
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

Promotion in Progress

The second exchange between the two ended amicably.

Risking two spells Fina looked around and went back to preparing the ritual.

Evelea in the classroom also quickly raised her hand.

"Teacher, my stomach hurts!"

The psychology professor with gray hair on his temples turned around, his eyes ancient, as if he could see into the hearts of people, and he said lightly:

"Evelea-san, you're lying again."

"I'm on my period!"

It was an unbeatable excuse, but so few people dared to say it that loudly that even the professor choked, and finally just said with an expressionless face, "Get out!"

Evelea's face blushed with delight as she carried her things out, and the classroom rioted for a moment.

The campus was crowded in the morning.

Following her destiny, she soon found Eleazar, who was staggering down the road, getting ready to go to class.

His state startled her.

It had only been one night, and the Outer God's mental contamination had kicked in again, which was why she had been so worried yesterday.

"Why isn't that one ready."

Evelea secretly grumbled at the slow-moving warlock.

He's in such a state that he wouldn't dare to get close by himself.

Following the other party along the way, watching his look of shock every now and then, the witch's heart ached slightly.

Arriving at the classroom, she silently found a corner seat and sat down.

I wonder how her own teacher would feel if he knew that she skipped class to go to another classroom?

Evelea rested her chin, staring blankly at the back in front of her.

On his way to class, Eleazar suddenly leans over and hits his forehead hard on the desktop.

The nearby students were taken aback, and the history professor's beard went straight in anger, but he didn't say much.

Well, people's teachers are much more amiable.

After class, Eleazar suddenly spilled out.

The professor glanced at the back that ran in front of him and was silent for a moment before calling out to the two students.

"Why don't you guys go see what's going on with Mr. Eleazar."

The two boys looked at each other and shrugged in mutual recognition of their bad luck.

They then caught up with the figure running into the restroom.

Coming up behind the man slumped over the sink, they reached out.

"Hey, what's wrong with you, your teacher told us to come see you, if you're not feeling well, let's get you to the infirmary."

The two boys then saw it, as Eleazar vomited up a large mass of writhing tentacles and an inky liquid all over the sink.

"What's that!"


The two boys blushed, completely oblivious to the figure walking slowly behind them.

This is a mutation of the contaminated transcendental activity that is being rejected from the body.

Evelea looked at it as well, then pulled out the barrel of her gun, but then hesitated.

Memory erasure is always bad on its own, so it's better to use spells.

With this in mind, she was about to prepare to cast a spell when she saw Eleazar suddenly raise her hand and a black ring appeared between her fingers before a flash of purple light.

The three of them suddenly stiffened their bodies and hung their heads.

It took several seconds for Evelea to come to her senses, rubbing her eyes and hastily pulling out a handkerchief and handing it over.

Eleazar, who was gargling, looked back in surprise.

"How did you get in here?"

"Worried about you~"

Evelea deflated.

After the evil residue in the sink slowly loses its transcendent activity and dissipates into black ash, Eleazar turns back to the hypnotized pair and applies suggestion.

"Well, let's get out of here or it won't be good if someone comes in and sees it later."

With that, he took her hand and walked quickly out of the restroom.

But as it happened, they ran head-on into two boys who were talking and laughing and getting ready to go to the bathroom together.

Their faces froze, and they watched in some disbelief as the man and woman quickly fled.

"What were those two doing in there!"


Stepping out onto the path to the floor, Eleazar breathed a sigh of relief.

"How do you feel now?" Evelea asked with concern.

"I'm much better." Eleazar held his forehead.

The chaos in his mind suddenly disappeared without a trace, and he was as relieved as ever.

"Then let's get that guy back now!" She suggested.

"Well, come on, you lead the way."


In a busy part of the city center, across the street from a tall office building, two people were sneaking around and hiding in an alley.

It was during the daytime working hours, and the normal way of trying to take a living human being from an office building would certainly not work.

"Let's go in stealthily and give him a mental cue to run back to school on his own!"

Evelea jumped at the suggestion. "How much glitter is left?" Eleazar calmly asked the key question.

She took the last bottle anyway.

She blushed and said weakly, "It seems like it can be used a few more times~"

"How many times?"

"2 to 3 times, right?"

Eleazar grinned, "It's gone when it runs out anyway, so you're on your own."

"Just refine some more~" the witch turned and pouted.

If this ran out, she'd never be able to go to his dorm room for a rendezvous again.

"There are no ghost mushrooms." The recipe was known to him, but he was at his wits end without the ingredients.

Evelea pondered for a moment, then her face fell.

"Me neither."

"And going in stealthy?"

"I'll go alone!"

As much as she resented the recent reduction in the number of rendezvous, she was determined to sneak in.

Waiting downstairs, I don't know how long I have to wait for that person to come down, in case I wait until the end of the day to see that person, this day will be wasted.

"I'm going to use that thing you just did~"

After the plan was made, she turned around and came back to pout.

She obviously knew the spell herself, but just wanted to use what he had.

Eleazar gives her a helpless look and gives her the mind ring.

"Be careful with the amount of 1st level spells, don't go overboard."


Evelea then sprinkled glitter and slowly disappeared.

Eleazar waited patiently alone in the alley for a few moments.

It was just an ordinary office building that the witch had infiltrated, no need for him to worry too much.

It didn't take long for a man in a blue shirt to stagger off, he didn't even put on a jacket, he hailed a car at the curb and left.

Eleazar continued to wait a little longer until the translucent figure came around.

"Let's go~"

This person isn't going to disengage his cloaking?

Eleazar froze and didn't think much of it, likewise stepping out into the street and hailing a cab.

"To St. Inge's Academy."

In the back seat, Eleazar suddenly sat upright and pressed down on the unsuspecting hand.

You don't mess around!

It wasn't good to make a sound, lest people think he was a psychopath, so he could only use his eyes to warn.

She is stealthy, but not himself, what movement behind people can see clearly.

But it wouldn't be a witch if she'd do as she's told.

Eleazar hastily clamped down on one hand and wrestled with her other hand with her elbow, looking up and talking to the driver:

"Trouble, drive faster."

The driver also raised his head to glance in the rearview mirror and said in a hushed voice after realizing that the youth seemed to be having an epileptic seizure:

"Sit tight!"