
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

The Devil's Entertainment

The fireplace was bright in the dining room of the old castle, and Enloe was slowly cleaning the room with a broom she had found somewhere.

From time to time, his eyes glanced at Onii-chan, who was fainting in the maid's arms, and his face was a bit worried.

The visual impact of that scene just now was so strong that they hadn't slowed down until now.

Fina hugs a crying Lingyin and gently comforts her.

Fintan and his brother are whispering something.

Lillian sits staring at the floor with her legs wrapped around her, and Norton is filled with silence.

Eleazar stood alone in the doorway of the restaurant, wondering what he was thinking.

Evelea walked by gently and tugged on his sleeve.

An emotionless face turned, those dark eyes cold and unfeeling, and the air around them trembled slightly.

The witch was instantly a little scared, because he had snapped his neck with that expression when they first met at first.

Evelea looked at her toes and whispered, "Do you recognize that ritual?"

"Well, the inverted hangman ceremony..."

"Transfer all of your own faults, all of your sins, to a sacrifice with the same faults, abuse, sacrifice, and complete the promotion, Demon Sequencer!"

It was the Warlock's side of the deadly enemy camp, so it was no wonder his killing intent made the air tremble.

Evelea swallowed and stole a glance behind her.

Fina happened to look up as well, the corners of her mouth lifting slightly, the pupils of those cyan eyes bright.

It looked like she was smiling, but there was no smile in her eyes at all.

Aside from losing the Man of Destiny and being captured by the Church, the Witch really didn't have anything to be afraid of, and being encouraged by her opponent like this, she instantly felt like chicken blood, holding back the murderous intent that made her body tremble, and pulling on that arm with arrogance.

Fina's eyes narrowed slowly, and the hand that was gently patting her back couldn't help but press harder.

"Cough cough..."

Lingyin instantly coughed violently and complained, "Fifi, are you comforting me or trying to kill me?"

Eleazar shrugged off the witch and turned toward the group, "You guys stay here, I'm going to go out and see if there's anything to contact the outside world with."

Fintan raised his head and was about to say he was going too, but suddenly remembered that he was responsible for protecting the crowd as discussed before they left, so he could only hang his head silently.

Finnian lifted his head gently, "Aren't you going to see that thing, brother?"

"Shut up, we agreed that you were not to make any comments in this regard!"


Finnian rested his face sideways on his knees, his short silver hair falling down as his fingers drew circles on the floor.

"Brother do you remember when you were little, father and mother went out on a mission with the housekeeper and all the servants, leaving the two of us in the house, we put the TV set on the loudest so that the house still looked lively even though no one was there ... In the end, everyone didn't come back, and then later the TV was gone~"

Fintan clenched his teeth in a death grip and let out a low growl from his throat, "I'll buy you a TV when I get my paycheck this month!"


"Well ..."

That's when Seebel finally woke up.

Mia gently dabbed the sweat off her forehead with a towel and asked with concern, "Missy, are you feeling better?"

"Oooh, Mia, my head hurts, I think ... Had a really scary dream ..."

Mia rushed to hug her, patting her back gently.

"Good girl, it was just a nightmare, just don't think about it and your head won't hurt."

After seeing Eleazar's figure disappear down the hallway, Fina stepped forward and said faintly to the witch, "Come here for a moment, I need to discuss something with you."

Evelea cocked her head, "You tried to kill me."

"Talk business, come as you please."

With that said, Fina walked to the kitchen in the back.

Evelea thought hard about it, and flipped a coin for divination, finding the results unknown.

"Yeah, she's obviously the one who's scared, so what am I wimpy for?"

With that thought, she walked into the back kitchen with her head held high.

In the middle of the day, Fina, whose face was stained with a bit of blood, came out with a smile on her face.

Looking into a brass mirror, she took out a handkerchief and gently wiped her face, then cleaned her hands again.

In the back kitchen, the witch had been dismantled in large pieces, her remnants twitching slightly.

"Warlock ... You shall not die!"


Eleazar, who is investigating outside, looks back and frowns slightly as he feels the slight fluctuation of spells coming from the restaurant side.

After listening carefully to the commotion again, and noticing nothing out of the ordinary, he withdrew his attention.

There's a witch, a knight, and a super soldier over there, so nothing should go wrong.

His gaze returned to the thirteen bodies hanging upside down.

The sacrifices were all embalmed, and the time of the victimization cannot be deduced.

But from the traces left at the scene, it's not hard to surmise how they were victimized.

First, there were the entrances and exits that were blocked by various heavy objects.

Eleazar spun around and went back to the first floor and stood in front of the big door where the gale was pouring in.

Why are they blocking the only way out?

"Well, there were very scary things out there that forced them to make that move."

"It's the Demon Sequencer's usual form of entertainment, waiting for his prey to trap themselves to death before he swaggers in and, using desperation as a seasoning, seeks out one by one those who have fled and hid in every direction to savor the scene on the spot that must have driven these men to madness with fear."

Eleazar substituted himself into the thoughts of those sacrifices at the time and began to look around again for a place to hide his figure.

A closet in one of the rooms on the second floor, "Hmm, footprints here..."

Built-in balcony hidden by curtains, "Water stains? No, it's a urine stain..."

Eleazar wiped his hands on the curtains.

Then in the next room, "Uh, drag it out from under the bed?"

Miscellaneous storage room, a large steel cabinet dumped.

Helping the steel cabinet, which was a head taller than he was, up, Eleazar held his chin and thought...

Open the cupboard door, step inside, then close it and hide inside, holding your breath.

The row of vents was right in front of you, and you could clearly see the commotion outside.

Electricity flickered in the window, and the reflections of various things in the room flickered.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

"In such a small space, the heartbeat gets loud, and you can even hear the heart playing music if something terrible is still going on in your head."

He covered his heart, which was about to pop out, and then suddenly saw a pair of eyes appear in front of the ventilation hole.

Well, just looking back...

"Wow, that's scary..."

Eleazar pushes the cabinet door open in disinterest and walks out.

"Don't these wretches leave any useful clues?"


At that moment, a scream came from downstairs.

Eleazar came out into the hallway, glanced down the hall below, and tilted his head again, taking in the sudden spread of evil power around him.

"Can't wait to get started already?"