, people like this who saw others like bumbling fools. Although I would rather stay away from Drusilla she seemed to have a sort of…. Positive feelings towards me.

I relaxed back into my seat, my arm lacing back on the chair and eyes, spectating, watchful eyes on her as she walked towards my table and grabbed a chair to sit so very carelessly.

She smiled at me. Measuring the tilt of the smile, the subtle crinkles around the bridge of her nose, I quickly determined she was in fact flashing me a genuine smile.

"Good morning, Psyche," She greeted, placing her hands which had plenty of rings on her fingers.

I smile back at her. It seemed that she was feeling particularly preppy today. "Morning, Drusilla." I answered politely.

Her eyes flickered to Stoner for a second, to which I noticed her smile nudging down but she sharply covered it up. "And Arabelle, not trashing rooms and sniffing something up your nose today?"

My eyebrows rose together at how the sweet tone and majestic air surrounding her managed to prevail even as she casually insulted Stoner. Shifting my eyes to Stoner, I opened my mouth but Stoner spoke up.

"I don't do dr*gs, Assistant Prefect Drusilla," Stoner's tone for the first time was clipped.

It dawned on me at this moment that the students in this school hated each other more than I initially thought. Each time one of them crossed parts it never had light feelings. Hell, Caspian threw someone off the school's roof.

Drusilla simply sent Stoner a sweetened expression. "Really? My bad, I was presumptuous upon seeing you with the riffraffs of human kind all the time."

Ouch. "Ouch, I never thought of myself as a riffraff," I butted in, my eyebrows scrunched but an amiable smile was on my face.

Drusilla's lips twitched, just for a millisecond the smile threatened to crumble at my words, but Drusilla was faster and sharper than even a politician with how fast she strengthened the smile.

"Preposterous, Psyche, a Charming Witch would never fall into such a category," Drusilla quickly said.

….. She was clearly delusional. My Mother— She was never the kind of Witch who showed off her magic, though my Father had said before she became a Stray Witch she was a powerful Witch amongst her kind, I never really saw it in her.

I mean she spent her day gardening. So I wasn't sure which Charming Witch had such a reputation that made Drusilla think we were so commendable.

"I don't understand," I replied.

"Your Mother, she is an idol amongst witch kind."

"You've heard of my mother?" One of my eyebrows unconsciously arched.

Drusilla nodded. "Of course, Prudence Charming is a giant for Witches."

I suppose the tales my Father told about my Mother weren't lies. Lord knew that woman wouldn't cough up anything about her past even if you had a knife to her throat. That was just who my Mother was, whenever I forced her hand to tell me things about witches she lied.

Always lying, just like how she lied that witches were rare, when there was a school filled with them.

Before I could respond Drusilla brought out something from the pocket of her gown, I didn't even know was there before. It was a small card-like paper, with golden rims, and words written in black on the surface.

'All head prefects game night.' was written in black. She laid it on the table in front of me, to which I gave her a questioning look.

She smiled. "An invitation, the senior prefects are having game night soon, join us."

I glanced down at the card then back at her. "This says all head prefects. I'm not a prefect, so why would I be there?"

Her honey brown eyes danced with amusement. "Not at issue, you will be appointed as a head prefect as soon as you join the Salem Clu—"

"Hold on," I quickly cut her off. "Who said anything about joining the Salem Club?"

Her eyebrows crinkled slightly, for the first time her superior aura was being shaded by confusion. "All witches must join a coven." She said to me.

Ah, a coven was a gathering of witches. Suppose these witches thought of their Club as a Coven.

"Not Charming Witches," I said. "My family and I have lived a huge portion of our lives as strays, and we're just fine."

Shock flashed her honey brown eyes for a moment. "But this is Nether Mount High, your beginners week is rounding up,"

The beginners week. I understood it to be some kind of period of protection against something for newcomers. Still I shrugged, "So?"

A shoulder nudged mine. Stoner next to me turned her blue eyes to me, and finally joined the conversation. "Nobody makes it in here without joining a Club,"

Huh? "Least you end up broken," Drusilla added, enunciating the word broken at me.

This matter... This School…. What kind of rules were these? Suddenly something flashed in my mind, the words of Sin formerly.

Prison. He had called this School a Prison. "Why do you people act like this is a Prison?" I asked Drusilla.

Drusilla blinked, her pretty small lips moistening by her tongue which peaked out. She recoiled her hands, entwining her fingers on the desk.

"It depends on whom you ask, but with the things that her kind and the others are allowed to do, it's not far off." Unexpectedly it was not Drusilla who answered my question, but Stoner who looked at Drusilla with audacious eyes I had never seen before.

Drusilla opened her mouth. Perhaps to defend herself but the arrival of another famous figure in this school distracted her.

Coming through the door was a red-eyed psychopath. Caspian…. The Werewolf, I passionately wished to avoid.