
Witcher Work In DxD

Our mc is reincarnated in to the world of DxD with powers of a witcher but doesn't know the plot Earning coin was never been this hard, ever counted 100.000 $ in cents Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

-8- Jobs and Education

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC


Looking for fallens in Romania is going to be easy since there's only 1 place everyone is welcomed the main teleport hub and rest of the place belongs to either Vampires or Church and there's a line in between the borders of course the Vampire main territory is not here it's behind a magic fog that blocks the sunlight but these places are generally where they get their blood with memory wiping and such as long as they don't kill it's fine to feed of course that's just the front cover of the book since i know better.

Coming out of the hub i set my medallion to fallen angels it's a new thing i discovered about every race emits a different wavelength of magic i can change the sensitivity of the medallion to focus on a specific race it's been extremely helpful during my contracts and i start feeding it steady amounts of my energy to increase the range, it seems the hub is clear, i'm going to assume the popular places would be clear too, so i made my way to the border town to look around, found some stray devils but some blonde church girl was taking care of it so i left them and gone to another town ignoring the other things around me i moved with speed i would help someone in front of me but i won't go out of my way to help people.

After going around checking the town for tracks i found their trail by the time of sunset but they're going through the forest and other side is the fog barriers i was about to move but i sensed an attack from behind rolling forward and pulling my gear with magic i look at my assailant it's that blonde girl from morning.

Jacob"What's wrong with you crazy lady don't they teach to how to greet people at church."

???"Shut up and tell me what you are so i can bring judgement to your soul, i shall clense your soul for my name is Jeanne D'arc"

Did this bitch just called herself my favorite saber face ahh hell no

Jacob"Ahh didn't know we were giving fake names then i'm Geralt of Rivia "


Jacob"Don't know what they gave you guys at the church but damn i want some of that shit"

Of course i know what a spirit inheritance is but i want to mess with her heh she's all red now.

Jeanne"You... i don't care who you are i will kill you"

Jacob"That's more like it!, act like who you truly are! little saint"

Jeanne stoped and dropped her sword, falling to her knees then started crying, well i didn't think that would be her sore spot, you'd think she would be used to insults like this but she's lucky I didn't blast her to horizon when she first attacked but i can guess what's her problem.

Jacob"Spirit inheritors are bullshit everyone expecting to you to fit to a mould you don't fit in huh well you should just be yourself then"

Jeanne"But everyone is telling me i am the maiden and that the god chosen me to be like this that i don't need friends"

Jacob"What are you a sheep, are you going to kill and rape people if god didn't exist, do you really need a moral guide or someone to tell you who you are ? *Sigh* look just be yourself that's all you need to do, as for myself i am Jacob Asao, Witcher"

Man this chick is a mess, is that what they do to people at church now i feel sorry for that girl that got taken from the orphanage.

Jeanne"Sorry for my outburst it's just that i had a lot in my mind, *Breaths in* and tell me witcher why are you here"

Jacob"I'm on a job to hunt fallens"

Jeanne"While ignoring the devils"

Jacob"You seem to be handling them why should i bother then"

Jeanne"I was just killing them as i go, i am hunting fallens too who sent you ?"

I just fished out the card Azazel gave

Jeanne"You are working for grigori to take out their trash"

Jacob" I'm working for money, come on i found their trails going to the forest it shouldn't be far"


Moving through the forest we found a wooden house, focusing my ears i heard children crying, guessing from the number of heart beats there's about 30 people if you don't count the fallen angels, i quickly relayed this info with my temporary partner and we decided to assault from two sides, surrounding the house and taking my position i used yrden on the houses perimeter and rushed in from the back door fighting inside will be my advantage otherwise i will have to pull them down with aard i hate flying enemies.

Right after going in i beheaded the poor guy who didn't even realize wtf is going on and rolled over to dodge a light spear getting up i used aard on my boots for the boost and killed the second fallen angel too two down two to go after going through the house i found the other one dead and the side of the house blown apart looking outside i saw Jeanne riding a dragon made of swords trying to hit the fallen angel they didn't seem to notice me so i cast a quick aard to his leg pulling him to the mouth of the dragon, she seems suprised until she turned to me i just gave her a wink and gone back in there's people to save.


