
Witches Forest'

People go missing all over the world. Some get found, but some remain a mystery and then are forgotten over time. The causes of these cases are from a selection of circumstances: kidnapping, getting lost, being a victim of a crime, miscommunication or even mental illnesses. In this case, the circumstances are drastically different. Genre: mystery, bit of thriller, "bit of romance," horror, comedy, action, adventure

yukic · Fantasy
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4 Chs

V1 Chapter 2: The Attack

..a giant humanoid figure?! It launches itself at him. But, It wasn't attacking him?..It was too good to be true, it was much worse, way worse. It was going inside him, attaching himself to him. Brock got a glimpse of the figure before it fully dissipates into him. 

All he remembered was that it was all black and had a skull-like face with 2 horns. A few seconds passed, he passed out from the agony he was in. Aaron starts to get worry,  Brock was taking too long. He heard a twig snap in the distance, only a mere 20 feet away. The first thing he heard was the low growls of a–creature? In the darkness. 

All of a sudden, a sharp tendril is launched at Aaron, He sharply turned and dodged. The shock of this caused him to drop his axe. His left cheek got cut. Brock wakes up bewildered, he hears the commotion and rushes to help Aaron. He picks up the axe to give to Aaron, but the creature finally reveals himself. 

A what looked like an 8 foot tall creature with a humanoid head sticking out of a large bent torso with 3 arms and tendrils as legs, seemed to be built out of rocks and vines. 

It threw Aaron into a tree, almost knocking him out, 

and then it comes to Brock. He's stunned with fear. Aaron jumps up behind the monster and pierces its eye with his thumbs and bites the creature's neck. 

The creature lets out a monstrous yell, alerting whatever was in the area, then it slams Aaron into the ground. The creature then bites Aarons' left trap. Before it can tear his shoulder off, 

Cori and Brittany heard the yells and commotion, she heard one more scream to find out it was Aaron, Cori ran full speed,  and stabs the creature's neck and head, 

Brittany flashes her phone to blind the monster,

 Kenneth, who was still looking at rocks, heard the yells as well. He runs to the noise and then starts to throw rocks to distract the monster. 

The monster is disoriented and in agony. 

Aaron's hand started to glow a fiery color. Kenneth notices this and without questioning anything,

he tugs on a branch from a tree and tries to make fire using Aarons hand, he now had a branch that was on fire, he stabs the inside of the creature, burning it all the way through. 

Aaron is free from its grasp, he passes out from all the blood in his brain. They all carried him back to camp, Brittany gives him stitches and applies bandages to him from Brock's bag, 

Brittany is training to become a nurse, so she knew the basics. 

After a few hours,  Aaron wakes up and notices the beautiful sunset. 

Everyone sits down and watches the sky grow darker. They looked at the bright stars, wondering what the hell just happened. 

Then, as the night sky starts darkening, Kenneth notices something. The stars are out of order?..But that's not all. A moon comes into view, then another, and another. A Saturn-like planet appears on the right side of the sky. They aren't on earth anymore. They're somewhere else, somewhere they don't know, are they lost? are they seeing things? are they in another world?…

Where they at

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