
Reality Check

Maya was awakened by a bell-like ringing echoing in the distance. The sunlight was seeping through the windows on her side of the room. She felt relieved the bells woke her, realizing she forgot to set an alarm. Feeling tired, not having gotten much rest from sleeping in a new bed and the excitement and anxiety for what's to come, she first searched for Leo, but he wasn't around.

She found it strange. He had been the first thing she would see when she woke up for the past two days. Perhaps, he was mad at her for ignoring him last night. She felt a panic attack was on the verge and wished she had her meds.

'You're going to win today,' she told herself. Not knowing what exactly she was going to win, but knowing she had to start her day optimistic.

Elena slept through the bells ringing. She was sleeping prone with her face dug into the mattress. She probably pushed away her pillow in the sleep, but now was reaching for it to cover her head murmuring angrily for being woken up.

In no time, Maya got dressed and ready to go. After clipping on a silver broch with intricate academy emblem she stopped, admiring the design of her new school uniform. It didn't fit quite right, but it was only a temporary solution until she got a new one made.

But Elena wasn't showing any signs that she intended to get out of bed. Maya decided to wake her up gently. She didn't want Elena to miss the first day of school, and besides, she could use a guide.

"Wake up. The class is about to start," she said softly.

Elena murmured something dismissive. Maya realized she had to be more persuasive. Walking to her, looking for a way to nudge her without getting her too angry, Maya realized Elena still had a bottle clutched in her hand and reeked of alcohol.


Maya tried to get it from her, but as soon as she pulled on it, Elena automatically gripped it tighter. It succeeded in getting some reaction from Elena, as she turned to give her a warning look.

'Don't take candy from a baby.'

"C'mon, I need you to show me the way."

Elena made a sigh of surrender and rolled out of bed, sliding to the floor like a slug.

'It certainly was a way to get out of bed.'

Then she got up and froze for a second disoriented. She wasn't just hangover, she was still drunk, Maya realized, watching as Elena began stumbling her way toward the bathroom swigging from the bottle, realizing it was empty and carelessly letting it drop to the floor.

Instead of the bathroom, she ended up going to the fridge and pulling out another bottle. Immediately, Maya jumped to grab it out of her hand but was met with similar resistance as earlier. Maya was surprised at how strong Elena was for a slim girl, especially in a state like this.

"You can't be drunk on your first day of school," Maya protested.

"Better drunk than hangover."

Knowing how to be stubborn, Maya wasn't letting go of the bottle. Elena gave her an angry look before giving up and waddling her way into the bathroom. Maya put it back in the fridge.

As soon as there was a sound of water running from the shower, she heard Leo behind her and almost jumped out of her skin.

"You do realize she's still drunk?" Leo said.

"Yeah. She drank half of that bottle all by herself. No wonder."

And Elena, though relatively tall for a girl, wasn't of large build, so it must've hit her hard.

"Christ, Russians are insane with their drinking habits."

"I don't think she drinks that much just because she's Russian."

"I know you've been through some shit, but I don't see you drinking up your sorrows."

"You know, we need to establish some kind of signal for you. My heart won't be able to survive the jump-scares."

"Sorry. I forgot I don't make much sound."

"Where were you?"

"I don't know. I wanted to give you some space."

"You don't know where'd you been?"

"Just aimlessly wandering around. Only when you acknowledge me, do I feel like I'm actually here."

"Oh… Sorry for ignoring you before. I don't want her to think I'm a weirdo that talks to herself."

"You're afraid she'll think you're a weirdo? Look around. She has knives stuck in the wardrobe frame. I don't know how you are going to survive being her roommate."

"What, you think I'm too sensitive to live with someone like her?" Maya was offended. She didn't like that he thought she was so weak and delicate.

"I didn't say that."

"I'm going downstairs! Meet me there?" she yelled to Elena in the bathroom through the door. There was no response, just a sound of water splashing.

"You think she's okay?" she whispered to Leo.

"You want me to check?"

"No!" she reacted too fast. "Whatever. Let's just go," she moved on realizing she overreacted.

It was the first day of school. Instead of starting a junior year in high school, she was beginning as a freshman again. But, freshman of a special magic school. It was like she was living through the stories she would read. Stories on her Kindle that were taken away from her.

'No. Don't feel sad about it. This time you'll have friends, and your days will be filled up with activities you won't have time for reading.'

She made her way downstairs. The whole dorm was buzzing with excitement as the girls were getting ready. She passed a couple of girls on her way down, but they seemed too busy with doing their own things to acknowledge her.

When she got to the ground floor, bumping into some girls who were hanging at the bottom of the stairs, she was shocked at how crowded it was. Maya felt very out of place, squeezing through them to get to the kitchen and grab something to eat.

Both the small breakfast room and the kitchen, adjacent to it, were crowded with girls hunting something to snack on. She didn't know where to begin and was left standing there feeling lost.

"Want some coffee?" a girl with a coffee pot offered her.

She had a dark caramel skin and frosted curly hair. Through Maya's estimation, the girl looked a bit older than her. She had to speak loudly to be heard.

"If you manage to find yourself a clean mug, I'll pour you some," the girl was clearly aware Maya was new and offered her some kindness.

"Thanks," Maya looked around for a cup but ultimately gave up.

"I don't think I saw you around before. Are you new?"

"Yeah. I arrived yesterday."

"Yesterday?! Oh, dang, this must be a total shock for you."

"It is a bit overwhelming, I won't lie," Maya was honest.

"I remember it being that way when I first got here… I'm Jenny, by the way."

"Maya. Nice to meet you."

"I'm in room 23. You can come by whenever you want if you need help. I kind of took responsibility to be a spokesperson for Delta Major House," Jenny said.

"Great. Thank you."

Jenny smiled and left.

Maya managed to wrestle for a croissant, so she wouldn't have to face this adventure on an empty stomach.

Waiting for Elena, hoping she'll catch her on her way out, wasn't looking so plausible after the dorm was beginning to get emptier and there was no sign of her. Maya decided to just follow the crowd to get to her destination. They are all going in the same direction, anyway.