
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs


"Ss..." The flesh and blood of the dark creatures sizzling on the drying rack had begun to emit a meaty aroma.

"Well, it's ready to eat."

Bored with waiting Eleazar, the thought suddenly rises in his mind.

He shook his head hurriedly.

Ghosts want to eat this stuff.

The flesh and blood of most dark creatures serve very little purpose, other than to be mixed with various substances to make an all-purpose alchemical powder.

This alchemical powder, which is full of spiritual energy, can mysteriously blend with many materials to produce various catalytic reactions.

The idea is to turn waste into treasure; most alchemical recipes, after all, use this powder.

And if it was made into an alchemical potion, it would still go into his stomach...

Eleazar's face darkened on the spot at the thought of that possibility.

The first magic potion he took also added this kind of powder, it was mixed with metal powder and blended into 'refined gold powder', he didn't feel it at that time when he drank it, but now after seeing that the alchemy powder was made in this way, he felt a little bit nauseous.

God, that vial of flesh and blood he was letting stink...

Pouring the dried flesh and blood back into the crucible, continuing to add on all sorts of useless herb dregs and waste dregs, stir-frying over high heat, baking again, and so on several times until the pot of substance had turned into a fine powder, then it was finished.

Pouring the alchemy powder into an empty bottle and placing it away, Eleazar picked up the crystallized eyeball that was still a bit warm.

Wiping the fire ash off of it with a rag, a beautiful dark purple gem soon appeared in his hand, glowing brilliantly in the light.

Who would have thought it was an eyeball crystal if they hadn't said so?

"Well, it's still a bit dazzling..."

As a piece of material with an ordinary rank, it shouldn't still have such an outstanding luster, because it showed that it still had an unstable structure inside.

Probably not enough melting time, or something else, but anyway, it's time for the second machining procedure.

Still in the furnace, find a container and throw a small ingot of silver in there, and when the silver has melted into a liquid, throw the crystals in there as well to keep it boiling.

It can't be too long, if it's too long, there's a high probability that this material will be broken down by the silver liquid already.

Two minutes later, Eleazar again removed the crystals.

It became smaller, and its color dulled completely, becoming unremarkable.

"Well, that's about right."

As a spell prop, it only needs to remain stable, and after all the unsettling factors are removed, it is a successful piece.

And now, it's just a constant conductor away from being a great success.

After thinking about it, Eleazar decided it would be better to make it into a ring.

Simple, easy, sensible shape, and so discreet to use that you don't even have to wear it, just take it out and shake it.

Since he couldn't use silver because it was paired with dark creature material, he went to the shelves and looked for other metal ingots.

"You're it Tungsten!"

Cut a small piece, take it to be melted, cut it into rings, trim it a little, polish it, and carve subtle conduction loops into the inner ring, and a tungsten base is ready.

Finally, the crystals were carefully nested in, sprinkled with a handful of fresh alchemy powder, infused with spirit activation, and tossed into the smelting to sizzle for a bit, allowing the ring holder to hold the crystals in place completely.

Finally, take it out and clean it and the mind ring is done!

"Well, it looks like I still have a talent for jewelry working."

Then comes the most exciting part of the appraisal.

This will detect if he made a scrap or a precious spell prop.

Eleazar wears the mind ring on her index finger.

The caster is himself, the observer is himself, and since there are no experimental subjects, the experimental subjects are also himself.

Holding the ring to his eyes, Eleazar silently infuses it with spirituality.

The tungsten steel base conductor, very subtle, absorbed his energy and then channeled it into the crystallization at a constant rate.

The vision in front of her eyes blurred, and her head went foggy.

Eleazar was hypnotized by himself.

I don't know how long it took him to shake his head and regain consciousness.

Being able to successfully inspire spells, this prop can already be considered a success.

It was much better than the previous source material, which absorbed a large strand of spirituality and released uncontrollable spells that were either too strong or too weak.

"Well, it seems like there's more to try?"

This time, Eleazar chose to increase the output.

After waiting silently for 3 seconds for the conductor to finish slowly injecting that massive energy, the ring suddenly flashed a purple light.

He was hypnotized by himself again.

It took a long time before his head slumped and he snapped out of it.

The second ability of the Mind Ring is still hypnosis, but it becomes a group spell.

"Very well, then I won't have to worry so much in the future."

Eleazar is very pleased, this stuff works much better than memory erasure (physically).

The last thing left to be dealt with was the pair of banshee arm bones.

Eleazar had a bit of a headache with this, as he couldn't think of anything at all that could be made from this material.

If sealed, it is a bit of a waste, Witcher's pre-strength is very weak, he felt it when he found out about the Hawk Banshee Decision, physical strength, speed of action, vision, the three attributes of the full range of crushing, and will also be terrifying qi spells if the other party did not end up with serious injuries, he was not so able to kill it smoothly at all.

With his strength still so weak, he should use all the resources he could around him, so that he would not be at a loss when he encountered a strong enemy again in the future.

Flipping through the book of magic guides again, he pondered for a long time...


"Skeletal gauntlets, great job!"

It says it's a wrist guard, but it's a bracelet.

It was exhausting for him to melt the bones, then take them out and knock them into small pieces for carving, and finally have to borrow adhesives before he could barely cobble together a half-moon style bracelet. Since it was a patchwork item, the durability was very touching, and it couldn't even take a little pounding, or else it might be scrapped on the spot.

Already sprinkled with alchemy powder and injected with spirit to activate it, the next step is to go out and find a suitable place to test the effect.

Eleazar didn't dare test it in the lab, he was incredibly sure that what the banshee's hand bone released was an offensive spell, and with all the bottles and jars in here, it would hurt him to break any one of them.

Already I can appreciate how hard it is to collect material in the 'End Times', having been born and died several times to collect so little.

After glancing at the time and realizing it was long past daylight, Eleazar walked out of the basement.

The sun is shining outside and people have already started their busy day.

Coming across the street to the tailor's store, Eleazar explains to Uncle Fioz the purpose of his visit.

"... Didn't I damage Sir William's valuable fur, I wanted to go over and apologize in person."

Fioz's face was stunned, and he quickly said, "Aiya, no need, I have a friendship with Sir, this little thing won't be on his mind, it's only when you rush over like this that you'll make people angry."

"Uh... Like this?" Eleazar half-questioned.

Fioz is dumb now.

But soon, a brilliant idea came to him.

"Of course, I know Sir's temper very well; he won't care if I say I failed in my tailoring, but if you go and apologize, he'll make you pay a large sum of money, will you?"

"Uh, well... Pay for it..." Eleazar's eyes dodged and she stammered her answer.

Fioz instantly darkened his face, "Eleazar, even though we are neighbors and have a family relationship with your father, the bride price cannot be reduced by a single penny if Fina gets married."

"Listen, you get half a million dollars ready for me!"

"5... . half a million?" Eleazar was stunned on the spot.

"Uncle Fioz, do you have any idea what that number is?"


Fioz was shocked by the number he blurted out, then he coughed to hide his embarrassment and said, "Forget it, for the sake of our familiarity, a discount of, uh.... . 300,000, no less!"

"It's... Is it still discounted, isn't it too much child's play?"

"Oh? Ambitious, so why don't you get 500,000 dollars ready?"

"No, no, no, just 300,000 dollars."

Eleazar woefully retires and walks down the street, his mind now filled with thoughts of how he can make 300,000 dollars.

Looking back, it suddenly struck me that Uncle Fioz, who had been so amiable, had somehow become so hateful that he never wanted to see him again.

"Three hundred thousand..."

Eleazar scratched his hair in annoyance.

But fortunately, he won't have to think about that anytime soon.