
Multiversal Congruency [Stopped]

— “I see you gather before me… hungry… terrified… Clutching your grimoire to your chest. God of blood and killing Khorne has marched his legions into our worlds… Laid devastation to every living from here to the Dragon Mountains. Rabid and ravenous, he bites and bites away.” “Magi of the North, you stand at the precipice! Your heralds have failed you, so now you turn to the sleeper! And yet you do not heed? You do not kneel to dust your heads with husk? Instead you wail, ‘Why have the heralds forsaken us?’” “We must look into the trails we failed not long ago! In a time past, our world intertwined with another through an upheaval scholars call the Second Conjunction of the Spheres… The heralds allowed unholy forces to slip into our domain. The offspring of that cataclysm was the nefarious force called mana…” “Yet we did not banish it, instead studying the vile arcane for our own power and wealth! And the mythic at our door… the unholy relics of this Second Conjunction? …the devourer…the primal beast…the daedra? Did we raise our science and magic against them? Or have we laid this burden on others?” “On so-called demon slayers… Stray children taught the ways of foul breathing, their mind mutated through blasphemous technique. Sent to fight mythic though they could not distinguish good from evil. The flicker of humanity long extinguished within them.” “Yes, their numbers have doubled through the years. Many still roam our lands, offering their bloody work for mere satisfaction. To this day they shame us with their very existence! The North bleeds, flogged by war. The battles are the herald’s whip, chastisement for our corruption! And let us not forget the terrors, the heart of darkness from beyond our world! The ancestors roamed through our minds with every cycle of the moon!” “The narrator twisted our children into the lands unknown! Some say he is the harbinger of the third Conjunction! Can we chart a course back into the light? Will we find the strength to banish the demon slayers from our country? Unite around the blue color of the Eternal Madness?” “Nigh is the Time of the Wand and Guns! None will fight this war in our stead! Nigh is the Time of Swirling Stars!” — This is not a Witcher fan fiction per se, but rather a story that initially features elements from The Witcher. — In this story, the dark tag means it’s genuinely dark, and the harem tag means it’s like the old-school harem, where women are objectified. — Don’t expect too much lore and detail in each fandom, because their past history is long gone. This means that everything from their characteristics, way of speaking, traditions, and culture is pretty much shallow at best. —

hexagonal_01_shape · Video Games
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205 Chs

Luo Yi.

After finishing bathing for quite some time and seeing all five of them dejected, Tsunade just chuckles because being the main concubine is a very whimsical thing. If her master wants it, then they will become one, but if her master does not want it, no matter what they do, he will never choose them as the main one. Even giving them a benefit as a thank you for bathing him, her master does not even slightly favor them, like giving them extra luck. So her master truly sees everyone outside his main circle as just property that he owns.

Although her master loves his home, it doesn't mean he loves each object in that relaxing dwelling. Looking at the five who have anguished, sad faces, probably because their love for her master is not reciprocated, Tsunade sighs and activates her jade slip. Knowing that their master Nadine does not pay extra attention to her subordinates, she then informs the other sisters about their achievement of managing to bathe her master. Not only that, she also informs Nadine to exchange ownership of the servants with another sister who might want one of these five.

Finishing everything, Tsunade then follows him to the master bedroom. Seeing her best friend Rita currently being pleased by her own servant named Luo Yi while comprehending Tian Ming Dao, lying down and producing silver strings of fate in the air, Tsunade just sits on one of the sofas with Zatanna beside her, who is wanted by Lanfear, who will come to her. So, just enjoying the view of her master making a mess of the clean bodies with his wife and her servant, Tsunade activates the jade slip to tell another servant of this abode to bring the best resources from all Three Heavens to her so she can bathe her master once again.

Thinking about the servants in this abode, Tsunade recalls that everyone who lives in this gigantic house is the best of the best in terms of their respective Dao. That means all of her sisters also live here, bringing the number of people living in this house to about five hundred. However, if viewed from the outside, the place doesn't seem big enough for those who have reached the highest levels in their respective fields to advance their own comprehension. Tsunade knows that's why her master and Curie created Blessed Lands in each of their bedrooms, giving them their own region to do whatever they want.

