
Witcher at Hogwarts

In a magical collision of worlds, Ethan, a battle-hardened Witcher, transmigrates into the world of Harry Potter. The once solitary monster slayer now navigates the halls of Hogwarts, where spells replace his silver sword. As an enigmatic figure, Ethan brings the Witcher's code to a world of wands and wizardry. Caught between two disparate realms, he must unravel the mysteries of Hogwarts while facing the impending danger that threatens both worlds. This is a tale where the steel of a Witcher meets the magic of Hogwarts, forging an unparalleled adventure at the intersection of two extraordinary realms. *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. Just found the CNnovel and translated it here to increase my vocabulary, and English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Dark_Sym. Original Author - light ink fragrance

Dark_Symphony · Book&Literature
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203 Chs

Rita Skeeter! I caught you!

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After sending Tonks off, Ethan dressed and found Rita Skeeter's address in her profile.

In the Ministry of Magic's lobby, Ethan grabbed a handful of Floo powder and threw it into the fireplace.

"Diagon Alley," Ethan said.

The green flame engulfed Ethan instantly, and after a whirl, Ethan came to the Leaky Cauldron.

Leaky Cauldron Bar was relatively deserted, and the environment was still as dirty as before. A few older women sat in the corner of the bar and drank sherry in small glasses.

In the seat by the door were two filthy wizards, one of whom was smoking a long pipe.

The two were playing wizard chess but were distracted and yawning.

"Mr. Ethan! You're here!" Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, said in surprise, Ethan is a rare visitor.

"Well, I'll have something to do," Ethan said. Tom was a little disappointed that Ethan didn't plan to stay for dinner.

Ethan has only been on the Daily Prophet and has recently become famous in the wizarding circle. Tom thinks that if Ethan can sit for a while, he might be able to leave a lot of guests for himself.

"By the way, please save me a room." Ethan took out three galleons and placed them on the bar counter.

"I may be staying here for a while. These are for my room and meal bills. If I run out, I'll make up for it," Ethan told Tom.

"Okay, no problem, Mr. Ethan. I'll leave you the best room." Tom smiled like a flower, and now he could earn much money.

After solving the accommodation problem, Ethan walked to the wall and tapped on it to enter Diagon Alley. As the wall slowly slid away, Ethan entered Diagon Alley.

Following Rita Skeeter's home address, Ethan quickly found her home.

Rita Skeeter's house was as annoying as her own.

The walls outside the house were painted the same green as her clothes.

Ethan stepped forward and knocked on the door,

After a while, Rita Skeeter opened the door and looked outside suspiciously.

She was still wearing jeweled glasses, but her hair was undressed and draped over her shoulders.

Finding Ethan standing at the door, Rita Skeeter smiled warmly.

"Mr. Ethan! Welcome! Are you here for an exclusive interview? Come in." Rita Skeeter shouted in surprise.

She grabbed Ethan's arm and pulled Ethan closer to her room involuntarily.

As soon as he entered the door, Ethan found a display cabinet that Rita Skeeter had kept on the most prominent part of the wall at the entrance.

It is filled with medals, certificates, and medals she won, which can be seen at first sight almost as long as someone comes in.

Seeing that Ethan was looking at her display cabinet, Rita Skeeter immediately introduced herself.

"These are some of the honors I've won in the past and are not worth mentioning." After that, Rita Skeeter humbly gathered her long hair.

Ethan said nothing, sliding his fingers across the smooth glass surface of the display case.

Rita Skeeter felt strange, but this feeling quickly passed from her heart.

"Mr. Ethan, come and sit down." Rita Skeeter grabbed Ethan's arm and dragged him to her reception room.

The reception room's keynote was purple, with luxurious purple curtains, soft carpets, soft and comfortable sofas, and a bar displaying many drinks.

"Mr. Ethan, what would you like to drink? You can refresh yourself because I have many questions to ask you!" Rita Skeeter said to herself throughout the process.

After speaking, Rita Skeeter clapped her hands, and the tea set on the bar moved automatically.

Grinding and brewing coffee are all controlled by magic, and this furniture set in the reception room costs a lot of money.

Rita Skeeter has indeed made a lot of money by relying on spoofing.

Ethan looked at Rita Skeeter, who was still jumping up and down with a smile, wondering if she would be able to laugh later.

"So now, can the interview begin?" Rita Skeeter was sitting on the sofa, not knowing when she took out her notebook and the dark green shorthand quill.

"Miss Rita Skeeter, I came to see you today for something else." Ethan looked at Rita Skeeter with a smile. Although the corner of his mouth was smiling, his eyes were not—they were a piece of ice cold.

"Oh, what's that?" Rita Skeeter asked curiously.

"Rita Skeeter! I know what you are. Follow me quietly!" Ethan suddenly stood up from the sofa and yelled at Rita Skeeter.

Rita Skeeter was startled by Ethan. The coffee container that was being brewed suddenly lost control, and the bells fell to the ground with a clatter, and all shattered.

"Mr. Ethan, what are you talking about? I don't understand." Rita Skeeter's face paled from shock.

"I have sufficient evidence, Rita Skeeter; you are an illegal Animagus!" Ethan said sharply.

Rita Skeeter's face turned pale when she heard Ethan's words, but he still planned to continue to hold on.

"Mr. Ethan, I'm not some illegal Animagus; you are slandering me; I can sue you!"

Rita Skeeter put on a rugged look to encourage herself.

"Oh? You mean it's fake that you became a beetle to spy on other people's privacy." Ethan showed a cold smile.

Rita Skeeter sucked in a breath. She knew that Ethan could know such secret information. It seemed that he was indeed prepared.

"I don't know what you're talking about--Mr. Ethan" Rita Skeeter's words were starting to lose their confidence.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it now. When you go to the Ministry of Magic and use a few detection spells, everything will be clear," Ethan said.

"You can't do that," Rita Skeeter's voice trembled. As a reporter, she lives entirely by her fame.

If she were caught in the Ministry of Magic, then the career she had worked so hard for decades would come to nothing instantly, and for the first time, Rita Skeeter felt boundless fear.

Suppose Ethan tells others about her spying on other people's privacy by turning into a beetle. This would have serious consequences for her life.

It's likely that some of the "big guys" she's reported on before will also come to her accounts.

Rita Skeeter's brain was running fast, and she quickly realized it.

If Ethan wanted to arrest her, he could arrest her as soon as he arrived.

But Ethan waited a long time before he mentioned this matter; obviously, there were other purposes.

"Maybe we can talk, Mr. Ethan." Rita Skeeter took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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