
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

Water Tide

For only 300 bucks, the evil god takes home...

The moment he was noticed, Silver Coin slowly opened his eyes.


Huge waves lapped in, the ship swayed, and the hanging lanterns shook violently.

Misty seas, drifting songs.

"O geese, shadow by shadow...

[Mourning and Waving Wings]

[Light of Truth, you dreamed last night...]

The invisible blade stabbed down hard, splitting the cursed silver coin in half on the spot.

The visions around him shattered like mirrors, and Eleazar gasped.

So close, so close to being doomed myself...

An ancient evil god, which was something he could face at his current level.

Even if it's just one of His tokens.

Eleazar could never have imagined that the silver coin he bought at the museum would be such a thing.

Thinking back on how he felt like he had picked up a treasure, he wanted to laugh now.

Laughing miserably...

Maybe it was an offering from a believer, or maybe it was a shipwrecked treasure, salvaged by some unknown warrior, turned over a few times, and mixed with a bunch of ancient coins, waiting for the right person.

This kind of evil things, the end of those who have touched it can be imagined, absolutely worse than death.

It is a very easy thing for Him to control the minds of the weak.

Questioning everything around them, deepening anxiety, exhaustion, madness, fear, the defenses of the human mind soon collapse.

And now He has likewise polluted Himself.

That pervasive, distorted view of madness, ravings, and a constantly upturned view of the world that tried to break him all the time.

If he wasn't a transcendentalist and had studied the occult, I'm afraid he would have gone crazy just now.

Eleazar looks at the destroyed silver coins with some trepidation.

Just as he relaxed his mind, the window outside in the pouring rain was suddenly slapped by a heavy object, and he looked up to find a horrible tentacle climbing through it, dense with writhing suckers.

I'm afraid I still have some remnants of the Evil God's will in me...

Eleazar is very calm in his analysis.

He had taken a vacation anyway, so he studied the occult all day in his dorm room, which lasted until the next day.

There was no sleep, no meditation, the rain outside the window tapped on the glass, and time passed without a single change.

"Still down?"

Eleazar came to the window and quietly looked at the sky.

Counting the day they came back, it had been raining heavily for a week.

Someone wants to flood Daron City?

After a quick wash, he headed out the door with his book bag.

The water outside has increased in height again, yesterday it was just a shallow layer and today it's all over the top of my feet, it seems the drainage channel system is overwhelmed.

Around the students have been screaming bitterly, can only be rolled up pants legs, bare feet dripping through the water, while carrying a bag of books and shoes, the shoulders have to loom trembling clamped umbrellas.

"What a pain in the ass, can't we just go to class barefoot?"

"What are you fuming about..."

Eleazar also wants to stomp out a frosty path to school.

But as the guy next to me said, that would just be doing something stupid.

He ended up dribbling into the water barefoot, just like everyone else around him.

An uneventful morning class in a somewhat humid classroom.

Went back to the hallway bulletin to copy the latest class schedule.

"Well, there's been less classes scheduled lately."

Eleazar was thoughtful.

The main course is over for the day, and the rest of the electives are totally up to the mood.

It's all about the college atmosphere, and it's entirely up to the individual to work hard or not.

But now, with this weather, there was no mood to go out at all, and he had no place to go even if he was lazy.

Thinking it over, Eleazar walks downstairs to the classroom.

"You looking for Evelea?"

The girl being questioned had a strange look in her eyes.

"I don't know, she hasn't come to class in days."

"Is that so? Thank you."

Eleazar instantly frowned slightly, but politely thanked the person.

Standing at the edge of the corridor afterward, he rested his chin against his chin, his dark pupils revealing deep thought, unsure of what he was thinking.

The contemplative look was incredibly attractive, as if there was an invisible charm that made people involuntarily move closer to him.

The girl had looked transfixed.

Hmmm, it's the magic potion at work again...

Returning to his senses, Eleazar coughed lightly.

The girl blushed slightly and twisted her head a little shyly.

"That... I'd advise you not to associate with Evelea."

Eleazar blushed a bit in surprise, "Why?"


The girl gestured toward the classroom behind her.

Eleazar looked in her direction and then spotted a row of open bald heads in the back seats of the classroom.

"She only teases!" The girl said indignantly, "All those boys are fooled by her, Evelea herself says she likes to be bald, but when others make up their minds to shave their hair, all they get is ridicule from her herself."

So sad...

Eleazar gave the boys a pitying look.

That's what happens when you pursue a witch.

Being at the mercy of such an elusive person, once he fell into a corner, was something he had the honor of experiencing for a day, and his cheeks still hurt a little when he thought back on it.

"You misunderstand, I don't mean that to her."

After a little explanation, Eleazar turned around and left the classroom, whether people believed him or not.

Then coming to the building, he frowned once more at the weather and opened his umbrella to run.

Barefoot to the infirmary.

Dr. Robert looked at him with some surprise.

"Don't you have class today?"

"It's already on."

Eleazar found a random chair and sat down.

"What do you think about the rain?"

"Oh, you say this ah, the church has already determined that it is a transcendental phenomenon, now it is searching all over the city, I don't know who is going to be unlucky." Robert shrugged.

The church has found out hasn't it.

Eleazar looks down in thought for a moment.

"I wish your boss would hurry up and fix it."

"I wish so."

Robert started pouring it out at once, "You're the one who's only been back to feel it for two days, whereas we've all been experiencing it for a week, and I even got up this morning to find mold starting to grow in the corners of the room."

So horrible? Wasn't his residence a church dungeon?

After listening to his troubles for a while, and seeing that he was already refreshed, Eleazar rose to take his leave.

Before leaving, he asked again, "Where's Eve?"

"She went to a lecture."


"Surprised? She brought it up herself, I tried to apply for it and the school granted it."

It's good to go and find something to do, otherwise it's weirdly pathetic to be hiding in a corner all the time.

Eleazar nodded slightly, then said goodbye to the doctor and dashed off into the pouring rain.


On the third day back, the rainstorm continued.

On the fourth day, again, there was no change.

On the fifth day, the school had water up to its ankles.

After class, Eleazar decided to go out and look around.

Then it turns out that the acolytes are wandering around town like headless flies, seemingly without a clue.

"Grass, they're all losers!"