Going to the basement we realized that this place is a blood bank one of the off the books types i have no idea why fallen angels are running the place i freed the children while Jeanne called the church to relocate the children i didn't get paid for the children, moving along the basement i found a familiar face it looks like she's been kept here for a while but she seems unharmed so might as well joke around.

Jacob"We need to stop meeting like this mother in law it's not a good tradition"

Hilda"You don't get to call me that... yet"

I freed her and avoided the punch coming my way.

Hilda"Huh you seem to got stronger"

Jacob"I think that's because you are a mage not a warrior"

She gave me a look i did not understand.

Hilda"Sigh anyway thanks for saving me again, now let's go out of this place"

Getting outside we found some church people carry the children Jeanne saw us and approached.

Jeanne"Witcher who's the Valkyrie"

Jacob"My mother in *karate chop*"

Hilda" Good evening i was sent to retrieve an artifact of Asgard but ambushed and thrown here"

The fact that she was able to say that without getting embarrassed is praise worthy, i wonder if it's a skill.

Jeanne"Well as long as it doesn't clash with our mission, well Witcher are you coming"

Jacob"Nope, my magic is norse based i have some questions about it so i'll stay with her, goodbye Jeanne and don't try to fit someone elses shoes you're your own person and here this is my card give me a call if you have jobs for me"

She just waved her hand while walking back.

Jacob"Why is it that when i do it it seems ridiculous but when others do it it seems cool"

Hilda didn't answer my question just shook her head, i'm hurt after they left we made our way to the hub and got a room yes one room with two beds she said it's fine.


Hilda"Well what's this about having questions about your signs you think i will give you knowledge from asgard just because you are engaged to my daughter"


Hilda"Was that a question"

Jacob"Well look i need help, think about it"

Hilda"Sigh i'm giving my daughter to someone without education"

Jacob"Well educate me then how hard it could be"

Hilda"You never went to school right, alright then if you manage to get collage diploma by the time you're 16 i will help with your signs and you will even meet Rossweisse"

Jacob"So that's her name.... Well college part is easy"

Hilda" Hehe easy he says, fine if you think it's that easy then here these are books on norse magic but they are just entry and won't help with your signs until the last volume is read i fished them out after meeting you, so you will get a college major, read these books and make a living at the same time after you got your diploma use this ticket to come to Asgard"

I have this faint feeling of being played but whatever, it reminds me of my collage days alright, i don't have to do this but i have been living like this for years i could use a break and get some jobs from Azazel and church if they ever call me.

Jacob"Challenge Accepted!"


Grind is here and it is very much real, after Hilda dumped me with over a hundred books that she said "Elementary my dear child" i made my way to France and set up my fake history according to the official story i survived the fire at the orphanage(Apparently vampire burned the place) and ended up in France since i was a small child at the time i didn't know anything and lived in countryside of France and studied there and they didn't realize that i had no ID because the place i lived was modern enough to get highschool education but rural enough to not ask identity.

After that i came back to Italy and they asked me to take a test so i took the profenicy test and passed and entered the college i took math major like i did in my previous life, i was a school teacher back then, fun times but this life is not bad neither.

First year was hell i took extra classes to finish it early and i still had to keep up my training, i got the seals used for highest rank training and slapped it on whenever i'm not studying i can barely walk can't even run but it's still better than the time i took the minotaur mutagen, did some small time work with the church they were understanding enough at least.

Second year was better since the GWENT business rolled in the underworld and it's spread like fire i even saw an exorcist playing it and there's a special card made for me, there's only 3 of them made for me, Azazel and Ajuka it's a a Joker card if you want to put it that way so free advertisement.

Third year was the same i finished the books on magic although it's just the entry level books it's like doing math but nothing makes sense but somehow works anyway it's hard to put it to words, but my college life was easy going my head jump started at the second year i remember most of the stuff i even got license for teaching again since the protagonist is a student it's a good cover for me to be a teacher, and at last i graduated.

Now looking at myself i look around 18 years old, i am 1.87 Meters tall my build is not bulky for my height no extra weird looking muscles but you can't call it skinny, minimum amount of fat and every muscle is well defined my hair grow long enough to tie, i tied it to a ponytail like Geralt's my eye color have become more saturated now that i look at it i look like gender bended Blake Belladonna, i have complicated feelings about this but it's not like i hate it, anyway taking my Asgard ticket i put mana into it and found myself looking at Idris Elba no wait it's Heimdall.