
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs


After being warned by the president, everyone cleaned the room somewhat sullenly.

The cheerfulness that had just been there swept away.

Those things in the Mystery Society that had superhuman powers were instantly destroyed!

When the pendant was a citrine shard, a straw man mixed with half of a wilted silver-leafed grass root, a very pretty moonshadow petal, and an incense burner where incense had been burned.

A few people blind cat meets dead rats generally collected collection, all net empty.

But what surprised Eleazar the most was the brooch that the Minister had made a point of matching with the lovely dress he was wearing today.

"It's a bar mitzvah from my mom, how come it's suddenly broken?"

Seebel looked at the cute style pin with a puzzled look on her face, that bunny head had collapsed.

The Mystery Discussion Group was forced to abort, so I guess everyone will be honest for a long time.

The three who had endured the baptism of holy light rose obediently to take their leave.

Walking downstairs, Fintan caught up with a somewhat pleased face.

"In fact, you guys are order-keeping pathways, aren't you!"

Stopping dead in their tracks, Eleazar and Evelea looked at each other, and then turned their heads in unison to look at him again, with a slightly eerie gaze.

This poor kid really doesn't know the first thing about the human heart.

However, it is also true, people to become a transcendentalist since the beginning, in the eyes of the church free activities, do not have to hide, do not have to fight with other people, by hand to solve the incident can also find the church to receive rewards, this kind of carefree life I do not know how many times more comfortable than them.

Eleazar waved his hand, "Think what you will, but it is advisable not to get your hopes up too much."

Evelea yawned as well, "Even if we're your partners in justice, that's still payback."

At the mention of that inexplicable debt, Fintan instantly twitched the corners of his mouth again.

"So where else are we going to operate today?"

"South of the city, north of the city, all searched, west of the city today?"

"I'm a bit tired today, take a day off." Eleazar holds his heavy head.

Without the Transcendental Activity, all they want to do now is rest and use dormancy to get through this period of weakness.

"Okay then, I'll go wander around on my own."

The knight who wanted a chance to test his new weapon replied with some regret.

In fact, he was also a bit weak, the transcendental activity in his body was similarly emptied by the holy light being burned away quite a bit, it just wasn't as bad as theirs.

Watching the person who was in the way finally leave, Evelea turned and pouted.

"I want to sleep at your place~"

"Stop it!"

"Just sleep, nothing, you can't meditate anyway~"

"Fine, as long as you have the skills to blend into the boys' dorm."

"Geez, do something~"

What can Eleazar do.

The transcendental activity was completely stagnant, the spirituality was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it at all.

His body was already starting to run a high fever, heavy breathing, slow heartbeat, and his limbs were so weak that if he hadn't just been healed by the Holy Maiden with her holy light, he would have collapsed by now.

"No more, this wind is making my head hurt, so I'll go first."

Eleazar staggers back to his dorm room, closes the door behind him, and falls head over heels onto his bed.


After drifting off to sleep for who knows how long, he seemed to hear someone calling in his ear.

Eleazar weakly opened his eyelids a little, but that took all the strength he could muster, and his clouded gaze still couldn't see the person in front of him, and his breathing was becoming difficult.

He was almost about to die in this weakened state.

Suddenly, there was a warm, slightly sweet sensation in his mouth, followed by a bitter pill being pushed in by a fragrant, soft tongue, and then a mouthful of mouth numbing potion was ferried in.

For a moment, the toxicity dissolved in his mouth and slid down his throat, and his heart suddenly rose and fell as fiercely as if it had exploded, and seemed to prop up a few ribs.

The latent transcendental activity is awakened little by little.

The abundance of power slowly returned to the dying body.

The brow continued to dropsy, and violently active spirituality vibrated in the mental space.

Eleazar opened his eyes completely and sat up violently.

The curtains fluttered slightly, the room was dim, and the bed was empty.

He touched his chest, his ribs were intact, not broken at all.

The tongue swirled around the mouth again, and there was only a dry patch, completely devoid of those bitter, numbing residues from earlier.

It was as if all those sensations of hearing, seeing and touching just now were his near-death triggered imaginings.

Eleazar ponders for a moment and gets up to the window.

It was empty down there, and the campus was dead silent at 3:00 AM.

Pouring a glass of water to drink slowly, he suddenly turned on his perception state again.

The colors in his eyes faded, and everything around him became visible in minute detail.

There were no suspicious traces left in the finely dusty room.

"It looks like it's really coming back, if someone really did come by just now, unless it was a Voidwalker."

Eleazar slowly puts down his cup, as if giving up the quest, but suddenly leaps from the window again.

Do you really think you're the newborn transcendent you used to be able to fool around with?

Turning on his senses, his body merged with the shadows as he quickly circled the campus.

"Could it really be an illusion?"

Until he got tired of running, Eleazar sat down on a bench and contemplated.

Soon, several beams of flashlight came on, and the patrolling security guards pressed their hats and approached, scrutinizing him for a few moments.

"Classmate, what department are you in?"

"Department of Astronomy."

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night when you're not sleeping?"

"Just finished stargazing and ready to go back to rest."


The next day, Eleazar finds the Witch.

"Did you come to my room last night?"

"Nope." Evelea looked up in confusion.

"I went back to bed yesterday and slept until my roommate woke me up the next day, and for the first time I realized I could actually sleep that deeply!"


Eleazar holds his chin in thought.

Is it really a hallucination?

Or maybe it's...

The demonic spirit on the ceiling?

He felt a sudden chill of evil, and made up his mind to get it killed as soon as it was born into form.

"What are you agonizing over?"

Evelea looked at him curiously.

Eleazar sighed slightly and took out his silver ring and put it on.

"I'm agonizing over why someone always has to come and die..."

Summoning the invisible sword blade, he suddenly returned with a heavy diagonal slash!

A girl coming from behind was split in half on the spot.

The pupils of Evelea's eyes shrunk slightly, and she was about to let out a cry of alarm when she realized that the person whose body had been cut in half had strangely not a bit of blood flowing out.

It's white on the inside.

It's like ... It's like a clay sculpture!

"What is it?"

The witch gently kicked the dummy on the ground with her foot, which was so marvelous that she couldn't see a single abnormality in its appearance.

Eleazar mused, a bit unsure, "Circus sequence: puppeteer?"

"Going to make sure?"

"Well, go make sure, and hopefully this time it won't alarm out officials."

Eleazar picks up the debris on the ground and begins to trace the footprints on the ground in reverse.

One perception, one divination.

It's bad luck for the guy behind the curtain to run into a combination like theirs, because there's no way he's going to get away with it.