
Witcher:Blood Sequences

Eleazar, while sorting through his father's legacy, stumbled upon a spellbook. Inside, it detailed various methods for hunting monsters and alchemical formulae. Initially, he dismissed it as a jest, only to grasp the full extent of its mysteries upon discovering the alchemical laboratory. With a humble plea for life, he consumed a potion that symbolized death······

Caaaat · Fantasy
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350 Chs


[Magic potion residue: 450  350]

Once the transformation rituals in his body had subsided, Eleazar rushed off to help dispose of the fae creature corpses.

The commotion of this battle was quite intense, and at any moment, it might attract the Church's acolytes.

And those spectators who escaped earlier, if people had called the police faster, maybe the three of them would have been surrounded by the officials.

Dismember, harvest, destroy, evacuate...

With one last fire to burn down this fake circus of mannequins, the two quickly disappear into the suburbs.

Battle time: 18 minutes.

Consumption: one silver bullet, half a bottle of holy water.

Harvest: a small amount of transcendental phantom scales, gills, half of a siren's spine, some blood of a deep-sea species, and a bottle of transcendental activated blood and meat...

Unfortunately, the dollmaster hadn't mutated completely enough, or perhaps he had too little transcendental activity to support this complete alienation, and there was very little valuable material.

"And I picked this up!"

The witch pulled out a black bowler hat in a juggling act, and at Eleazar's eyebrow-drawing look, gently fastened it on her own head and twirled it around.

"Is it nice~"

Eleazar suddenly sends his hat flying with a vicious punch!

Evelea subconsciously shrunk her head.

"Huh, is there still that much hate?"

She ran out to retrieve the hat, her little face thoughtful.

Eleazar was also silently thinking back to the fight with the magician.

Spinning the silver ring, he found that it was finally back to normal.

Evelea cocked her head.

"Shouldn't you have a silver sword ready too?"

"Silver swords are actually expendable, and if you're not hunting legendary creatures, you're losing money anyways."

Eleazar said quietly, "And I don't have the means to carry it right now."

When one could have carry-on space like the knights and magicians, only then would one have the means to carry such weapons that could not see the light of day.

"Well... The Witch Exchange in Loran sells space crystals, and I've heard that they're exchanged for Legendary Material of the same grade."

"That expensive? And where did that come from under your skirt?"

This guy made space crystals into runes and branded them on his inner thighs, which is fine when you're pulling things out, but is really hot when you're stuffing them in.

"Oh, that's what I get paid for working for the coven." The witch replied flippantly.

Well, needless to say, it must have been taken along on the run.

Then she pounced on her and pouted again.

"Can you make me a transcendental prop now~"

Eleazar glanced at her, "Wait until I get back to configuring fire magic potions."

"Then I'll go too~"

She spoke prettily.

This time Eleazar didn't retort, wondering what he was thinking.


Back at the school's entrance, and about to enter, Eleazar suddenly turned his head as if with a sense of humor, and glanced at the street in the distance.

A few hundred meters away, in front of a bread bakery, bags of bread were strewn about and the owner of the thing was stuffed into a van by several porters.

That moment happened in a matter of seconds, crisp and unerringly professional.

This done, the porters picked up the bread from the floor as if nothing had happened, cleaned up the scene, faked loading and unloading, and drove off.


And that victim, it seems, is Luna-senpai...

"You go ahead and go home, I've got a few things to do."

Eleazar turned to the witch.

Evelea looked up curiously.

"Do you have any more errands to run? I'm coming too!"

"It's almost time for you to get used to being on your own, isn't it?"

"No, I can't get used to it!"

The witch shook her head into a rattle.

"Get back in there and don't make a mess!"

Eleazar knocked her on the head before pulling out and running towards the vehicle that was waiting at a red light.

The green van, which was lined up at the intersection, suddenly had its window knocked on by a youth.

The four people inside turned their heads expressionlessly to look.

Eleazar smiled, "Hello there, have you had lunch yet?"

"Get out!"

"Oh? So you picked up someone else's bread because you didn't eat?"

The four people in the car blushed slightly and looked at each other.

A porter in a ducktail hat poked his head out of the car window and gestured for him to come over for a moment.

Eleazar smiled and approached as if to hear what the other man had to say, only to be suddenly stabbed in the shoulder by the other man pulling out a syringe.


After a half-second of silence, Eleazar closed his eyes, weakened his pulse, and fell headlong.

Several pairs of large hands skillfully held him up and dragged him in through the car window.


Evelea, who was catching up behind her, cocked her head.

She hesitated for a second as the green van suddenly started up and made its way to the top of the road.

"Wait, I haven't gotten in the car yet!"

Eleazar, his mouth taped shut and his hands and feet bound with rope, was thrown into the back of the car through a secret door in the back seat by the men.

The cargo box was dimly lit, the air dull, and the stuff around it swayed slightly as the car lurched.

Eleazar quietly raises a sliver of an eyelid and surveys the situation.

Luna-senpai, who also had her eyes closed tightly, her mouth taped shut, and her hands and feet bound with ropes, was watched over by a man sitting in a chair with a large horse.

A closed lighter that opens and closes in the other's hand.

No transcendental activity could be sensed, but the body was frighteningly strong, the explosive muscles perfectly displayed by the close-fitting shirt.

Eleazar, who had planned to just save the man and go, suddenly developed a twinge of curiosity, intending to probe the other man's purpose.

So reclosing his eyes he silently counted the time.

Driving and bumping for half an hour .... Well, out of town.

As the vehicle drove to the outskirts of the city, the speed increased significantly while the bumps on the ground became more pronounced, and if she hadn't had to pretend to be unconscious, Eleazar would have wanted to switch places with the man on the bench.

After another half hour of driving, the vehicle slowly came to a stop.

Fresh air rushed in, while a light cast from the open compartment door to the eyelids.

"Are we there yet?"

Eleazar muses silently, but hears the conversation.

"What's with the extra man?"

"There's a nosy guy who somehow saw us in action."

"What the hell, are you guys degenerating?"

The two groups were silent for a moment.

"Settle it here?"

"Forget it, there happens to be a shortage of test subjects, take it back and waste it."

Eleazar soon sensed that he had changed places again.

The same bumps, the same cold, stiff floors, another two hours or so of rocky driving...

Well, out of Daron City...

Just as Eleazar was worried about whether he'd make it back in time for further transportation, the vehicle finally stopped.

He was picked up by a choking shoulder.

The air around them suddenly smelled of soot.

It's the smell of the industrial park...

Eleazar raised his eyelids a fraction of an inch quietly, realizing he hadn't been wrong.

The grid enclosure in front of us is tall, with several giant semi-circular containers more than ten meters high with mottled exterior paint and a chimney spewing smoke.

He and Luna-senpai were then thrown into a cramped cargo crate, their bodies pressed tightly together, and transported over the slight bumps to the unknown place that the kidnappers had claimed to be, the unknown place where they were said to be consuming the experimental subjects.