
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

Extraordinary First Aid


A sudden gunshot startled everyone.

The bearded uncle bowed his head dumbfounded.

A bloody hole had inexplicably appeared in his chest, and the strength in his body surged out wildly like a deflating

Stumbling forward a few steps, he collapsed to the ground with a thud.

People looked back at the sound of gunshots and saw a young man with a gun in both hands at the end of the carriage.

His face was still a little boyish, but his gaze was unmistakable.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, I'm a police officer, and there are other colleagues of mine in the car, and we've come on this mission specifically for this group of robbers."

He was young, but frighteningly skilled in experience, and quickly stabilized the scene.

The passengers were so relieved that they almost applauded if they weren't worried about disturbing the robbers in the next compartment.

The young officer made a shushing gesture to keep everyone in their seats while he catapulted himself toward the robbers.

First, he helped the young girl, who was on the floor and afraid to move, into her seat, and then assisted the other man.

"Are you okay?"

Eleazar stands up with some surprise and pats the dust off his body.

"It's okay."

"Sorry, I always get lectured by the instructors about bad shooting, so I aimed a little longer."

Eleazar subconsciously looked toward the body on the ground. Indeed, if the aiming point had been three inches lower, the girl might have been about to get her head blown off.

"Sit tight for now, I'm going to help in the other compartments, and remember, no matter what commotion happens don't get up and run around, don't act rashly, and the worst you'll all end up with is a bit of a bust."

With that said, the constable moved forward quickly in a half-crouch.

Eleazar looked puzzled at his departing back.


In her seat, the startled girl bowed her head and thanked him.

"You're welcome, and I'm sure there are plenty of people on the bus who would make that choice if they switched places with me."

"Don't... Be a hero..."

On the floor, the dying robber was still alive.

With a death grip on Eleazar's pants leg, he tilted his head back and said with all his might, "Being a hero... It doesn't end well... It doesn't end well..."

So it sounds like he's done something like this, only with a very bleak result.

Eleazar broke away from his hand and said lightly, "There aren't that many heroes in the world, just some who dare to stand up and stick their chests out."

"You're a hero!"

The girl next to him said in a rush.

Seeing Eleazar turn his head in surprise, she hurriedly lowered her head and blushed.

My hero...




What followed was a steady stream of train gunfire, and the passengers were terrified.

The windows on either side of the car were wide open and some people were stupid.

"I advise you not to do so."

Eleazar advised slyly, "There aren't any obstacles out there, and in case the police gentlemen do fail in their operation, you'll be used as a target if you run out."

"We can hide under the sleeper rail!"

"And then what?"

"Run over by wheels or left out in the wilderness, it's dozens of kilometers from town, are you going to walk back, with no map, no supplies, would you survive in the wilderness if you got lost?"

"So we're not going to do anything, just sit here and wait?"

Eleazar sighed and finally said, "The officer just told me that if we do nothing, we'll just break the bank at best, whereas if we act without authorization, we'll face all sorts of surprises."

Only then did the carriage fall completely silent.

Eleazar clasped his hands and looked out the car window in silence.

The presence of the group of policemen made him dismiss the plan he had just hastily thought up.

Group Brainwashing with Dream Eater Eyeballs...

Trouble is a bit of trouble, and maybe something uncontrollable will happen, but it's better than having your box of stuff that can't be exposed taken away from you.

Source material is such a pain in the ass, no matter how much spirituality is injected into it.

Eleazar vowed to go back and take care of this eyeball, making sure to make it a controllable alchemical prop.

After a long time, the young officer returned with blood all over his body.

"Everyone... The crisis is over!"

The passengers froze, and then let out loud cheers.

The voices connected and soon the whole train was jubilant.

Amidst loud and encouraging applause, the young constable stumbled over to Eleazar's place and sat down across the room.

"I'm a little injured, so I'll rest for a while, call me if you need anything."

When he finished, he slumped headfirst onto the tabletop.

The applause around them momentarily stalled.

Eleazar watched in silence as the other passengers approached and lifted his shirt to check for injuries.

Wearing body armor, but he still had two bullet holes in him.

Someone shouted anxiously, "Hey, is there a doctor on board?"

Eleazar stood up and dragged the suitcase out of his head, and just when everyone thought he was going to check someone else's injuries, he headed for one end of the wagon without a word.


"What the fuck?"

"This guy can't be bloodsick, can he?"

Asking the stewardess for a glass of water, he walked into the restroom and closed the door.

Put the cups in place first, then slowly open them with your thighs against the bottom of the box.

Inside, in addition to the materials he'd gathered earlier, were 2 1/2 tubes of a crimson potion with a viscous blood-like liquid.

Alchemical potions are categorized into 5 levels, potion-potions-decoctions-combinations-magic potions, the higher the level, the more toxic it is, and even transcendentalists can't withstand too many magic potions.

