
Witcher at Hogwarts

In a magical collision of worlds, Ethan, a battle-hardened Witcher, transmigrates into the world of Harry Potter. The once solitary monster slayer now navigates the halls of Hogwarts, where spells replace his silver sword. As an enigmatic figure, Ethan brings the Witcher's code to a world of wands and wizardry. Caught between two disparate realms, he must unravel the mysteries of Hogwarts while facing the impending danger that threatens both worlds. This is a tale where the steel of a Witcher meets the magic of Hogwarts, forging an unparalleled adventure at the intersection of two extraordinary realms. *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. Just found the CNnovel and translated it here to increase my vocabulary, and English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Dark_Sym. Original Author - light ink fragrance

Dark_Symphony · Book&Literature
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203 Chs

At the Ministry of Magic

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Looking at the bustling street, Tonks looked a little dazed. She took out the note again and double-checked it. After a while, Tonks finally confirmed the exact location, turned, and led Ethan into a fork.

As the two walked forward, the buildings on both sides of the street gradually became less majestic, and the tall buildings turned into low huts.

Finally, the two came to a lonely side street with only a few shabby-looking offices, a tavern, and an overturned trash can, where a black cat dug through the trash to eat and saw Tonks. He let out a hoot and ran away.

Tonks looked around and seemed to be looking for something, and finally, she found a worn red phone booth, "Haha, we're here." Tonks said happily; she had been worrying about whether she had gone the wrong way.

Several pieces of glass were missing from the dirty-looking phone booth, and a smeared wall was behind it.

Tonks took two steps forward, opened the phone booth door, walked in, saw Ethan still standing outside, and waved to Ethan, motioning for Ethan to come in.

Ethan had no choice but to walk into the phone booth. The phone booth was tiny, and Ethan was tall. So when Ethan squeezed into the phone booth, Ethan's and Tonk's bodies were inevitably tightly attached.

Ethan could feel curves under Tonk's loose coat.

Tonks had never had such intimate contact with a man before; her face turned red instantly, and even her hair turned red. Because of the limited space, Tonks could only face Ethan face to face. Her nervous eyes rolled around, not daring to meet Ethan's eyes.

Only Tonks' heavy breathing was in the tiny phone booth for a while.

After a while, Tonks finally remembered the purpose of their entry. Tonks reached for the phone in the phone booth. The phone was hanging from the wall crookedly. It seemed that a vandal once tried to force it.

Tonks went to pick up the microphone through Ethan, but this action looked more ambiguous; it looked like Tonks was about to hug Ethan, and Ethan could feel Tonks' breath hitting his cheek superior.

Tonks tried to raise the microphone above his head, looking at the dial, "Let me see, six...two...four...four...two."

As the dial whirled back to its original position, a woman's indifferent voice came from the phone booth, but it was not from Mr. Weasley's microphone. It was loud and clear like an invisible woman stood beside them.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic; please state your name and actions."

Tonks tried his best to calm his voice, "Nymphadora Tonks, Department of Magical Law Enforcement, accompanying Hogwarts Professor Ethan to the award ceremony of the Second Order of the Merlin."

"Thank you," said the woman's indifferent voice, "Guest, please pick up the badge and don't put it in front of your clothes."

After a tinkling sound, a square badge slipped out of the metal chute of the phone's coin return slot.

Ethan picked it up: it was a square silver badge with the award of the Second Order of the Order of Sir Ethan Merlin.

Ethan pinned the badge in front of the trench coat, and the woman's voice sounded again, "Visitor of the Ministry of Magic, you need to be checked at the security checkpoint and register your wand. The security checkpoint is at the end of the main hall."

The phone booth floor trembled suddenly, and Ethan and Tonks slowly sank into the ground.

The pavement outside the glass window of the phone booth rose higher and higher until the last two were in darkness above their heads. Nothing could be seen except for the monotonous, harsh rubbing of the phone booth as it sank into the ground.

Only Tonks' breathing could be heard in the darkness, and Ethan felt that Tonks' body was shaking slightly.

After about a minute, a thin golden light hit his feet, and then the golden light gradually widened and expanded to the two of them, finally hitting their faces.

"The Ministry of Magic wishes you a great day," said the woman's voice. The phone booth door swung open.

Tonks rushed out of the phone booth impatiently; her hair was messy, her face was still red, and even her ears were red. Tonks didn't speak; she was trying hard to adjust her emotions.

To avoid embarrassment, Ethan had to look around at the surroundings. They stood at one end of a long and splendid hall with a brightly polished dark wooden floor.

The peacock blue ceiling is inlaid with glittering golden symbols, constantly moving and changing, like a vast high-altitude bulletin board.

The walls on all four sides are lined with jet black and shiny dark wood planks, and many gilded fireplaces are embedded in the wood planks. Usually, this place should be bustling, and wizards will line up from here.

Now, the area around the fireplace is surrounded by a strip of cloth, and several black house-elves are cleaning the fireplace's chimney.

A fountain in the middle of the hall is a group of pure gold statues erected in a circular pool, more significant than a natural person. The tallest was a dignified sorcerer, holding his wand high to the sky.

Around him were a beautiful witch, a centaur, a goblin, and a house elf, and the centaurs, goblins, and house elves all looked up at the two wizards with infinite admiration.

Columns of shining water shot from the tip of the wizard's wand, from the centaur's arrow, from the tip of the goblin's hat, and out of the house elf's ears.

There were clattering sounds of water, the popping sounds of Apparitions, and the chaotic footsteps of hundreds of witches and wizards.

With the deadly expressions on their faces characteristic of the morning, they strode towards the row of golden doors across the hall.

"Let's go this way." Tonks finally adjusted her emotions and tried to maintain a calm expression to hide her inner panic.

Ethan followed Tonks' direction and entered the flow of people coming and going. As he passed the fountain, he saw many gleaming silver sickles and copper nuts under the pool, next to a small stained sign that said Author: All Fountain of Magic Brothers proceeds are donated to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Sickness.

Ethan touched his pocket and threw in two silver sickles; Tonks grabbed a handful of copper nuts and threw them in.

"Here, Ethan," Tonks called to Ethan, and the two left the Ministry of Magic staff crowd, walking towards the golden gate.

At a table on the left, he stopped under a sign that read "Security Check."

A young wizard in a gray robe and pale blond hair sat there. At this time, he was staring in a daze at the witch statue on the fountain.

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