
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

Starting a New Life

Everyone silently digested this amazing information.

Evelea came back to her senses and said in a rush, "That means that as long as this is returned to the council, they won't come looking for it again right?"

Fina thought for a moment and said uncertainly, "I suppose unless they're still trying to scheme something..."

"For example, that unfinished Witcher experiment, and the warlock who appeared out of nowhere..."

Evelea stared in awe at the two men shrouded in the shadow of the council, their faces full of contemplation, wondering what they were thinking.

She crossed her face at once, for whenever such a time came, she always felt like she was superfluous.

"Ah! So annoying, so annoying, so annoying!"

Witch yelled at the two, "Can you wait until you're busy to think about such life issues?"

Eleazar looks back at Fina and shrugs, then puts the box of <Star Keys> away in his space.

"Let's get out then."

"Don't put it in the same category as void-based material."

Fina suddenly reminded.

Eleazar pauses for a moment, then nods.

"Well, get it later, I'm a little messy in that place..."

"Huh?" Evelea instantly whipped her head around in alarm.

"You lied!!!"

Witcher's face didn't change at all, except that his body seemed to tremble.


Fina clasped her hands absently.


"Like I said, it's a bit of a mess..."

Another space crystal then opens and Eleazar leads the two in.

There were all sorts of bottles filled with material at his feet, stacked haphazardly on the floor, and it was obvious that he was in a very urgent situation, basically throwing them in as soon as they were filled, not even having the time to clean them up.

Evelea crouched on the floor and let out a gasp.

"Wow, how many banshees have you slaughtered? I remember we ran into a banshee clan on our way over here as well, and we were asking people for directions..."

"Sitting on the reef?"

Eleazar casually picks up the material from the floor and walks towards the corner without moving.

Evelea thought for a moment and said, "That shouldn't be it, what we encountered was a banshee clan that occupied a strait, and we even paid tolls and information fees to cross from there, and even though they were like bandits, at least they were trustworthy..."

They're coming from the other direction, Rune?

Eleazar's heart ached at the thought of all the hardships they had encountered while on the run, and she paused in her packing.

"Where's your star core?"

Fina, standing in front of the shelf, suddenly asked.

Eleazar stood up and shrugged back, "Used up, that is, when relocating over."

The material for the Void Ritual was just missing. "How could you... Waste that thing just like that."

Fina's eyes instantly became red with anger and emotion.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to summon void creatures these days..."

Eleazar walked over and hugged her.

"It's fine, the Void Ceremony is still early, we'll have the chance to find it slowly later."

He also knew it was a waste to use it up like that, but at that point, he had no other choice.

After coaxing the worried warlock, he pretended to go pack up his things again and came to the corner, but found that the three holy relics had disappeared.

Eleazar's scalp tingled as he glanced at the witch clutching her hands next to him.

"You guys are playing pretty fancy~"

"No wonder the power of destiny returning from you is getting less and less!"

Evelea made a little face.

"What were you thinking..."

Eleazar walks over and whispers, "I got those things by accident, use your head and think about it, how could I possibly have that kind of thing with that guy."

"What are you guys talking about eh?" Fina suddenly turned around and looked at the whispering pair suspiciously.

"Nothing, let's get out."

The witch sitting at the table jumps down and turns around to give Witcher a have-at-you threatening to look.

Eleazar sighed helplessly for a moment, then made up his mind to take care of this guy.

Back outside, looking at the sky, which was already fully lit, he took both of them by the hand.

"Come on, let's go check out your stronghold."

Time passed, and Eleazar vividly remembered the last time he had intended to do so, he had been met with violent resistance from both men.

But this time, they didn't break free again.

The female warlock with a cool and moving temperament had her gaze skimmed to the side, but her slender hands were gripped very hard.

The witch exuded amazing seduction all the time, although she grunted and looked as if she was very upset, the force coming from her hand was the hardest of all, and she gripped it very tightly as if she never wanted to let go.


The three rowed a small boat back to the mainland.

Eleazar watched strangely as the two men put their hoods back on and dressed in mystery.

"Someone, ah, used to go and buy wine, and then he was looked at by the son of someone's lord, and then came to harass us every day."

Fina gave the witch a blank look, "The real reason we're wanted is that you robbed someone's supplies and ended up letting the unlucky guy kill himself."

Eleazar then frowns, "Earth Knights..."

After returning to that fishing village by the sea and returning the boat to the family, the witch led the way toward the forest in the distance.

She then whistled, invisible seductive sound waves emanated, and uncountable males with glowing red eyes rushed out of the forest.

Among the beasts, there were also two tabby sheep with purple horns, stocky and slender like horses, with snow-white fur, which at a glance was not a species of such a place, and chewing red fruit in their mouths.

Shooing away the extra beasts, Evelea went up and petted the two tabby sheep that were desperately trying to get their heads together.

Then she turned back, "Honey we'll sit together!"

Eleazar was fine with it, and the reserved Fina didn't object.

Running very lightly, the Taboo Sheep suddenly took off through the forest.

Along the way, Eleazar counted on completely seeing the lush vegetation of the country of Ruen, even the wide road was shrouded by countless trees on both sides, and weaving through it was like a tunnel in the forest.

Occasionally, through the gaps in the sparse woods, he had seen the majestic city that was by the sea and along the mountains, with buildings of all kinds climbing up the hill.

At the top of that mountain, there was also a white air harbor supported by several tall watchtowers.

The conduction dirigible that had traversed the skies of the swirling seas was parked there.

Eleazar gave the place a deep look at once.

It was unthinkable that these two fools were wanted by the lords who ruled this place.

But thinking of what the witch had just said about them being harassed, his gaze darkened as well, and then he looked a bit heartbrokenly at Aomame, who had also taken advantage of the wine to drown her sorrows.

Fina, on the other hand, casts a glance full of annoyance.

Eleazar froze and returned to his senses, slowly lowering his gaze.

The witch, sitting in her arms, was bobbing her head down at something, then slowly lifted her skirt armor a bit.



Running from morning until evening, they finally reached the verdant hills temporarily ruled by witches.

The irrigated Crimson Witch, all glowing, was commanding her golem army to set sail in the afterglow of the setting sun.