
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

Dividing the Spoils

Looking at the Inferno Demon heart that emitted a crimson glow, the three of them stared at each other in silence.

"My swords are gone!"

"Do you realize how expensive silver bullets are!"

"I... I just consumed a lot of spell-casting materials too!"

"Stop stop stop!" Eleazar reached out to stop the two.

He pointed to the goat's head in the distance, toward the knight:

"Head, here you go! Inferno Demon Heart, we'll split it amongst ourselves! Inferno Demon Blood, split equally!"

Fintan let out a sneer, "How about I give you guys my head?"

He'd rip his own head off if they could take the head of the Inferno demon to the church for a reward!

The two men did not give an inch of this extremely rare and precious material!

Eleazar looked at the determination on his face and frowned.

"You're just being unreasonable, the head can only be yours to collect the reward, and you want the heart too, so what do you say we split it?"

"Does it make sense that you're counting a share of this head that can only be used by me? Honestly, I don't want to take this at all because I don't know how to make up a story, and did you know that it's hard to lie to an acolyte!"

"Oh, I see, the church doesn't just give you the material you want right." Eleazar got straight to the point.

Fintan drops his gaze.

"What are you doing with the Heart of the Inferno?"

"Configure... None of your business!"

"Ha, the Knight rank which requires fire magic potions."

Eleazar again hit the nail on the head, "You're trying to configure a magic potion for your brother aren't you."

"You control me!"

"Using a third-order magic potion as a sequence origin? Are you out of your mind? If you want to kill him, just say so and I'll do it for you, no need to use magic pills as an excuse to poison him to death."

"Shut up!!!"

Fintan swings with an angry jab.

Eleazar bobs and weaves and unloads with a good uppercut in return.

The two quickly twisted into a heap.

The witch cocked her head and watched the two fight for a moment before coming to crouch in front of the Inferno, removing the heart, pumping seven more tubes of blood that looked like molten plasma, and putting everything away before standing up and clapping her hands.

"You guys stop fighting!"

Eleazar takes one look at the already disposed of body and suddenly takes a backward jump out of the tangle to end the fight.

"This head is yours to keep, take it or leave it~" Fintan quickly glanced back at the Inferno corpse and realized that the most valuable thing was gone.

"Holy shit!"

The two men headed for the basement again, and Fintan couldn't continue his tirade in time to catch up with them.

Down that cloister-like staircase, a dark underground plaza appeared before them.

Dense pillars of blood-red crystals loomed around them, arching over the door in the center that emerged from a pitch-black vortex.

"What is it?" The witch cowered behind the two with some fear.

Eleazar silently felt the evil that came over him.

"Space, blood, purgatory, souls, a very scary ritual..."

"Then what's the point of keeping it!"

"Destroying these crystal pillars will end the ritual, don't attack that door..."

Saying that they would do it, the three of them spread out, destroying all those blood pillars that emitted a fishy odor.

Without bursting into any violent energy fluctuations, the spatial vortex disappeared silently after the door slowly sank down.

After checking around again and not finding anything else left behind, they returned to the ground.

Another deadbeat pauper.


Looking at the corpse of the Inferno that was slowly turning into a black Shashuo after losing its heart and blood, Fintan turned around and stopped in front of the two.

"Get the stuff out, it hasn't been distributed yet!"

Eleazar and Evelea move forward around him.

"Go back and give you a Flame Flower, and honestly configure a 1st Order Origin Magic Potion."

"And hurry up and put your head away or it'll disappear."

Fintan's face went green and white for a moment, "I don't have any containers!"

The rogue duo helped him seal the inflamed demon head again.

Clutching the wooden box that was as big as a television set, the knight's face was ashen as he began to think about how to make up a story to deceive the acolyte.

The trio returned to the tumbledown alfresco dining room, and the crowd, which had regained its sobriety, turned their heads to look at them.

"The cultist..."

Looks like Fina has explained it to everyone.

"It's on the spot, and here are the items recovered and ready to be taken back and searched."

Eleazar points to the case Fintan is holding.

"So just now we ..."

"That's psychological entrapment, and psychedelics to go with it, so it looks scary, and you shouldn't believe it!"

Fintan, who is very good at popularizing science, reasonably explained the confusion in everyone's mind.

Then without waiting for them to continue asking questions, he said quickly:

"Are you guys still going to stay here for the night?"

Just explain half of it, and leave the rest of the confusion to their own brains, half-truths and half-falsehoods make the most sense.

Fintan, who was inexplicably revealed to have the identity of a police officer, was suddenly filled with majesty, and everyone dared not ask any more questions, but only lowered their heads and mouthed:

"Let's go when the rain stops."

They don't dare annoy the officers, but they do dare to come and harass Eleazar.

Norton and Lillian rushed to catch him and press him for all sorts of details.

Eleazar equivocated, looking left and right and stammering, and finally had to pull out his revolver and spin it around his finger a few times, eliciting a gasp of surprise, and then a wildly made-up identity as an investigator to divert attention away from the group.

From a distance Fintan watched him get bombarded by the crowd and was inexplicably a lot happier.


The dark clouds slowly faded and the bright moonlight cast down.

In the semi-open-air dining-room, a couple of tents were erected, a bonfire was raised, and everyone gathered around the fire to listen to Captain Enloe brag about mermaid lore.

Evelea clutched her legs and listened absentmindedly, her eyes looking to the side every now and then.

More than ten meters away in the darkness, the two were quietly secluded.

Eleazar rested on those soft thighs encased in tight pants, eyes closed, enjoying the rare peace.

[Magic potion residue: 850→450]

After eliminating that Inferno, the transformation ritual instantly digested a full half of his magic potion residue, so it was no wonder the transcendental activity in his body went crazy at that time.

Fina stroked his hair gently, "Tired?"

"Well, kind of..."

"I'm also a bit tired, astronomy is so hard, I have to calculate the distance of stars, I have to calculate gravity and gravitational force, and I have to observe the trajectory every day, I don't know how much longer I have to study, I don't know when it will be the end of the day ..."

Eleazar opened his eyes and took her hand in a counter grip, "It's okay Nana, you're so smart, you can solve these puzzles at one point."

Fina tilted her head, "In the past, you tried to take advantage of me every day and were furtive all day long, why have you become so honest now, could it be that what that cultist said is true, that you have two feet in two boats?"

Eleazar calmly grabbed the back of her hand and slowly kissed it lightly, nibbling on it.

"Aren't I taking advantage of it now, an astronomical goddess's lap pillow isn't something you can enjoy anytime!"
