
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

The Spell of Losing Control


A dark forest of black spells like a tide of insects wriggled around every corner.

A lush forest where life dies instantly and everything is silent.

"Woof woof woof!!!"

At the edge of the forest, the fierce sound of barking dogs rang out.

The hound was dragging his master, who was trying to get in to check, at a dead stop.

The hunter who wanted to go in and check the trap cage for any prey caught impatiently pushed the dog in his way out of the way.

"Be quiet! Garner, you're scaring off the prey!"

The hunter stepped up and would be ready to step into the forest that had become extraordinarily quiet.

But just then, the shadows at his feet dispersed.

It turned out that it wasn't a shadow, but a black shadow made up of countless bugs!

This scene scared the hunter silly, his raised feet had nowhere to rest, he kept the golden chicken standing position staggering for half a day, and saw that he was about to fall into that writhing tide of worms.


The hound lunged and grabbed a bite of the belt, dragging him backward.

The hunter hugged the dog in shock, "There's something unclean in the forest!!!"

"Ghana let's run!"



It didn't take long for the acolytes who received the news to arrive in this forest.

Looking at the woods that had lost all vitality overnight and had become incomparably gray, their gazes were cold.

"Life drawing?"

"No, it's a magic spell..."

On the branch of a tree, a man in a gray and white trench coat looks off into the distance with a cigarette in his mouth.

The two Divine Punishers looked up, "Holy Gun? Why are you here?"

The man known as the man called Holy Guns spat out his cigarette and looked at the two men with downcast brown eyes and said lightly:

"You guys are too late, if I hadn't happened to pass this way and helped control it, the monsters would have gotten out."

The two acolytes didn't get angry in the face of his rebuke, but quickly got to the point.

"What did you find out?"

"The Beast King's pet was hunted by someone else?"

Sacred Gun listened to the commotion coming from the distance and pulled out a white, single-shot hand cannon, idly loading it with Transcendental Magic rounds.

"I have long counseled you not to lose those prisoners."


Just then, the woods in front of the three of them suddenly dumped in a large area, and a monstrous monster slowly wormed its way over.

Its original appearance was no longer discernible, having been deformed into a mountain of flesh made up of eyeballs and tentacles, slowly writhing like a Slime. The acolytes were instantly overwhelmed with astonishment.

"Evil... Familiars?"

The other frowned suddenly, "No, it's a contaminant!"

"That's right!" The holy gun flung itself handsomely into the chamber.

"That pet of the Beast King was hunted by an unknown Transcendent..."

"People ignored the identity nameplates that you guys worked so hard to put up, and after killing this rare transcendental species, they directly took the valuable materials on their bodies..."

"And ended up contaminating the body with a magic spell."

The cause and effect of the incident after it happened came from the figure that was split into three.

The doppelganger, identical to the two, raised his hand, and the holy gun pulled the trigger.


The flames spewed from the muzzle of the gun, which was as powerful as a mortar, and the evil contaminants were blown up to the point that eyeball tentacles were splattered all over the sky.

"Please help, I can't manage on my own."




Happy banter came from the playground at the academy at dusk, while Eleazar, who was cleaning his classroom, yawned in boredom.

"So you were punished for coming to sanitation, huh?"

Fintan, who had found out about his whereabouts from his classmates, pulled open the door to the geography classroom a little hesitantly.

Eleazar turned back to him and gave him a faint look, "Don't rub the mud from outside in, I just mopped the floor."

He was just about to step into the door on the ride, but then he looked down at the open floor, so he had to stand in the doorway.

"You... Just started school and took ten days off?"

"Yeah, but I came back four days early, so why is the professor still so mad?"

After mopping the last corner of the classroom, Eleazar swung the mop around and slung it over his shoulder.


Fintan helped him grab a bucket and the two headed to the bathroom, dumping out the sewage before returning the cleaned tools to the utility room.

Closing the door, which had been held open by a large pile of tools, with force, Fintan looked back at the eyes that were vaguely arcing with electricity and said hesitantly:

"You... Were going to take a magic potion?"

Eleazar cocked his head and replied, "Looking for me for something good?"

"Oh yeah!"

Fintan hastened to bring out a newspaper and said eagerly, "Look at this!"

Eleazar opened the paper that had been folded in half several times turned it back upside down, and read the information on it carefully.

"Famous widows are not required to collect husbands for their daughters, they are only required to be strong and sound, with handsome features, and to have superior physical strength!

Eleazar blushed and looked up in surprise, "You... Thinking about women?"

"Who told you to watch this!!!"

Fintan instantly blackened his face and tore out the column of reports.

Eleazar picks up again and looks down.

"Mr. Norman, a well-known tycoon, has offered a reward of $500,000 for information on the whereabouts of the missing Lucky Statue...

Oh, it's a bounty...

Lifting his head, he looked at the eager-eyed knight.

"How about we split the bounty!!!"

Eleazar was silent for a moment, "Are you that short of money to use?"

"Super short, aren't you?"



"It's quite lacking~"

"Let's go then, I've made an appointment with Mr. Norman's housekeeper and I can have dinner at someone's place after the investigation!"

Eleazar kept brooding as he was pushed towards the outside of the school gates.

"It's that magical band of thieves, isn't it, that you hunted down the other day?"

"That's right, those assholes!"

Fintan gritted his teeth, "An unknowing gladiator, a few cuts and I almost caught them!"

"Then why did you let people get away in the end?"

"There's also a Dark Pathfinder..."

The knight was a bit disheveled, "I have captured 5 people to go to the church to collect the reward, only to realize in the end that it is the original dream ..."

Eleazar thought thoughtfully, "What is the attitude of the Church if the Transcendents?"

"I don't know..."

Eleazar gave him a speechless look at once

"Is that half a million dollars the only thing on your mind?"

Fintan looked at him strangely, "The Church arrests people and we go after stolen goods, the two things don't conflict, do they?"

Eleazar rolled up the newspaper and knocked that elm's head hard.

"Have you thought about what if the statue you're looking for is already in the church?"

"What? It can't be!"

The knight froze.

Eleazar sighed helplessly and reached out to pat him on the shoulder.

"I'll pass on the dinner, good luck~"