
Witcher at Hogwarts

In a magical collision of worlds, Ethan, a battle-hardened Witcher, transmigrates into the world of Harry Potter. The once solitary monster slayer now navigates the halls of Hogwarts, where spells replace his silver sword. As an enigmatic figure, Ethan brings the Witcher's code to a world of wands and wizardry. Caught between two disparate realms, he must unravel the mysteries of Hogwarts while facing the impending danger that threatens both worlds. This is a tale where the steel of a Witcher meets the magic of Hogwarts, forging an unparalleled adventure at the intersection of two extraordinary realms. *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. Just found the CNnovel and translated it here to increase my vocabulary, and English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Dark_Sym. Original Author - light ink fragrance

Dark_Symphony · Book&Literature
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209 Chs


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"Hermione, I don't think—"

"That could be a big mistake—"

But Hermione's eyes gleamed with an iron-like determination, reminiscent of Professor McGonagall at times.

"The decoction wouldn't work without Crabbe and Goyle's hair," she asserted firmly. "You're trying to outwit Malfoy, aren't you?"

"Okay, okay," Harry acquiesced, "but what's your plan? Whose hair are you going to pull?"

"I've got mine," Hermione said happily, extracting a small bottle from her pocket and revealing a hair inside.

"Remember when Millicent was grappling with me at the dueling club? She left this on my dress while attempting to grab my neck. We'll do it during Christmas break. Millicent must be home for Christmas, and I'll inform the Slytherins that I've decided to return."

Ethan returned to the centaurs while the three young wizards plotted their grand scheme. Unsurprisingly, Ethan received a warm welcome from the centaurs. To honor the four heroes, the centaurs organized another festive competition, featuring grand bonfire parties, garlands adorning Ethan's neck one after another, and various centaurs offering toasts with potent fruit wine of unknown brewing methods.

Despite the witcher's resistance to intoxication, the onslaught of numerous centaurs finally took its toll, and Ethan succumbed to inebriation. Observing the dazed Ethan, the centaurs eventually let him be.

Leaning against the trunk of a large tree, Ethan gazed at the centaurs joyfully dancing around the fire. He relished the rare sensation of being intoxicated by alcohol, a feeling seldom experienced by witchers.

The bothersome Margaery once again interrupted the merriment, beckoning Ethan into a secluded grove. "Witcher, thank you for everything you've done for us centaurs. I believe it's time to repay you," Margery said to Ethan with a smile.

Ethan looked forward to the rewards from the centaurs. Judging by the unicorn tail hair they gave earlier, it was evident that the centaurs were generous.

Margery produced a conch from the quiver and handed it to Ethan. Ethan took the conch, a bit perplexed. Examining it, he found nothing special, and his witcher pendant didn't react, indicating the absence of magic on the conch.

Ethan held the conch with a touch of confusion. If Margery hadn't previously given him unicorn hair, he might have considered that Margery was playing a prank with a worthless item.

Margery appeared to enjoy observing Ethan's perplexed interaction with the conch. After letting Ethan play with it in amazement, Margery finally spoke, "This isn't just any ordinary conch, witcher. Blow it by the Black Lake, and I believe you'll be pleasantly surprised when you uncover the mystery yourself, don't you think?" Margery gave Ethan a wink.

Ethan eyed Margery with a hint of caution. Margery now seemed like a crafty old trickster. Ethan feared he would blow the broken conch by the Black Lake, expecting something miraculous, only to be left looking foolish. He worried that upon returning to the centaur tribe after being deceived, he'd find Margery had led the centaurs to flee collectively.

However, considering the substantial amount of unicorn hair still in his bag, Ethan found it improbable that a centaur would invest so much effort in deceiving him.

Throughout the remainder of the bonfire party, Margery warmly welcomed Ethan, nearly inseparable from him. Ethan noticed that Margery deliberately kept him apart from his daughter Anna, and Ethan could always sense Anna's resentful glares whenever she looked at him and her father.

The centaurs' celebration persisted until dawn. Anna seized opportunities to dance with Ethan a few times during the festivities. However, whenever the two sought to engage in "deeper" communication, Margery would conveniently appear nearby and find various reasons to separate them forcefully.

Under Margery's persistent interference, nothing significant occurred between Ethan and Anna. As the bonfire party concluded, the sky was already bright. Bane, Ronan, Firenze, Margery, and Anna came to bid farewell to Ethan. Bane, with his wartime camaraderie, and Ronan and Firenze, reluctantly embraced Ethan one by one, expressing their goodbyes. They insisted that Ethan should call on them if he faced any trouble in the future and needed assistance in battle. Ethan chuckled and agreed to their repeated requests.

Just as Ethan was about to bid farewell to Margery, Anna suddenly leaped into Ethan's arms, giving him a tight hug. After planting a light kiss on his cheek, she released him, playfully teasing Ethan's palm with her fingernails before darting away, ignoring her father's complex gaze.

The scene became slightly awkward. Bane suddenly found great interest in the wood patterns on his bow and arrow, lowering his head to scrutinize them. Ronan gazed up at the sky, pretending to observe the stars, even though it was bright and no stars could be seen. Firenze did his best to fade into the background, repeatedly counting the petals of a small yellow flower at his feet.

Only Ethan and Margery exchanged embarrassed glances. The sensation of the girl's moist lips on Ethan's face lingered, and with the girl's father staring at him from across the way, Ethan's usual composure might have wavered if not for the emotional dampening caused by his witcher mutation.

Finally, Margery broke the silence, uttering farewell words in dry, diplomatic language. The incredibly awkward situation was at last coming to an end. Ethan had never felt so nervous, even when facing the acromantulas.

Margery awkwardly gestured a stiff farewell with his hand, revealing the valley covering the entrance to the centaur tribe. Without looking back, Ethan swiftly departed from the centaur tribe.

Witnessing Ethan's departure, Bane, Ronan, and Firenze took the opportunity to make their excuses and leave the scene. Left alone at the door, Margery appeared to be questioning his life choices.

Ethan stepped on the snow-covered ground, going through the Forbidden Forest toward Hogwarts Castle. Along the way, he intentionally avoided Hagrid's hut. He felt it was not the right time for him and Hagrid to cross paths.

Carefully avoiding Hagrid's cabin, Ethan headed toward Hogwarts Castle with a sense of satisfaction. His witch hunt had been remarkably fruitful, especially in selling unicorn hair and eight-eyed spider venom. It was a windfall that promised to improve his distressed financial situation significantly.

And as for Tom Riddle, who had been confined in a closet for so long, Ethan believed it was time to converse with him.

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