Remembering her Blessed Lands as a replica of Shikkotsu Forest with a palace in the middle and all of her disciples who decided to become her master's playthings residing there, Tsunade is unable to ponder further because she sees Lanfear, who wants Zatanna, arrive. Standing up and noticing her sister brought her favorite disciple named Guinevere, she raises an eyebrow, seeing this disciple wearing nipple piercings just like Lanfear.

Knowing what her sister Tsunade was thinking, Lanfear shakes her head, "No, it wasn't me. My disciple did it herself. You know clearly the rules of this abode are much stricter. So I don't dare impose something done to me on others, especially my favorite one."

"Yes, martial aunt. This was my own doing, wanting to know what it's like to experience the humiliation my master is currently suffering. And this is all for a psychological experiment, so don't take this to heart. I will remove it when I gather enough data and use that data to advance other areas of the field, like subtle mind manipulation arts, musical illusion art, or uncomfortable painting arts."

Seeing them talk in a peculiar way and embody the theme of immortals now permeating the False Dao World, Tsunade just sighs, watching these two crazed comprehenders, or scientists, who will do anything to advance their Dao. Luckily, her master keeps them and any member of this pavilion on a leash using his Tian Ming Dao. If not, she couldn't imagine what they would do in the name of magical science. But seeing the piercings being removed before turning into dust with the pierced flesh healing completely, Tsunade looks at her master, who is still playing with the servant named Luo Yi.

Realizing that it seems her master doesn't like the sight and looking at the dejected Lanfear disciple, Tsunade just chuckles because no matter what they want to do, essentially, they are objects in her master's house. And if that object has a slight difference that is not to their master's liking, she knows whatever their motivation was initially, it will definitely be changed by the owner of this house.

Seeing Lanfear consoling her favorite disciple by allowing Guinevere to experiment with her sister's body for three years straight while guiding her throughout the process, Tsunade just shakes her head at their twisted actions, which have already gone beyond the realm of normalcy. Ignoring both of their excited emotions, she turns toward Zatanna and says to her sister, "Lanfear, she is the one you want. I already contacted Nadine to change ownership, so you can have her now."

Freeing the excited Guinevere from her nipple piercings, Lanfear nods to the personal assistant and caretaker of pavilion sect master. Turning toward Zatanna, she smiles and says, "Come, let's go into my Blessed Lands, Tel'aran'rhiod. Anyone who comes from a magical background is welcome in my bedroom."

"Yes, master."

Seeing them leave the room without her master ever glancing at them, Tsunade then looks at Luo Yi, who is still being played with by her master. Raising an eyebrow, realizing that it seems they will have another new sister, she then hears her best friend Rita calling and subsequently confirming that this is true.

"My Tsunade… Come, help me release my minim notes desire. My husband seems obsessed with my previous exquisite painting, completely ignoring his wife in the first place."

Chuckling, Tsunade just says, "It seems that is true, Rita."

Walking up to the big royal bed built into the floor, creating the shape of a flat mound, Tsunade then sits on Rita's face, allowing her ice cream to be licked just as is usually done in the highest heavens. After that, she doesn't lick her semibreve. Instead, she massages her belly button itself to release the Yin essence because, unlike Tian Xing's preference for playing with the lower body, her sect master's wife prefers the upper body but teases the lower body to produce Yin on her own.

Moving back and forth to grind the harmonic pitch of her matriarch, Tsunade then makes her knees hold down Rita's hands to prevent her matriarch from pleasing herself. Not only that, she also holds down both of her matriarch's legs, spreading them wide to prevent them from rubbing against each other, thus creating a situation where Rita can only release her pent-up desire through minimal notes. As the Yin fountain releases like a jet stream, Tsunade is once again amazed at how her matriarch found this method of pleasure, which grants much ecstasy.

Getting down from her sitting position, she bends down to kiss the breathless Rita while caressing her cheeks before repeating the same actions again: grinding, teasing the belly button, holding the limbs, and releasing the Yin, all to show her matriarch affection by kissing her and conveying that she is the only one worthy of being with her master in all creation.