And these three tubes, the very lowest level of healing potion, still modified for toxicity, were snatched from the herbalist.

That cheap bastard, who refused to give more, but did tell him the recipe.

The materials and configuration methods are very simple, but the difficulty is how to reduce the toxicity, which can be tolerated by ordinary people's physiques.

Eleazar removes the half-tube of potion.

The original half portion was exactly what he used up when he and Fina were healing their wounds, and in two days the wounds were completely healed without even leaving a scar, and the healing effect was miraculous.

Once this potion became widespread, more than half of medicine simply disappeared from the world.

Eleazar peeled back the cork and poured a few drops into a glass of water, stirring it with his finger.

Just a few drops and the whole glass of pure water had turned a deep red.

"Apply externally to heal wounds, take internally to heal damaged internal organs, the dosage should be controlled or it will poison people."

Recalling the herbalist's admonition, Eleazar walked out of the restroom.

Grabbing another first aid kit from the unoccupied crew room, he returned to his seat.

The officer who had been shot had been flattened onto a table by people, and a man in plastic gloves, sweating profusely, was using tweezers to hold something in the bloody hole.

Truth be told, even with little medical knowledge, Eleazar felt vaguely uncomfortable performing surgery in such a place.

People were yelling and screaming next to them who weren't afraid to let their spit fly into other people's wounds.

"Go for it! Come on!"

"Can you guys stop that noise, it's shaking my hand."

"Why are you so useless!"

"I told you it was just the vet, you guys were the ones who had to force my hand!"

Eleazar covers his forehead for a moment with a helpless face and steps forward to drive the crowd away.

"All out of the way."

He slid the first aid kit to the side. "There are specialized tools in the car, put away your tools for healing who knows what animals, don't carry any viruses that could infect the wound."

The veterinarian man blanched, "I... I disinfected it..."

Eleazar continued to herd the curious-faced passengers behind him.

"Get out of my way too, I just saw several people's spit flying into people's wounds, and if this gentleman dies from an infected wound, it will be your fault."

People immediately covered their mouths in horror and backed away in a state of disarray.

After motioning for all those in the way to move away, Eleazar glanced blandly at the injured man on the table.

And I wonder what his coworkers are doing.

The first aid kit was then opened and Eleazar rummaged through it at random.

It certainly wouldn't have anything like a scalpel in it, but he didn't need one either.

Finding the sterilized alcohol, he uncapped the bottle and sniffed.

"Well, it's a little on the nose."

Got another piece of gauze and turned the alcohol bottle over so that it was stained.

Finally, a handful covered the two bloody holes and sterilized them first.


The constable, whose eyes were tightly closed, instantly blushed in agony.

"Well, it's still alive..."

Eleazar pours some more rubbing alcohol on his hands and covers the bloody hole.

The materialized spirituality was like silk and easily hooked the slug.

Casually denting the slug to one side, he found a bandage and wrapped it haphazardly around a few times, tying a bow behind his back before pouring a bit of diluted healing potion over the wound's location.

With the small remaining half, he pinched the person's nostrils and poured a few gulps into his wide-open mouth.

Waiting quietly for a moment, the seriously injured police officer's chest dramatically bulged, and the freshly wrapped bandage directly burst, followed by twitching limbs.

Eleazar was taken aback by the horrific clinical response.

Just a few drops, or diluted, not even finished, and the effect is still so fierce?

He froze slightly while the seriously injured officer began to vomit blood, his injuries looking even worse than before.

Eleazar rushed to help him down on the car window and patted his back hard.

"Spit it out quickly, you'll die!"


He sniffed and vomited a shocking dark red.

His body then began to become hot, as if he was undergoing a sizzling, his skin reddish, and with a 'zippy' sound, the two bloody holes began to horrifyingly forcefully heal.

Eleazar quickly rewrapped the bandage and looked around sheepishly, realizing that no one was paying attention to him, before quickly pumping cold energy into him to lower his body temperature.

After a good deal of hand-wringing and busywork, the mummified police officer slumped back into his seat.

His disappearing colleague turned out to be in pursuit of the fleeing robbers and came back to clear away the obstacles in the tracks, only to come looking for him in a hurry when that was all taken care of.

The captain of that operation, who came to his seat with three of his men, was dumbfounded on the spot.

"He... Is it hurt that bad?"

Eleazar calmly flipped through the science manual in his first aid kit and returned, "Shot twice, I got the slugs out, but accidentally spilled highly concentrated alcohol on him and it seemed to cause burning symptoms, so I wrapped it all up."

One officer said incredulously, "How could you be so careless?"

The captain quickly swept him away, then stepped forward and calmly spoke to Eleazar, "Thank you for saving my crew, may I ask if you are a doctor?"


"I'm a history student, but I've studied first aid."

Well, just learning...