
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

Transcendental Classroom

On the hillside, in front of a pink tent, two men sat with bent legs on the moonlit lawn.

"Magic potions, the origin of all sequences, the source of our power, mysterious, hidden, full of unpredictable changes, containing intense poison, pathways of light, darkness, nature, elements, void, fae... And so on, the branches are vast and varied, the abilities granted by magic potions, countless, and this is the origin of countless disputes ....."

Calmly gazing at the distant lights, the words from his mouth slowly unveiled the hidden world of the unknown.

"And the Transcendents, those mysterious people you call mages, sorcerers, and the like, are people who have taken magic potions and possess certain magical powers..."

Luna's eyes widened, "So all those legends are true?"

"Well, mostly true."

"People who have taken the magic potion will have a unique mystical ritual born within them, and this ritual helps them digest the magic potion, so there are all kinds of unbelievable legends."

"It's not enough to kill someone, why else would you take pleasure in torture." Eleazar thought back to the demon's exploits.

"There are various sequences of Transcendents and camp divisions, it may sound complicated, but you can imagine those people as various professions you see in your daily life, with magical abilities..."

Eleazar raises his arm absently, and as his fist clenches, a burst of dark red sparks ruffles up and black arm armor mysteriously emerges.

"Just as our common professions are divided into high and low, three, six, nine, and nine classes, so the sequence of the transcendental world is divided into five classes."

"The universally common ones, such as blacksmiths, tailors, cooks, and these, become addicted to hammering iron, tailoring, and stir-frying when they become such Sequencers because they can't digest magical potions until they're doing these things, and the transformation rituals are simple, so the potentials are also low..."

"Slightly more difficult, hunters, soldiers, mercenaries, they have a strong fighting ability equal to their rank, medium potential." "Niche professions that require some kind of talent, such as singers, clowns, magicians, you may not imagine that your smile, your praise, your exclamation of surprise, is a boost for someone else's promotion as well, high potential."

"A little more advanced, professions that require talent and hard work to earn, such as scholars, lawyers, spell casters who can cast all sorts of magical spells with outstanding potential!"

"And then there are those rare professions that are completely dependent on fate to acquire, such as knights and clerics, whose duties are more complex than anyone else's, so the potential is amazing!"

"Lastly, there are those groups of people who only circulate in various myths and legends, whose very designation is already transcendent and completely detached from reality, which causes them to be extraordinarily unfair from the moment of their birth."

Eleazar turned his head and said in a calm voice, "These 5 levels, the same ones that delineate most things in the transcendental realm, so guess what level you're on?"

"Huh, do I count?" Luna's eyes widened.

"But I've only just learned about this..."

Eleazar looked at her helplessly, "Considering your intimidating pressure that scares people off at will, and your physical fitness that surpasses that of normal people, do you think you're still a normal person?"

Luna frowned nicely, "So that's not a genetic disease?"

"It's not wrong to say it's a genetic disease..."

Eleazar mused in a tone, "But in reality that is a very rare transcendental trait and is passed on to the next generation with procreation and then manifests itself in certain individuals."

"This trait will be coveted by many, and that includes me..."

He graciously admitted his impure motives.

Luna silently lowered her head, "Sure enough, that's why you approached me..."

Eleazar lowered her gaze calmly, "Without this specialness, you would be an ordinary and normal noble young lady, like all those other children of prestigious families, and your kind of rich and colorful world doesn't need my presence."

She clasped her hands silently in her lap, wondering what she was thinking.

It was quiet for a moment before he suddenly looked up and laughed:

"Which means it was fate that brought us together?"

Stunned, Eleazar slowly pulls out the silver pot and tilts his head back to take a gulp.

"No, it's a law called Transcendental Convergence."

Seeing him as his usual spoiled self, Luna bristled.

Then she quietly moved a little closer to the spot and bumped her shoulder in question:

"So what the hell is that transcendent trait I have on me?"


"I inherited the characteristics of a dragon?"

Those eyes as clear as a lake widened at once.

"Uh-huh." Eleazar nodded with a serious look on his face.

"Then... If I become a Transcendent as well, can I become one of those rare sequences, after all, I have such a good life~"

"Not necessarily, and as I said, there are still camps that the sequence is divided into, and there are a lot of Transcendents that don't fit in here in Celine."

Replied Eleazar, giving her a deep look.

Sure enough, anyone can be attracted to mystery.


Luna was curious about that.

Eleazar sighed, then stroked her head like an elder.

"The life of a transcendentalist is not as exciting as you might think, quite the contrary, it is full of fatalities."

"Do you remember those attacks we made, did you think that thermal weapons were scary, but compared to those mysterious and unpredictable transcendental abilities, they are two completely different concepts, Fintan-san, do you remember, we traveled on an extremely dangerous mission, he was seriously injured, and he still hasn't healed up yet."

"What about your childhood fiancée and that affair lover?" Luna suddenly asked coldly.

Eleazar stiffened his hand at once.

"Well, you guessed right, and they are indeed no ordinary people either."

"They were Transcendents who were not fit to live in this place, so they were banished."

"It's the church isn't it?" She asked again.

Eleazar nodded silently.

Once the secret is revealed, there are many obvious events.

"Ohhhh," Luna let out a long trailing sound.

"Those two women are never coming back are they?"

"Well..." Eleazar continued to nod silently.

"And how am I going to become a Transcendent?"

Luna sidestepped and bumped him with her shoulder.

"I wouldn't recommend becoming a Transcendent."

Eleazar mused this tone, "And as I said, your share of the trait will be coveted, so why don't you let me have it, and be a normal person in peace."

"It's my stuff, not yours!!!" Luna whipped her head around.