
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs


"Then add a factor,, to predict that outcome."

Fina drops her gaze.

Witch Dawn held the crystal ball with interest.

"Come on, then, let's see what the world is like when a warlock dies!"

[Broken: Losing his love, Witcher sought a resurrection ritual to no avail, sought revenge on the Shadow Council to no avail, and died in a state of depression...]

The image of the crystal ball was slowly drowned out by the endless wind and snow.

Fina glanced at her faintly.

"You lose!"

The witch, who couldn't believe the result, stared in disbelief.

"No way!"

How she didn't want to believe that she couldn't replace someone who was already dead!

"Well, then I'll see what happens when I die, too!"

"Heh... Out of your depth!"

The crystal ball slowly brightened again, and Fina watched without blinking despite her mocking mouth.

[Broken: Having lost the love of his life, Witcher seeks a rite of resurrection to no avail, and dies in a state of depression...]

Inside the crystal ball, Witcher spends his days forcing a smile and taking a liking to the darkness, walking outside alone every night as if waiting for a miracle to happen, for the one person who won't be around anymore to suddenly pop up and surprise him...

"Wahahahaha ..."

The crystal ball image went out and Evelea burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.

Fina slowly clenched her fists.

She also couldn't believe that this woman, whom she had obviously only known for half a year, could occupy such an important position.

Evelea looked up, content:

"You wouldn't understand, it's love!!!"

Fina looked at her coldly, "Add the factor that both the warlock and the witch are dead!"

"Playing this big?"

Evelea was surprised for a moment, then said indifferently, "That's fine, I'm actually quite curious."

The crystal ball suddenly trembled violently, and holy light actually burst out from within!

[Extermination: Suffering from the loss of his beloved, Witcher turns to the Church, relying on the organization for information, frantically hunting for promotion while secretly plotting an unknown resurrection ritual, as no one intervenes, successfully allowing the Twin Evil Gods to descend, all hope is dashed, and the unstoppable Godslayer Weapon personally destroys the world.]

In the crystal ball, Witcher who was covered in black mist floated in the sky, behind his open hands, the sky collapsed, the earth shattered, endless dark matter poured in from the cracks in space, causing the rules of the entire world to instantly become unbalanced, gravity disappeared, the atmosphere overflowed, the oceans boiled and evaporated, and the species of the entire planet rapidly became extinct, followed by the earth's core collapsing, engulfing that Twin Evil God who hadn't descended into the world for a short while, and in the end there were only a few Mage towers and the hanging island shrouded in white light preserved the remnants of the fire, and fled to the stars in a sorry state...


As if it could no longer withstand the apocalyptic scene inside, the crystal ball quietly disintegrated.

Fina, Evelea: "..."

"Ha... That, we seem to have seen something remarkable."

Fina glanced at her faintly, "It's your turn to go down for your shift."

"Hey, please, please, please, please speak politely to the Savior!"

At 12 p.m., Evelea yawns and prepares to turn in her shift.

Brushing shoulders with the warlock who had walked down, he was ready to go up to bed.


Just then there was the sound of a stone breaking in the lab.

She looked back to find the pitch-black stone statue that had been frozen in place for a week slowly standing up with cracks all over its body.