
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

Death is Another Relief

Dim skies, drooping clouds, clusters of twiggy lightning flashing silently, and an island of shipwrecks, full of rust and mottled metal, loomed in the sudden brightness.

With mixed feelings, Witcher piloted the ship as it slowly leaned toward the ruined mountain of steel.

Probably not much use for crossing the sea, as evidenced by the piles of derelict wrecks.

But at least, that place gave him a place to land to continue thinking about the meaning of life.

Steer the ship carefully, lest you lose control of your speed and crash headlong to join the Hulk.

Only as he got closer, Eleazar strangely realized that the place had a rudimentary harbor.

Eyes closed and slowly opened again, the bronze-colored clock 'ticking' the hands in an emotionless vision.

A sweep of Transcendent Vision was followed by the Transcendent Activity within his body igniting with a 'teng'.

Mermaids, banshees, frogmen, snails, crabs, the damned, all sorts of sea creature mutants, there were dozens of fae living near each other in that junkyard that was only the size of a playground.

Eleazar clenched and slowly unclenched his palms, holding back the boiling murderous intent.

Without a word, he pulled the boat over, parked it beside the floating, broken dock, and tied it up with a rope.

Standing up, he slowly looked back.

The monsters all hid, as if they were still waiting for the right moment.

Who's the prey?

Walking slowly down the trampled path built out of metal wreckage, Eleazar's face was filled with indifference.

He probably knew where these fae in such large numbers came from.

While it's true that what happened to them is pathetic,...

Slowly raising his head, the silver sword that instantly appeared in his hand lifted, and a brilliant silver light cut through the curtain of rain.

The half-bodied crab man who lunged out like a cannonball had his body split right in half, dark green blood bursting and splattering through his hard armor.

"Kirikou ....."

The polluters who hid in the wreckage wriggled their throats like wild animals, the deaths of their companions not restoring them, but rather, fueled by the bloodshed, making them even more frantic.

Another horde of deformities swooped out, one set unbelievingly continuing to rush at the fresh living while the other pounced on their dead companions on the ground.

They've all gone crazy with Transcendental Activity.

Normally when you can't get supplemented, it's nothing but nibbling on each other, so that the contaminated transcendental activity keeps transferring between these individuals, and if someone's body can't take it and goes out of control that's even better, it's another beautiful meal...

Eleazar looks coldly at the few cursed hiding above the hill of garbage and retracts his gaze, lifting the silver sword in his hand to swing out a few more powerful swipes.

By the time the silver light subsided, the docks were covered in corpses.

They can't even converge on transcendental properties.

[Residue of magic potion: 8400→7130]

These crew members who were stranded on the ruined island for various reasons, then ate something unclean and ended up being contaminated into horrible monsters, have finally ended that painful life.

Then, there are the cursed who have evolved a bit more advanced, who have been lucky enough to mutate the traits of some kind of transcendent creature and have some of the appearance features and abilities of that type of creature...

On the upper level of the wreckage, several mermaids sat on a platform, looking mournfully at the tragedy below.

"Jack finally doesn't have to worry about what he's going to eat every day..."

Their pretty faces, because of the characteristics of the mermaids become more moving, their voice is even more melodious, and in the pounding rain poured down, it seems incomparable Chu Chu touching.

Witcher, who had jumped up immediately after, looked at them without a waver in his demeanor.

"So you give them your mutated flesh and blood to eat?"

Those 4 mermaids, each with a mutilated body, raised their pathetic and moving faces and gently flapped their tails, unintentionally exuding seductive abilities.

"Are you one of those people with magical powers?"

"I used to think the legends were all false..."

"Is there a way to change back to normal?" Eleazar only answered the last question, "No!"

The mermaids fell silent.

"Anything to say?"

Two of the mermaids closed their eyes and angled their necks, while two others scrunched their heads and averted their eyes.

"Can you leave us alone..."

Eleazar said calmly as he slowly wiped his hand across his sword:

"Close your eyes."

They want decency, he gives it to them, and if they don't want decency, he does it for them.

After those two pairs of trembling eyes slowly closed as well, the silver sword that had been wiped from the palm of his hand instantly cleaved down in a stream of light.

Either serenely, or in horror, the four monster heads flew up, the residual transcendental activity storming out and finally converging into four copies of the mermaid trait.

A strand of hair, an eyeball, a throat bone, a face.

[Residual magic potion: 7130→6770]


Witcher turned around and swept his cold and unfeeling sight, and those snake-tailed banshees who were watching from hiding in the shadows were immediately frightened and lifted their wings to fly up, hovering over the metal waste mountain.

The seven-strong male sirens had picked up the rudimentary iron weapons they had built during the land grab and were on guard and in defense.

"Have mercy, we do not quarrel with you..."

Eleazar interrupted the chieftain directly, "There will be a big ship coming in a few days, do you want to go back?"


The Siren leader burst out in hope, while the monster group was in an uproar.

"Sure enough, you guys want to return to human society all the time, right..."

Eleazar lowered his gaze and calmly returned, "I'm sorry I lied to you guys."

"Damn it!"

"Die for me!!!"

A rusty steel pole was thrown at the sound of a rising arm.

The bright silver light split the rain screen once again, and the steel pillar that flew out split into two halves right in the air, and at the same time chopped off, there were also the fourteen corpses that splattered the sky with blood.

The monsters, who had absolutely no resistance at all, stared with disbelieving eyes as their consciousness faded out.

[Magic potion residue: 6770→6070]

"I sympathize with you all..."

Eleazar said softly as he wiped the blood from his sword and calmly looked at the terrified group of amphibious banshees in the sky:

"Surviving a shipwreck by a fluke, there's no way to imagine that this is just another beginning of a nightmare."

"You are not the same as those who are self-absorbed..."

"You just went through thick and thin to survive, and it was hard to regain your sanity as a human being from the distortions."

Witcher looked up, earnestly:

"I promise you that there won't be an ounce of pain."

"It's been a long time since you've rested, right? Close your eyes and get some sleep..."

[Magic potion residue: 6070→4070]
