
Witcher Work In DxD

Our mc is reincarnated in to the world of DxD with powers of a witcher but doesn't know the plot Earning coin was never been this hard, ever counted 100.000 $ in cents Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC

TurkishJesus · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

-5- Mob characters and gifts

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC


I woke up feeling like i was born again, as if i dropped off some dead weight, looking at my hands i see them covered in white, i turn it off quickly but it's like nen from HxH this might be the touki i read about, it's either unlocked with intense training which i am doing or senjutsu which involves meditation a lot of meditation, so it's not a suprise that i unlocked it but what caught me off guard is that signs use this ki/mana solution when being cast that's why i saw it like a ying yang pattern i guess it's kind of weird i never read about mixing Ki and Mana there's senjutsu techniques but they just use Ki.

i must say i'm impressed it would also explain why did my signs didn't power up, i had to use my head to get more uses thinking it would get better but it wasn't that, now that my ki is unlocked i can feel it my signs have gotten stronger.


It appears i got knocked out for about a day i mean wow, anyway there's still 2 days before my mutagen is done it's my first time brewing one i am not sure how long it will take, so until then i go to the library, i am investigating restriction seals for myself, so far i just did workout until i dropped from exhaustion but lately it's taking a lot of time to do that.

Looking at the books i found one that took my interest it says it will feel like swimming in heavy water just what i wanted, now that i have touki and have control over my life force in general i can mend my muscles quickly too and get results although it will increase my already terrifying hunger but i can't really be op with this since this will only give physical durability but i'll take it, coming out of the library, i go to a shop that sells magic books, if you want info on magic you can get most of it from library but magic formula itself has to be bought unless you join a magic association or a faction then they can supply you.

Jacob"Hey Lisa can you get me Prison seals#3 training version"

This is Lisa, daughter of the shop owner i never bothered to learn his name she has been helpful on getting the glyphs i needed for the sword.

Lisa"Sure, upping your training"

Jacob"Yeah normal workouts don't work anymore"

Lisa"Look at you go 10 and already using seals to train"

Jacob"I'm 8"

She stopped for a second to look at me then continued this is what i like about this place no one told me that i can't do something because i'm young had too many of those in my past life.

Jacob"Thanks for the help here's money"

Lisa"Have some time off kid it's not healthy to train all the time"

I just waved at her while going out i will be super embarrassed to do stuff like this in the future, even with controlled emotions, might as well get used to it.


Getting to the house i spent my next two days reading the book i bought, learned it and add it in my circle while my mutagen cooked up i will apply the seals afterwards, now i am looking at a rather long needle, i am either going to get a cool ability or a passive thing like increased toxicity resistance or my hair will turn green.... no pressure.

Stabbing the needle i feel like my skin is burning away when i look it's indeed getting redder and i feel like i am fainting, i already expected overheating due to my metabolism so i prepared an ice bath, jumping in i immediately felt better i see my skin is peeling off i guess i got the magic resistance skin, it's not much but i can shrug off minor spells now.


After resting for a day i apply my seals on my body i even covered my head gotta build up that neck muscles ever try to walk in the bottom of a pool yeah try living like that, anyway with this my movements became harder also the seals themselves taking some of my mana reserves it'll double as mana training too now i have to go back to hunting E rank to C rank monsters again ughhh.


I dodge to the right and hit the Direwolf with aard to make it fly and hit the tree trunk, it gets up mad looking back i see 2 other direwolves it seems i'm surrounded, all of them jumps at the same time, i cast quen to block and slash at the one i injured at first to kill it, just at that time other two attack again i can only dodge one of them other one bites my arm to the elbow this guys are huge, i let my sword go and cast igni on the eyes of the one that's biting me and make it go blind, it lets go of my arm due to pain but at the same time the second one pins me down i just push it away with aard then use the reversed aard to pull my sword i run up to the blind one and behead it, now it's 1v1 but my left arm is in bad shape it looks like it's fangs couldn't pierce the armor but my arm is definitely broken, he comes at me again jumping at me to pin me down again but this time i duck under it and cut it up vercitally and it drops dead, i pull up a swallow and down it i'm also directing ki to make it heal faster it should heal by tonight.

