
Chapter 5 Sy

Sy waited until her mom was high above before letting out a breath. Then, she leaned her shoulder on the coup's frame. The chickens reacted instantly. They cried with agitation with her shift. Sy crossed her arms over her chest.

Finally, Sy thought, feeling the panic die down. I thought she'd stay or worse.

Sy had not prepared herself for such an ambush. She could still feel the rush from being caught so off guard. And caught right in the very middle of her operations, no less.

But I handled it well, Sy encouraged. She thought herself to have acted impressively coy and in control. She could avoid revealing anything and stalling long enough for mom to leave. And all without so much as a hint of her intentions. Sy couldn't help but feel proud of herself.

It's because I'm five. Five years olds can do this kind of stuff because they're older. Sy explained. It was true. Sy could never have been so cunning at four. Nope. It was simply due to her age—nothing else.

Still, that was close, Sy thought. A cool chill ran up her back. But that left quickly. The crisis was averted. Her mom was still non- the- wiser. Sy could continue. But with her mom now up and about, Sy had to realize her window of opportunity was much smaller.

I'm going to need to be quick, then. Sy thought. Before she gets back and catches me.

Sy took in a breath. She had to firm her resolve. She felt it stiffen in the pit of her gut. There was still much to do. She couldn't afford to waste time if she wanted to do it before mom returned, even if she was deathly afraid.

"That's it." Sy voiced. Little fists formed and shook. She knew she couldn't put it off any longer. It had to happen and happen now.

Sy turned to face the inside of the chicken coup. Tiny black eyes from feathered vermin stared back. What were they thinking? Sy could only guess it had to be bloodthirsty. Their clucking had stopped.

A thick heaviness seemed to fall over everyone. Sy swallowed hard. She felt a lump catch. Her feet moved to take a stand. It was now or never.

"AHH!" Sy screamed as she charged. She rushed into the chicken coup with arms flying. She desperately tried to protect her eyes from being poked out with one arm. Sy threw around the other rashly. It vaguely tried to feel for the straw nests.

Around her, Sy could hear the shrill cries of feathered beasts. It was deafening. The chickens were in flight. They bounced and flapped their wings. Sy could feel feathers scratch at her cheeks and arms. Something caught into her hair. Sy screamed with shock. Another bounced off her back with a good thump. But she kept going.

Finally, her fingers caught something. A lump in one of the nests. She fingered it to be smooth. An egg- Two eggs! Sy could feel herself want to cry out in rejoice. She had found them at last.

The child quickly snatched up the two. She cradled them to her chest with a protective hand. Then, guessing for the exit, Sy turned. She charged out. She screamed the whole way. Meanwhile, she felt and heard the flock rush out after her.

The smell of fresh air and not chicken poop hit Sy's senses. On instinct, Sy jumped down the steps. She moved to hunker down underneath them. Her bottom could feel the wet earth sink into her dress but wasn't concerned about it. She only pressed her hand tighter to her chest protectively. She needed to wait.

She could lower her arm when Sy could no longer hear the sound of wings beating. Sy looked out cautiously. The coast seemed clear. A few chickens now pecked at the grass and roamed. But they seemed to have forgotten all about her. The attack was over.

Sy let out an uneasy laugh. Her heart was no longer racing, but some fear still lingered. Sy sniffed up the snot and rubbed the tears away. While wiping, she relaxed her hold. Inside her hand, Sy could see her treasures. Two beautiful and large eggs. One white. One brown.

The sight of them made Sy exchange the trauma for satisfaction. It was done. She had gotten the eggs. And all by herself. Sy smiled.

"I did it," Sy whispered. It was both shocking and unique to her. She could feel someplace inside start to beam brightly. Her hand gently squeezed the eggs to hear them hit each other. She regarded the sound with a new sensation.

"Baa" A loud bellow down the path broke out. Sy looked up and over to see the black goat. She had just about forgotten Baphomet. The goat was staring at her through the pen. She has seen everything.

Sy, looking, lowered her gaze. Her eyes spied the goat's udders. They hung low and full. And the steel pail mom used was still hanging off the post of the pen.

Breaking away to give one last appreciative look at the eggs, Sy lowered them gently next to her sack. The bag had been hidden underneath the steps before. Mom never saw a thing.

Sy made to stand and lift off the ground. She could feel how damp her bottom was. The mud had climbed down to her undergarments. But she couldn't mind that now. Nor did she care. Her mind was focused solely on her task. She made to walk. Her path aimed for the pen.

"Next is milk." Sy listed feeling less afraid of her next challenger. The child moved with head high toward Baphomet. The goat bayed. She was possibly sensing her imminent doom.