
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs

 The 'Boy' Who Died Tragically

Transcendents often do actions that are unfathomable to normal people.

It's like the Death Knights, who are already as strong as demigods walking the earth, but still like to brutalize ordinary people.

Only those of them who had taken the magic potion would know that it was the transformation ceremony.

They quietly played out their occupations as they digested the magic potion.

If you resist, or if there's simply no way to play it anymore, wait for the magic potion to backfire and mutate into a faceless monster.

Some magic potions really shouldn't be taken lightly...

A good person who is passionate about helping others can only go on to play the role of a homicidal maniac and create one horrific killing incident after another if he accidentally drinks the 'blood magic potion'.

Just like the Witcher, the monster that everyone else avoids, they go after all over the world.

If they don't digest the magic potion, they die!

Human survival instincts are strong, and so far anyway, Eleazar hadn't seen any monsters turned into monsters because of out-of-control magic potions.

He guessed that the person who created the scene of the inverted hanged man might be a Demon Sequence Transcendent.

Such an elaborate plan is nothing more than sacrifice or spreading fear.


Pondering this, he made his way to his assigned room.

Pushing the door open, there were already three boys inside, organizing the floor.

Well, co-habitation...

Eleazar swept a glance at the housemates he'd been sleeping with for the past few days.

Well, they all seem to be quite industrious, so they should be able to get along well.

"Hey, do you live here too?"

The three of them looked back, then a tall, thin boy stood up and smiled in a friendly manner, "We came early, so we thought we'd help organize the sleeping spots first, you won't mind, will you?"

"Don't mind, it's a real pain in the ass."

Eleazar took off his shoes and walked into the room with his luggage.

The tall, skinny boy laughed, "It's pretty much done, why don't you pick a spot first, we don't care anyway."

Eleazar casually glanced at the five neatly arranged floor bunks and casually replied back, "I'm welcome then, I like to sleep against the wall, either side is fine." "The left side then, the right side is near where the window opens, it might be windy at night."

This tall, thin boy was unexpectedly gentle.

Well, not bad looking.

Eleazar smiles slightly and says, "I kinda like the blowing wind, right side then."

The boy snickered, "Looks like you're insecure, I like to sleep in the middle."

Soon the last of the temporary bedrooms arrived.

After all, they were the ones who had been living together for the past few days, and they very kindly introduced each other by name and age in their academic departments.

When it was Eleazar's turn to introduce himself, there were some surprised looks on everyone's faces.

"No wonder you look so familiar, so you're the one who competed together that day, do you remember me!"

Eleazar gave him a hard look and shook his head.

The boy was instantly frustrated.

"Haha, forget it, Gagli, he was in an all-out race, how could he have time to look at anyone else?"

The tall, thin boy, whose name was Sipper, smiled softly and relieved him at this point.

The Astronomy boy whose name was Lujia raised his hand.

"I know you too, you're a big name in our department, abducting our department flower without saying a word."

The boys from their history department chimed in, "Huh, coincidence, he's a big name in our department too, he can often be seen staying with different pretty girls."

Eleazar huffed at once, so his reputation at school was already this hopelessly bad?

Sipper looked at the group enviously, "It's nice that you're all together and I'm the only one who's a lone engineering faculty."

Someone asked curiously, "I heard there aren't many girls in your department, is that true?"

Sipper sighed helplessly, "Hey, don't say that, all of us in the department are brothers, pecs or no pecs."

There was a long and rather lively banter, and Eleazar heard many anecdotes about the school, until it was time to turn out the lights and go to bed, and the group burrowed back under the covers a little too eagerly.

After a long time...

"Is everyone asleep?"

The curtains in the dimly lit room swayed slightly in the evening breeze.


"Can't sleep."

"Coincidentally, so am I."

"I'm not afraid to laugh at you guys, I'm from the village and it's the first time I've been out with everyone like this, so I'm a little excited."

Interrupted from his meditation, Eleazar sighed slightly.

"Why don't I tell a story?"

"Gee, if you want to talk about it, let's all talk about it together."

"Sure, who's first?"

"No, I mean, everyone tells the story together."

"Huh, what kind of play is this?"

Evan from the history department coughed, "It's all about getting a start and then everyone goes along with it and the person who can't figure it out is an idiot."


Sia, who was sleeping on her left side, sat up excitedly and said with gusto, "Then let's start with me!"

He pondered a little.

"A boy who was born in the countryside..."

The next person immediately picked up, "Because the family was very poor when he was growing up, his sister took what she had worn and gave it to him to wear, and even though it was women's clothing, the boy didn't resist it."

"One day it thundered and the big tree in front of the boy's house was split."

"Boys are very good looking and are often mistaken for girls because they wear their sister's clothes."

"There was a great drought, the fields were bare, and the boy starved to death."

Eleazar ended the story with his eyes closed.

The room was silent for a long time...


People are clearly not going to let this game end that quickly.

"The boy was bitten by a snake and died..."

"The boy went to play in the river and drowned..."

"Boy sees justice, but gets stabbed by bully..."

"The boy fell into a hunter's trap by mistake and was killed by the mechanism..."

"Boy killed by car while crossing the street..."

No matter how many times people start over, as soon as the story reaches Eleazar's mouth, it dies in a variety of inexplicable accidents.

Sia on the left had broken down a bit, racking her brain for half a day before she finally came up with a way to get the story going.

"In the graveyard, the boy who was not willing to die like that suddenly came back to life and he became a ghost!"

Next to him, Gagley gave a thumbs up.

They then have started to think about Ghost Boy's daily routine.

Finally the story comes back to Eleazar here.

He opened his eyes lightly, "The rampaging Ghost Boy was found by Witcher and wiped out."

Crowd: "..."

Sipper: "Forget it, go to bed?"

Sia: "Uh-huh."

Eleazar finally got his quiet meditation time back like he wanted.


After a night of silent cultivation, I got up the next day and participated in a group activity.

After breakfast, a large group walked out of the hotel.

Teacher: "Our first ride today is a visit to the museum!"