I am 9 this year and barely made it back up to B rank direwolves i mean seals are not stopping me at some level they do not adjust they have a set amount of power so if you could lift 200KG you would drop to 100 or so but if you lift 200 KG with the seal later and took the seal off you would lift 300KG so once i get to the A rank again i need to get better seals since i have enough money for it now.

It's hard saving up with potions, food and stuff, i don't have much and i kinda lost track of how strong i am, I killed that naga but you can call that was luck anyway i'm nine and story won't be starting until 8-9 years i haven't even got the slightest idea how to travel to Japan without raising flags since it's Shinto region they are peaceful but can't expect the same treatment for myself, it's fine to go anywhere in Europe except Italy and Romania but Japan is generally devil and shinto territory especially the devils are troublesome with their little chess pieces.


Making it back to my room i draw some curious glances i have been here for a while now so i know who's who most people at the hotel are people like me taking contracts i have attracted some jealousy ever since coming here but no sane idiot would cause trouble in a city ruled by Asgard and i have been too careful about being followed to get ambushed it's human greed they had this cake and i came and took half of it i don't even compare to this chumps they are doing A rank contracts with five person parties and stuff so it's normal that people won't like me and i have became adapted to sensing killing intent thanks to them but my medallion is something else this guy only picks up serious stuff it saved my life 3 times already whenever it picks up something it's always something big last time it was 15 man ambush that i avoided thanks to sensing it coming but seriously i look like a kid so it's really messed up seeing 15 man ambuhsing a kid.

*Tingle* *Tingle*

Sigh it seems my broken arm drew too much attention it's time to bolt out of here anyway my arm will heal tonight i will have to listen my supirre signs to figure out when and where, i loaded the place with these signs and tied them to a magical recorder to listen to them later, is it illegal sure, did i have to listen multiple people banging, very very sure things get boring sometimes, do i regret it no, there was this one time two dudes planned to rob me while having a threesome, now that was something.


Opening up my magic box that i named little brother for my personal amusement i find the conversation that i want to listen.

(I'll spare the mob character names i'll just give them numbers)

1"Did you see that brat's arm it looks broken"

2"Hah he finally got done in"

3"Oi now he can't fight like that why don't we ambush him in his room"

1"You retarded son of a bitch wanna get us in trouble"

3"Nah we'll just butter up 'vryone make sure they seeing notin"

2"I got the clerks other dudes want him out anyway how could such monster take all those contracts by himself "

1"Aye let's doit tonight then he'll be beaten so he won't see it comin"

Sigh i wish they just spoke better every time i speak one of them i want to open a supernatural elementary school for new generations, anyway i have a escape plan already i got a hooded cloak and a puppet body double it has blood and everything i'll just set on some explosive traps at the door and blew up the whole room after they enter while i'll be away heh heh heh.


After setting up my traps and placing the doll to my bed i hanged my bag back to my back, wore my cloak and left through the window there's still an hour before shops close up i need the buy the next volume of training seals.

Jacob"Hey Lisa can you give me the next volume" i hold up the book

Lisa"Yeah sure kid but what's up with the get up"

Jacob"Ahh some angry mob it seems i'm no longer welcome here i'm going traveling"

Lisa"Those guys, i see but what's with all the secrecy"

Jacob"I figured i should go out with a bang heh."

She's looking at me like i am an idiot

Lisa"What did you do ?"

Jacob"Art, i made art here open this after i leave"

Then i just took my books while giving her my letter and went to the teleportation center i feel like going to UK i heard they have real dungeons and you can even rent them so no personal feelings.


(After i left the bookstore)

???"what did that brat wants again"

Lisa"He came to buy a book daddy, it looks like this is the last time seeing him he said goodbye"

???"Ahh he was too good for this place i knew this would have happened, what does the letter says ?"

Lisa"Art is an explosion"


Father and daughter looked each other and just started laughing.