
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

Magic Potion of Origin: Fire

At night, the crucible boils on the desk in the room sealed by the spiritual candle.

Eleazar is slowly polishing a crystal.

Suddenly, he glanced back, his gaze vacant for a split second, his sight sighting through the wall.

"Ugh, she really doesn't get tired of it."

An ordinary person might have been drained by her long ago.

Eleazar sighed helplessly and withdrew his gaze to continue polishing the crystal.

The door to the room, which was locked, was very magically opened automatically.

The witch pushed open a crack in the door and snuck in.

She was surprised to see the room filled with spirituality, and purposely lightened her steps.

Coming up behind the Man of Destiny, she asked curiously after realizing it wasn't that kind of focused alchemy:

"What are you doing?"

"Make something."

Eleazar casually replied back before asking, "By the way, do you still have any tree demon grease there?"

"There's another bottle, like 20 milliliters?"

The witch dug under her skirt and pulled out a glass vial, weighing it.

"Well, 23 milliliters~"

"Scoop up five milliliters and drop it in."

Eleazar pointed to the crucible that had been boiling for so long.


The witch did as she was told, then asked with a grin, "Is it to make me something?"

"No, a birthday present for the Dragonborn."

Evelea was dumbfounded, and her arms froze for a split second before she quickly poked her way back into the crucible, as if trying to fish back out the material she'd just put in, not at all afraid of the heat inside.

"Hey ..."

Eleazar pressed her arm helplessly.

Then the witch began to spill her guts.

"Hurrah! You took something of mine and gave it to another woman as a gift!"

"Good boy, stop it."

"I'll bite you to death!"

She lunged over and bit down hard on his shoulder, grinding her silver teeth in a death grip, then suddenly felt as if the texture was off.

Hurriedly peeling back her shirt, she saw it again, a still fresh teeth mark on Eleazar's shoulder.

"And who's biting this!"

The witch was instantly furious!

Eleazar gave her a helpless look.

"Don't you know, if you hadn't done everything you could to interfere with us that day, Fina wouldn't have bitten off more than she could chew."

Well, that encounter in the bathhouse left a war chest, it was a painful and pleasurable experience, with a man hanging from his body playing hide-and-seek with the witch in the steam, the process couldn't have been more exciting.

Evelea's mouth dropped and she turned to leave.

Eleazar pulled her into a hug and pressed that head against his shoulder before continuing to polish the crystal lens.

"That's how you come to stay fresh, huh? First you count my faults, then you want me to comfort you."

"It would have been your fault!"

"Yes, yes, yes, it's all my fault."

Eleazar coaxed her as he held up the smooth crystal lens for a moment to examine it.

"Well, almost."

"So how much longer."

Witch grumbled sullenly over his shoulder.

"Soon, soon."

Eleazar dealt with the witch, who had begun to be unfaithful, and pulled out the engineering box, opened it, rolled out the silver wire, and then cut a finger-length piece, dropping it in and mixing it with the resin before injecting it with spirituality to speed up the fusion.

In the middle of the morning, when a crucible was about to boil, emitting a little burnt odor, and the liquid was only left in a shallow layer, he added a few drops of conflagration flower essence, and then extinguished the fire.

Grabbing another brush, he dipped it into the residue from the pan and carefully coated the inside of the lens with a teal colored coating.

When it dries, it is finally sprinkled with alchemical powder and infused with spiritual activation.

Sealed lenses, production complete!

The effect is very simple, and what it was originally meant to do, was to ward off some of the psychic abilities that were unleashed through the gaze.

But he only made half of it and coated the insulation on the inside.

The effect is instantly more cockamamie, presumably only blocking the mind powers that the wearer unconsciously unleashes.

And that's exactly the effect Eleazar wanted.

This is the perfect thing to give to Luna-senpai, who is plagued by dragon power.

Tomorrow I'll find an optician to make a pair of frames and buy a gift box to put them in, and my birthday present will be complete.

Setting the lenses aside, Eleazar let out another helpless sigh.

"Can't you wait a minute ..."

"Ah .....?"

The witch looked up with misty eyes.



The next day, Eleazar sat up from his covers in a rare moment.

The meditation, which had been maintained day after day, was broken for another day.

Patting the sleeping fellow beside him.

"Hey, it's morning all."

"Well, I don't have class today~"

"Then take care of yourself and watch out for room checks."

Eleazar got up to change his clothes and looked up again to sense the disgruntled spirit in the ceiling.

It seems to have died a martyr's death, or lovesickness? Anyway, it had something to do with women, and every time they were in love, it hatched extraordinarily fiercely, it wanted to coalesce into a form on the spot and come out to strangle them.

Picking up the clothes on the floor that didn't belong to her and tucking them under the covers, Eleazar quickly gathered herself and headed out the door.

The weather is getting crisper and colder, and the season is well into winter.

After class, Eleazar is ready to go out in search of an optician, but the Knight suddenly approaches him.

"Are you guys still recovering?"

"Recovered, why?"

Fintan was silent for a moment, "So what are you doing today?"

"There's something not very important, what is it?"

"Do me a favor and that five million is written off."

Eleazar inclined his head, "If it's a church matter, I advise you to leave me alone."

"My own business, my brother's to be exact."

"Oh? He's ready to take a magic potion?"

"Well, do me a favor ..."

Eleazar smiled, "Five million won't be enough for this favor."

"Gotta add money!"


Arriving again at that villa on the outskirts of the city, Eleazar looked at the iron grill gate that had been repainted.

Well, it's changed a lot inside, and it's not as desolate as the last time I saw it.

"This is Finnian's vegetable garden that he got himself, the yard is now planted with fruit trees, and there's that pool where he's going to tap into the river for fish."

"Botanist and domesticator again ....."

Eleazar pondered slightly and looked up with a smile, "That's two different fields already, are you planning on being an inventor or something later in life, anyway, knowledge is power, Academy Sequence: erudite?"

"You ..." Fintan's face was shocked. The Sequence Pathway and the Magic Potion Transformation Ceremony were the greatest secrets of the Transcendents, and except for the Justice Pathway, which would be brightly and openly signaled, all other pathways were camouflaged and hidden by all means, hating to be able to silence all those who knew their secrets in order to ensure survival and continuity.

Eleazar took one look at his face and grinned again, "Yah, looks like I guessed right."

"So, the origin magic potion is, Fire .... Well!!!"

Fintan turned his head around in hatred as he covered his mouth.

"I know you're good, stop it!"